

【飛鳥宮「跡地整理」タイムカプセル化 奈良・飛鳥探索-10】

2022-04-25 05:26:58 | 日記




English version⬇

Asuka Palace "Site Arrangement" Time Capsule Exploration of Asuka, Nara - 10
The wooden construction method, which allows for the recyclability of construction materials, may have strongly influenced the relationship and culture between the Japanese royalty and the people. ...

The more we explore the Asuka Palace, the more we are reminded of the "Mahoroba" of the Japanese nation.
As I was visiting from a remote place, I let my questions flow freely at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara.
I am sorry to say that I asked a lot of questions to the curator of the museum.
I was very grateful to the curators for their courteous response.
I mainly asked questions about the "garden pond" that I was interested in.
It seemed that there were still many points that had not yet been clarified.
I would like to continue my efforts to solve questions and dig deeper from time to time.
I was able to purchase some of the materials from the museum, and I found the following
I was surprised to read a book titled "The Stage of Ancient State Formation" written by Yasutoshi Tsurumi, chief curator of the museum.
As I was reading the book, there was a surprising passage in the book that made my eyes water.
As I was reading the book, I was struck by a surprising passage: "Asuka Palace was closed down in December 694, when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya.
The Asuka Palace was abandoned in December 694 when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya, but the site was cleared and covered with soil when the facilities were dismantled.
The site was then cleared and the land continued to be used as cultivated land until the present day.
Oh, yes.
I had never heard much information about the fate of royal palace buildings when they are discarded.
I had never heard that much information about the fate of palace buildings when they were discarded.
But as a museum of archaeology, it is natural that they are doing such research.
Today, we see a peaceful rural landscape in Asuka Town.
However, just a little below the surface, as if it were intended to be a time capsule, there are the ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history.
The ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history is hidden just a little below that covering, as if it were intended to be a time capsule.
The royal court showed such consideration in its abolition.
In China, where the revolutionary revolution took place, bloody wars were the norm in changing kingdoms.
Many court buildings were generally destroyed by fire in revolutionary wars.
Many of them were authoritative "keystone buildings," and since the keystones were masonry structures, they were not intended to be moved.
It is likely that the relocation of these buildings was not intended.
Also, many of them are authoritative "platform buildings," and since the platforms are masonry structures, it was probably difficult for them to be intended for relocation.
The fact that the platforms are masonry structures may also be a major reason why relocation was not intended.
In Europe, where architecture is also built of stone, the idea of relocation is not very common.
As a result, the buildings are abandoned in the form of "ruins.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palaces are basically wooden buildings with dugout pillars, which makes it easy to relocate them.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palace buildings are basically wooden, dugout-pillar structures that can be easily relocated.
In the same book, it is stated that the handling of materials at the time of demolition of the royal palace building depends on the degree of decay.
The book even confirms the fact that the materials used in the demolition of the palace were sorted into two categories according to the degree of decay.
The timber that was to be moved was carefully excavated, while the timber that was to be discarded was cut down.
The fact is that the timbers that are to be used for relocation are carefully dug up, while those with advanced decay are cut down and a part of the root part is left behind.
The post holes are then covered with "yellowish-brown soil" and the ground is cleared.
The soil was then "covered" with a layer of soil.
As a result, this Asuka Palace was preserved as a time capsule over a period of 1,500 years.
This site has been used for agriculture and preserved for many years.

I feel as if I am seeing the characteristics of Japanese kingship there.
In Asuka, Prince Shotoku set forth his political policy of "Harmony is the key to nobility.
This is not authoritarianism or authoritarianism, but a more "democratic" attitude.
Of course, I do not think this was an "intentional" measure of the royal authority.
but it seems to me that the architectural style involved a relationship between the people and the royal power that is unique in the world.

【飛鳥京「噴水」のホントの意味 奈良・飛鳥探索-9】

2022-04-24 05:43:48 | 日記





English version⬇

The True Meaning of the Asukakyo "Fountain" Exploring Asuka, Nara - 9
The Asuka-kyo Palace was a place for the Japanese to show off their national defense capabilities by demonstrating to China and Korea that they possessed "dangerous civil engineering and architectural technology. Japanese power that can be converted to military force. The Japanese power that can be converted to military force.

