2011-3-11 PM10 停電中の我が家にてmy house left without electricity
今回も時間が経つにつれ その被害の大きさが明らかにされて
なんとも 恐ろしく 心が痛みます。
多くの亡くなられた方々に 心より哀悼の意を捧げます。
私事ですが 我が家の関係者は皆無事でありました。
震災後の経過や 私自身がもう少し落ち着くまで このブログを暫く お休みします。
Like most of the major earthquakes, as time passes devastating damage has been
Terrible and tragic…I feel restless in pain.
I’d like to offer my condolences to the victims of the disaster.
I hope the situation will better as soon as possible and I will do what I can do.
Personally, all of my family and relatives were safe fortunately.
Now, I’d like to watch the course of the aftermath.
I’ll suspend to post this blog until regaining my composure.