はまなす Sweetbrier Photo by NORIKO
そのあたりを過ぎると いつも煙草のことばかり
しかし 夜ビールを飲んでいる時や 友人との飲み会は
見栄かもしれません。 つづく
For two weeks after I entirely quit it, there was not a day that went by
without awareness about smoking, which was really tough.
But after the period of it, I became unconscious of smoking.
However, while I was drinking beer or I had a drinking session with friends
I still had hard time.
Why could I control myself?
My pride might force me to do it.
Or I might put up a good front in order not to be said by others
“You don’t have got the guts for it as expected”

義母制作タペストリー 札幌冬の西線と市電 Tram, Winter in Sapporo

見栄って、 すごい力なんですね。
自分の中にある見栄って嫌いで、 卑しんでさえ居たけれど、 こんな力があるのなら、 少し見直します☆☆☆