I don't know the definition of the word "fountain." I am not sure if this stoneware structure can be called a "fountain.
The origin of fountains in Japan can be traced back to Kanazawa Kenrokuen Garden.
There is a theory that the origin of "fountains" in Japan dates back to the Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa.
However, as of 2019, the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara recently concluded that the Asuka Kyoen Pond
The water conducting system in the photo may be said to be the beginning of fountains in Japan.The following introduction by the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture (formally known as the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture)
I think it speaks volumes about the significance of this ancient facility.
〜The "Garden Pond" adjacent to the Asuka Palace is large in scale and is paved with stones.
The "Garden Pond" adjacent to the Asuka Palace is large in scale and filled with stones, and its power is astonishing.
No other garden ponds of exactly the same type have been found in China or the Korean peninsula.
The entirety of the garden pond, which tells the story of Japan in the Asuka period, can be seen here. ~.Conversely, why were garden ponds and fountains not actively used as a building technology in Japan after that?
It is also important to investigate why these garden ponds and fountains did not flourish as a building technology in Japan after that.
At present, they appear in ancient history as extremely unique remains.
The pond on the south side of this garden pond is about 30 cm deep.
The bottom of the pond is covered with stones to form a pool-like appearance.
Is it simply to enjoy the coolness of the water with a water conducting device like this?
Or, as I guessed, was it to symbolically show the technical skill of "handling water"?
There is currently no testimony or record of its purpose.Japan was at the stage where it was forced to wake up to international relations.
Considering the "diplomatic" scene under the international situation after the defeat at the Hakuchon River
Japan's demonstration of its technological national strength was probably a kind of "deterrent force against invasion.
The fact that there is no precedent in China or Korea is the key.
When diplomatic envoys from other countries reported back to their home countries after returning to Japan, they would say, "Japan had this kind of technology....
When diplomatic envoys from those countries reported back to their home countries, they would have been told that "Japan had this kind of technology.
For architectural and civil engineering techniques that process and utilize stone in a variety of ways and handle water at will.
If one thinks of it being applied to fortress construction throughout the country.
Even if they had invaded this country with a large fleet of warships, they would not have been able to foresee victory in the invasion.
After the somewhat reckless expedition to the Baekchon River to rescue Baekje
This Enchonji could have been a diplomatic "weapon" as a security strategy.
Yesterday, we saw the stone quarrying technique.
The bottom of the north pond is also made of hewn stone, as shown in the photo.
I strongly believe that this is part of Japan's diplomatic strategy of peaceful coexistence.And from such a point of view, it is very likely that the Tang Dynasty gave up its aggression against Japan and turned to friendly relations with Japan.
and the situation in East Asia, where the Tang Dynasty gave up invading Japan, turned to friendly relations, and eventually approved the "Japanese name and Emperor".
The Tang Dynasty gave up its aggression against Japan and turned to friendly relations with Japan, and eventually approved the "Japanese name" and "Emperor of Japan.
After the peace efforts bore fruit, the importance of the garden pond construction technique declined, and the garden was not restored until the Kenrokuen Garden after the Sengoku Period.
This is consistent with the history of Kenrokuen Garden, which was neglected from the Warring States period onward.

In a volcanic archipelago where rice paddy cultivation is the basic land condition
It is obvious that the development of civil engineering and architectural technology to increase the usable arable land area is inevitable.
I believe that this is the inference that can be drawn from the remains of the garden pond.
How should we defend ourselves against a mad dictator like Vladimir Putin in the modern world?
The "strength" of Japanese society may be put to the test once again.

