北海道の風力発電 Wind Power in Hokkaido Photo by NORIKO
禁煙した手順ですが 急に止めると健康に良くないと思い
徐々に減らして 3月末までに1日に2~3本という
かなり..... いや非常に......
想い余って努力のすべてを諦めて 10本位まとめて
38年間の「ツケ」は甘くはありませんでした。 つづく
This is the step of my " giving up smoking"
I thought it might be harmful to the health to stop it suddenly.
Since in the end of January two years ago
.....at that time I smoked 40 cigarettes a day.....
I had gradually decreased them.
By the end of March, I was successful in reduction to
a couple of cigarettes a day.
This process was not so hard.
At this stage, all I have to do was entirely quit or resume.
And I did the former....fairly....very....no, no,
extremely hard time I had.
I nearly lit and inhaled 10 of cigarettes at the same time.
I had to pay for 38-year-smoking.

義母制作タペストリー 北大の銀杏.
Ginkgo trees in Hokkaido University

温かいそばと冷たいそば 一度に両方食べるのが好きです。
でもさすがに最近は お店では注文しません。
食べきれなくなったので..... 情けない.......
Soba noodle lunch for greedy folks
I like to have hot soba and cold one together.
But I havn't ordered both all at once in soba restaurant.
It's a shame I can't eat all any more.

それに比べて、 うちの夫は可哀想です☆☆☆