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Ornaments and Spiritual Traces to Death: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago - 6
Respect for the spirit of the ancients through the things they left behind. The inescapable conflict between life and death. The history of the spirit of belief. The history of the heart that believes in life and death.
The challenge of imaginative reconstruction that reconstructs the social reality of Stone Age man.
The frontier of research development based on modern archaeology strongly stimulates our imagination.
A major part of human history is the inescapable attitude toward death.
This is the part of human spirituality and imagination that eventually took the form of religion.
What happens after death? the human response to the eternal unknown.
Even in the age of stone tools, we can see a residential social structure and, so to speak, the economy of that society.
We are beginning to be able to see the economy of such societies. The greatest asset of a society is the human being himself.
Individuals who had gained a variety of experiences and had the wisdom to survive before reaching adulthood were
would have been a leader in society.
The accumulated experience and knowledge of an individual is itself an irreplaceable guideline for social behavior.
When such an individual was lost in the form of death, society would have buried him.
This can be understood as the most fundamental human activity.
At the "Yunosato 4 Site" in Chouchi-machi, Kamiiso County, Hokkaido, approximately 20,000 years ago, a 1-meter-long earthen mound that appears to be a "tomb" was found.
A grave pit (a grave with a hole dug in the ground), which appears to be a "tomb," was discovered at the Yunosato 4 Site in Chinai-cho, Kamiiso County, Hokkaido, approximately 20,000 years ago.
This burial mound was covered with red pigment, and jades, stone blades, and stone blade nuclei were also found.
<Stone blades are long, slender, flaked stone tools with nearly parallel blades on both sides.
The stone blade is made by processing a rough stone to an appropriate size and removing longitudinal flakes (stone blade technique).
Stone blades of the same standard were produced in large quantities. 〜It is probably the largest tool of the Stone Age. >The dead continue to live on after death.
Was it offered to the dead so that they would not be troubled with tools for surviving after death?
The idea was that the dead would have "activities" even after death.
The idea of having tools for this purpose implies "belief" in the afterlife.
Red is the most fundamental symbolic color in the human sense of color.
The idea of coloring with it is somewhat understandable.
The photo shows a line-engraved stone tablet from the Kuroiwa site in Ehime Prefecture, Japan, dated around 14,500 years ago.
In Europe, Paleolithic people painted cave murals, carved animal paintings on stone tablets, and made horned female statues.
They also carved animal paintings on stone tablets and made horned female statues. In the Japanese archipelago, there are stone products and painted "line-engraved" gravels that are believed to be female statues.
In the Japanese archipelago, there are stone artifacts and gravels that have been "line-engraved" in the form of paintings. What kind of prayers were put into them?
What kind of human psychology was expressed by the shapes and line engravings?
The oldest known "clay figurines," dating from around 13,000 years ago, also depicted feminine breasts.
The sacredness of the act of childbirth is imprinted in the base consciousness of humankind.
The world of consciousness, which is the rebirth of life along with death and reincarnation, has been imprinted on the human race as a subconscious that transcends the everyday.
It is thought that this world of consciousness, which transcends everyday life, has become universalized in humankind as a subconscious awareness.
When I was young, I was once mired in the materialistic historical view that "religion is a drug.
However, as I continue to look at the history of mankind in this way, I am reminded of the reality of the spirit of our ancestors.
I cannot help but feel a great discrepancy with the reality of the minds of our predecessors.