【古墳時代の「ブロック造」石槨墳墓 奈良・飛鳥探索-8】

2022-04-23 05:56:38 | 日記




English version⬇

Kofun period "block tomb" stone burial mound, Asuka, Nara.
Asuka still retains masonry building techniques such as stone stages that seem to have originated in the Stone Age. As a modern block housing people, we respect it much more. Nara, Asuka

During my visit to Asuka Palace, I was very much impressed by the exhibits at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara.
I enjoyed the archaeological point of view, or rather, the exploration backed by physical evidence.
I am very much enjoying the clear and logical understanding of the world of archaeology.
I hope to find time to revisit the museum in the future.
On my way back to the house, I found a corner surrounded by plants facing the entrance.
After reading the description carefully, I learned that it was a block building from the Kofun period (!). I was so happy to find out that it was a block building from the Kofun period (!).
Our house is built in Hokkaido with regular block construction and external insulation, so we met our ancestors from far away (laugh).
By the way, the proper name of "stone burial chamber" is
〜A chamber for a coffin made of stone. It was made by piling up natural stones or combining hewn stones.
A facility inside a burial mound to hold a corpse. A stone chamber. 〜A stone burial chamber.
This stone burial chamber is located in Sada, Takatori Town, Nara Prefecture, near Asuka Village.
This stone burial chamber is a full-scale reconstruction of the one in the Sokuakijin burial mound in Sada, Takatori-machi, Nara Prefecture, near Asuka Village.
The hewn stone burial chamber is unique among the architectural structures of the Asuka period.
In order to clarify the construction technique, the burial chamber was made of tuff, which is a homogeneous material.
However, the ceiling and the entrance part are based on a presumptive restoration.
The restoration was realized in 1984, thanks to the efforts of the masonry engineers of the time, according to the report.
〜The slope of the ridge of the hill was cut and leveled, and a 20-meter-diameter, 4-meter-high circular burial mound was built in the center of the slope using a printing technique.
A circular mound was built in the center of the hillside using the printing technique. The mound is made of tuff piled up in steps and opened on the south side.
The interior is 3.12m long, 2.06m wide and 2.5m high.
(The interior is 3.12m long, 2.06m wide, and about 2.5m high (exact measurement is difficult due to the damage caused by theft). The floor is covered with double
The walls are made of five layers of stone, and the floor is covered with plaster.
There are almost no coffins or burial accessories, but there are some teeth of the deceased and a piece of lacqueous film, which appears to be a fragment of a wooden coffin.
There are few coffins and burial accessories, but there are some teeth of the deceased and a piece of lacquer film, which is thought to be a fragment of a wooden coffin.
At the end of the Edo period, there was a story that the burial mound was compared to the mausoleum of Prince Kusakabe, and the land was taken away to designate it as a mausoleum.
It is believed that the tomb was intentionally destroyed by local people who feared that their land would be taken away to designate the tomb as a mausoleum.
The tomb is believed to have been intentionally destroyed by local people who feared that their land would be taken away to designate the tomb as a mausoleum. The actual age of death and the style of the burial mound are more important than the age of death and the style of the burial mound.
Based on the age of death and the style of the burial mound, the mausoleum of Emperor Kusakabe was designated as a specific site about 260 m north of here.
The age of death and the style of the burial mound suggest that Emperor Kusakabe's mausoleum was not located at Mayumi-oka-ryo (Okamiya Emperor's Mausoleum), which is 260m north of here. ~~

It is interesting to get a glimpse of the various circumstances.
Although damage from theft is unavoidable to some extent, if the site is designated as a historic site, the landowner will be subject to various restrictions that make it impossible to use the land.
However, if the land is designated as a historic site, the landowner is subject to various restrictions that make it impossible to use the land.
It is also understandable that the destruction of a site is done in favor of pragmatism.
The divergence between the practical interests of the people living in that era and the historical value of the site.
But even so, the so-called "kumi-masonry" architecture, which is
In the case of modern block construction, a hollow space is created and reinforced with reinforcing steel bars.
In an age without such technology, and in a country like Japan, which is prone to frequent earthquakes, how did these structures survive?
I was wondering how they had survived in such a time and in the earthquake-prone land of Japan.

