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Fashion has been a woman's domain since the Stone Age. 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Islands - 5
Hey mom, I want to be able to make more beautiful clothes (sparkles). Women's strong desire for beauty, DNA...
The hunting of animals, the main "livelihood" of the Stone Age
This makes us think about the various production activities that originated from it.
Today, we will discuss the process of "tanning" animal hides to produce clothing.
A diorama and photos of the northern people who maintain their hunting traditions even today.
The process of transforming animal hides into clothing by combining wood and stone tools and devising tools.
〜Many stone tools for leather tanning have been found at Paleolithic sites.
For humans living in the last ice age, which was colder than the present day, it was important to have warm clothing for protection from the cold.
Fur was especially important for making warm clothing for protection against the cold.
In the case of the northern peoples who still exist today, such tanning was the work of women. 〜The tannery was located in the northern region of the country.
The diorama above shows a mother and her child.
The diorama above shows a mother, a girl, and two people who appear to be girls.
The mother may be applying red pigment to a large piece of leather, or she may be working on it.
Or she may be working on it.
The girl appears to be working on the leather with a needle and thread in her hand.
Both of them are wearing rawhide clothing.
Weaving garments was a female labor area even in later human periods.
In the beginning, women have been responsible for the division of labor according to gender in areas related to fashion.
It is a universal fact of human history that women have been responsible for fashion.
"Wow, I can do it too, I did it!
"Oh, you're getting good at needlework.
"You're so good with your hands and you're just like me, I'm sure you'll make great clothes.
"Yes, I can!"
On the other hand, a woman from the modern northern tribe demonstrates how to tan a hide.
A woman demonstrates the tanning of reindeer hides with a scraper (a blade that scrapes off deposits on the outer surface of the hides).
The tanner is using a scraper (a blade or spatula-like tool to scrape or scrape off deposits on the outer surface) to scrape the leather from the reindeer feet.
The movement is also a physical exercise with a sense of rationality.
The final product of the work was imagined as he worked toward a better product.
It is an extremely human figure, as if he is praying to the leather at hand.
And as reader N always points out, the "needle and thread" as the greatest invention of mankind
The needle and thread" as the greatest invention of mankind is located at the origin of this fashion.
〜The oldest needle in the world was discovered in Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Russia.
The needle also has a needle hole for thread, and radiocarbon dating has revealed that it was made 50,000 years ago.
Radiocarbon dating revealed that it was made 50,000 years ago. The needle is 7.6 cm long and made from bird bone.
This needle is thought to have been used for sewing fur to make clothing in the extreme cold of Siberia.
The shape of the needle is also similar to that we use today. The shape of the needles is exactly the same as the needles we use today.
The shape of the needles is exactly the same as the needles we use today. <From the website of Bankoku Seihin Co.
It is clear that "cold weather" was an important environmental factor in the development of human history. .......