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[Romance of the ancient shrine of Izumo Taisha / Good Japanese house ㊳-4]
I have seen the high-rise buildings of Jomon and Yayoi, and the basic woodworking tools and stone axes derived from the Stone Age.
At the Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum exhibition, the era shifts to the architecture of Horyuji Temple.
However, it was hard to understand it.
Before the power of the Yamato court was confirmed and the architectural culture developed in the Kinai area
After all, there was an era of eight million gods, and I think there was Izumo culture as a representative.
And the architecture of Shitennoji and Horyu-ji is based on the imported "guardian state" idea.
The architecture of the archipelago society, which is strongly influenced by Buddhism, is the ancient shrine architecture.
It should not seem to suggest that aspect.
In that sense, the mahoroba and Izumo of shrine architecture are solitary in Japanese history.
The period of the first source is the period that appears in the description of Kiki,
It may be possible to go back to before the establishment of the Yamato kingship.
Even in the records that remain in historical books, it is already described as "old case" in the middle of the Heian period.
Okuninushi handed over the country, and in return he hoped for a "temple with a height that reaches heaven."
There remains a myth that the Yamato royal authority accepted the offer and built it.
At the time of its construction, it is said that there was a description of a terrible height of 32 heights (96 m).
In the description of Tamenori Minamoto's "Kuchiyu-Kuchizusami-" written in 970
It is said that it exceeds the Great Buddha Hall (15 length) in Nara, so the 16 length (48 m) of the company biography is
It is said to be almost valid.
According to "Restoration of the main shrine of ancient Izumo Taisha"
Focus on the restoration research of ancient Izumo Taisha by Obayashi Corporation,
The progress of the research trace led to the new discovery of a huge posthole in the precincts of Izumo Taisha Shrine in 2000.
It is said that it proved the correctness of the description of the design plan of the old company building called "Kinwa Zoukeizu".
The point is the giant tree of the pillar used. Below Shimane Prefectural Ancient Izumo History Museum HP strong> From a>.
~ From 2000 to 2001, 3 large trees of Sugi were made into a set from the precincts of Izumo Taisha Shrine.
Huge pillars with a diameter of about 3 m were found in three places. This is one of them
The pillars that support the ridge, that is, the pillars that support the ridge, have long been called Uzubashira.
Thanks to the abundant groundwater flowing underground in the precincts, it miraculously retained its appearance at that time and was excavated.
In the pillar hole with a maximum diameter of about 6 m, there is a large stone that is the size of a human head or larger.
It was packed tightly, and the underground structure of the excavated pillar, which is unprecedented in the world, was revealed. ~
The thickest "Iwane Onbashira" has a direct line of 3.6m and a height of 36m.
The other pillars are also huge, with a direct line of 3m and a height of 36-42m.
The length of the "Hikibashi" that goes up to the high-rise building is one town (109m, 170 steps).
It was confirmed that the description of Kojiki and Nihon Shoki was a factual architecture.
Regarding the huge size of 3.6m of this pillar material, three lumbers over 1m are made of iron material called "Kinwa".
It is said that it was a huge pillar that was tightened and tied together. This technology remains as it is
This is a technology that has become a key factor because it has the name of a blueprint called "Kinwa Zoukei-zu".
The reason why I didn't mention this Izumo Taisha shrine in the exhibition at Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum is
Respect for the research results of Obayashi Corporation of other companies in the same industry and the academic research that it caused
I think I dared to go through it.
As if the high-rise building of Sannai Maruyama was a technology that mobilized the best knowledge of the stone age of the previous era
For me, this Izumo temple has the Jomon high-rise building technology and digging pillar technology of Sannai Maruyama.
I have a strong impression that it was established by unique evolution.
It is said that the Izumo Taisha Shrine has repeatedly collapsed in history,
It is said that it has been rebuilt faithfully to the ancient style each time.
Is Izumo no Okuni during the Warring States period also a business that promotes this reconstruction cost? According to Ryotaro Shiba
The name Izumo is said to have been synonymous with "beautiful and prestigious."
It is unknown how long the construction of the Izumo Temple dates back to the first place.
From Sannai Maruyama, which was imagined 10,000 years ago, to the middle of imported building technology and temple buildings in Kinai
This Izumo is located, and it seems that the essence of Japan's unique architectural technology has been disciplined.