【飛鳥宮時代の国際関係と暮らし 奈良・飛鳥探索-7】

2022-04-22 05:38:10 | 日記



English version⬇

International Relations and Life in the Asuka Palace Period: Exploring Asuka, Nara - 7
International relations" diplomacy began in parallel with social development and economic expansion. The beginning of troublesome international relations among neighboring East Asian countries. The beginning of troublesome international relations among East Asian neighbors.
There are few written records of the Asuka Itabatamiya and Jomihara Palace periods.
Around the time of Prince Shotoku's regency, Buddhism was actively introduced.
Political and cultural exchanges in East Asia were revitalized with the construction of Shitennoji Temple and Horyuji Temple in Osaka.
International relations gradually became an urgent issue.
The political upheaval of the "Yi Surname Revolution" on the Chinese mainland led to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, one of the most powerful states of all time, which posed a major threat to the surrounding region.
This was probably stimulated by the fact that the Tang Dynasty, one of the most powerful states of all time, had become a major threat to its neighbors.
The loose "Japanese-style" governing power structure based on the "great king's power" that had been in place up to that time
In the face of strong external pressure, I believe that the Tang Dynasty was forced to adopt a more rigid form of state power.
The "Ritsuryo system" of state power structure introduced by the Tang Dynasty was introduced.
The "Ritsuryo system" of state power structure introduced by the Tang Dynasty was introduced, and its power function was made more centralized as the "Emperor-Governor".
Emperor Temmu, who seized power through the Jinshin Rebellion, changed the name of his country, "Japan," from "Wa-koku" to "Japa-no-kuni.
Japan" and had it recognized by the power of the Chinese emperor and by extension, the East Asian world.
This diplomacy seems to have been a product of the great wisdom of his predecessors.
I often think that the Chinese emperor recognized the name of the nation as "Land of the Rising Sun.
At the Prince Shotoku stage, this self-expression was used to issue a diplomatic state letter to the emperor of his counterpart "Land of the Setting Sun".
Although there is a description of the Chinese emperor's anger, in the end he approved of it.
The Emperor of China is the one who is the Emperor of China.
No, that is merely a factual geographical location.
There must have been a complex and elaborate diplomatic effort to deal with the extremely pompous Chinese imperial regime.
And here is a chart from an exhibit panel at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara
As is often said, there are numerous "kofun" sites in the Korean peninsula area.
In Japan, the production of iron ore, the most important resource for agriculture and weapons production
Japan's "interests" in the Korean Peninsula were extensive due to the fact that it did not produce iron ore, the most important resource for agriculture and weapons production, until a certain period of time.
Japan's repeated efforts to assert and gain recognition of its interests in the region in its diplomatic relations with China
Such circumstances were probably the most critical.
Thus, in the conflict between the Korean states of Silla and Baekje
Baekje probably represented the interests of Japan.
The distribution of kofun tumuli seems to express such a relationship.
This area is said to be a source of conflict between Japan and Korea even in international historiographical discussions in modern times.
This is an example of how proximity can be a difficult diplomatic issue.
Some people in South Korea have begun to dismiss kofun tombs as symbolic of Japan's relationship with Korea in the olden days.
I have heard that there is a movement in Korea to destroy the tombs because they symbolize the relationship with Japan in the old days. This is a troubling issue.
Meanwhile, the way of life of the people also reflected their increasing productivity
The expansion of inter-regional trade was vigorously growing.
This situation may have led to the development of commercial substance and "city building" in which people gathered and settled.
There is no doubt that there was an evolution and development of the aspect of trade in the "capital function" of Asuka Palace.
Probably because of these circumstances, Asuka's "smallness" eventually became a problem.
As a fundamental solution to this problem, the planned construction of the city shifted to the Heijo-kyo stage.
The expansion of trade and economic scale, rather than political and military circumstances, made the relocation of the capital
I think that the expansion of trade and economic scale, rather than political and military circumstances, made the relocation of the capital inevitable.

【天武帝・飛鳥浄御原宮「エビノコ郭」 奈良・飛鳥探索-6】

2022-04-21 05:26:30 | 日記





English version⬇

Emperor Temmu, Asuka Jomihara Palace "Ebinoko Kaku" Nara, Asuka Exploration-6]
This is the central building of national power where Emperor Temmu, the founder of the Japanese name "Japan" and "Emperor", was enthroned. The humor of the name is also very Japanese. ...

