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Aztec Civilization Documentation in Pictographs: Ancient Mexico - 12
Japan, an island nation, was invaded but maintained its independence and was the first country to be occupied in the war against the U.S., but it maintained its national identity. The Aztecs failed to maintain their own culture. The Aztecs were not able to maintain their own culture.
The project is to contrast the Aztec civilization with the Japanese side of history. Japanese history has no experience of conquest from other countries before the Pacific War. The exception is the current acceptance of Western culture after the U.S. occupation, and I cannot raise any direct examples in Japanese history prior to that.
Perhaps Japan's defeat against the U.S. will be discussed in the future from the perspective of human history. An intermediate summary of this up to the present day would be that it was a far greater success for the U.S. than expected and can be positioned as the starting point of the American dream of one-power domination of the world.
Above all, the "war results" of a mature nation, Japan, were unattainable for them. Although the success of the Japanese experience led to their subsequent deployment overseas to Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East, it cannot be said that they obtained the same war results as in the case of Japan.
The invasion of Japan by the Yuan Dynasty could be cited as another example, but it would have been extremely difficult for the Yuan to invade the island nation of Japan, and long-term conquest would have been difficult. The Aztecs also had peninsular geographical conditions, and the Spanish conquistadors must have been thinking of various ways to control the Aztecs. However, the colonization of the Aztecs was achieved in no time.
It is said that a fleet of 200,000 conquistadors was dispatched during the Japanese invasion of Japan, but considering the supply lines that had to be secured, there is a big question mark over how to maintain control even if the war was won, and whether Yuan really had that level of strategic thinking.
The Aztecs, the area that became the foundation of present-day Mexico City, were ruled by Spain, the most powerful nation at the time, which had an expansionist orientation westward across the Atlantic Ocean during the Age of Discovery. A nomadic force of about 300 men, not based on a full-fledged national will and command, led to the destruction of the Aztecs, a powerful military state.
Apparently, the Aztecs must have had a considerable amount of self-destructive factors stacked up within them. It is also said that the spread of plague made it difficult to maintain warfare and the state system.
The above illustration is a page from the Codex Mendoza, which is said to be a "report on the Aztec Empire" sent to the king of Spain by Admiral Mendoza, who was dispatched by Spain to rule the region politically. The history is written in Aztec pictographs. The bird in the center represents a passage from the Aztec founding myth.
In the case of Japan, the emperor was the first priority, and the U.S. accepted it and maintained the culture as the mentality of the nation.