それに対して北海道のX、twitterアカウントで「冷静に考えてください」というような意見を発出したところ、異例なまでにバズって、2000万くらいにまで反響数が伸びているとのこと。〜「OSO18」を駆除したハンターに「クマがかわいそう」の抗議相次ぐ ⇒ 北海道庁が声明「捕獲は地域の安全に欠かせないもの」〜

English version⬇
[Hokkaido's abundant nature and human society, the rules of coexistence
A response of slander from some people to a hunter who exterminated a dangerous brown bear OSO18. As a citizen of Hokkaido, I would like to ask you to "think calmly. ...
This summer has been a hot and humid one, and although September is now in its final stage, it has become quite chilly in the mornings and evenings in Sapporo. Every morning, I put on a jumper when I go out for a walk.
Recently, information was circulating that OSO18, a highly renowned brown bear individual that had been causing damage from livestock attacks in the eastern part of Hokkaido, had been exterminated, but afterwards, the person who killed it, who is also a government employee, received numerous harassing phone calls even to his home, which was an impossible anomalous reaction.
In response to this, Hokkaido's X, issued an opinion on its twitter account, saying, "Please think calmly," and the buzz was unusually strong, with the number of responses growing to about 20 million.
This is a picture of the path I take every morning. This location is also in close proximity to the sacred torii gate of the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, and there was information of a brown bear appearing here early this spring.
Naturally, as a member of the public, this made us think about taking more careful measures. We have been taking measures such as changing our walking routes to safer areas for a while and gradually shifting them to less early morning hours after a certain period of time.
The brown bears are renewing themselves at a much faster rate than we are, so they are becoming much less aware of the dangers of human society. If the level of "danger warning" on the part of humans declines too much, unrestrained cross-border activities will be repeated.
Nature has many faces and harsh aspects. I believe that human society should live in harmony with nature in such circumstances. We must consider the appropriate level of coexistence with brown bears. As a human society, it is absolutely necessary to ensure a defensive response to those who would harm us. On top of that, I believe that we must come to an "accommodation" with nature.
Extermination is the most important way of communicating rules to help human society and nature come to terms with each other. It is a clear statement of human will toward the brown bear as a species. They are smart. I believe that warnings from human society will be conveyed to them.
We human beings live in the midst of nature. In order to ensure the safety of human society, I believe that we must make the necessary rules.