Emperor Temmu stands out in Japanese history.
His birth year is uncertain, and his death date is October 1, 686.
His life was marked by the Taika Reformation, the Battle of Hakumurage and its defeat, and the establishment of a national defense system by his elder brother, Emperor Nakataiohito, and the future Emperor Tenchi.
His elder brother, Prince Nakataio, later Emperor Tenchi, established a system of national defense.
The battle over the succession to the throne between Emperor Tenchi's son, Prince Otomo, and the emperor was the Jinshin Rebellion, which Tenmu won and ascended to the throne.
Emperor Tenmu was victorious and ascended to the throne.
The country name "Japan" and the title "Emperor" are said to have been established during his reign.
There are various theories, but it is said that Ise Jingu took on a special status for the imperial family during the reign of Emperor Temmu.
The reason for the special status of Ise Jingu for the imperial family may be attributed to the actions of the Emperor Temmu at the time of the Jinshin Rebellion.
He is said to have played a major role in the creation of the substantial national structure that has existed to this day.
The Emperor Tenmu then ascended to the throne at the Asuka Jomihara Palace.
The location of this palace and its relationship with the earlier Asuka Itabatamiya Palace is a major point of controversy in ancient history.
The location of this palace and its relationship to the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace, which preceded it, have become major points of controversy in ancient history.
On the occasion of visiting the Kashihara Museum of Archaeology exhibition, I was able to learn about the "archaeological" findings of the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace.
The Asuka Jomihara Palace was constructed by renewing the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace.
The model of "Ebinoko-kaku Shoden" was also shown as a quasi-structural model of the "Daigoku-den".
The name of the place (Ebinoko) from which the name of Ebinoko-kaku is derived is
The name "Ebinoko," which is also the origin of the name of Ebinoko-kaku, is said to be the name of a small village near the present Asuka Village Office.
The result of a series of archaeological empirical studies on the theme of ancient history.
A large hottate-bashira (dugout pillar) building measuring 29.2 x 15.3 meters with eaves on four sides was excavated in this area.
A rectangular plot with a 5 ken x 2 ken gate on the west side. Inside is a 9 ken x 5 ken Ebinoko Da-den (large hall).
On the south side of the plot, a chodo is presumed to have existed. Recent research has led to the theory that it was newly built at the stage of Emperor Temmu's Asuka Jomihara Palace.
The most likely theory is that it was newly built during the Asuka Jomihara Palace of Emperor Temmu. It probably had the character of the later Daigoku-den.
If we believe this theory, we can confirm the existence of the first
If this is believed as it is, it is considered to be the first "Daigoku-den" that can be confirmed in Japan.
This is so, given the circumstances in which Emperor Temmu, the master of the building, established the Emperor's name and the name of Japan.
As an architectural structure, Daigoku-den has a certain symbolism.
Needless to say, it signifies the center of the social system and power, and is the ultimate example of "prestige architecture.
At least in East Asia, it is the ultimate architectural concept.

This photo was shown in the National Museum of Japanese History 2009 "Is Japanese Architecture Peculiar?
Above: Taihe Dian, Forbidden City, Beijing. This was the core power structure of the Qing Dynasty.
Below: Shikikiden Hall of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. Needless to say, this is the core architecture of imperial court authority.
Although there is a big gap in time, it reminds us of the early days of the Japanese nation.
Whereas the Forbidden City in China is on a lofty platform
The Forbidden City in China is built on a lofty platform, whereas the Japanese royal palace architecture is less intimidating.
The capital building also has an exterior device that softens the impression of tachibana on the right side and cherry blossoms on the left side.
Even today, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is coiled around this area.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership is still coiled in the surrounding areas.
The difference between the Chinese imperial power, with its strong tinge of tyranny and dictatorship, and the Japanese imperial family, with its emphasis on harmony, is expressed beautifully in the architecture.
The difference between the Chinese imperial power, which is strongly tinged with tyranny and dictatorship, and the Japanese imperial family, which values harmony, is expressed beautifully in the architecture.
Even with such architecture, the seemingly humorous name of the place, "Ebinoko
The fact that the name "Ebinoko," a seemingly humorous place name, is now used as a synonym for the original architecture is also enjoyable.