

Ben E. King, Clapton, Collins...Stand By Me

2009-01-13 00:42:49 | 音楽・芸術・文学
The Ultimate Collection: Stand by Me/Best of Ben E. King/Ben E. King with the DriftersEast/Westこのアイテムの詳細を見る

この曲はBen E. Kingの十八番なんだろうけど、すごいなあ。とくにこの映像での演奏は豪華で。Eric Claptonの格子縞ジャケットと顔つきから見れば80年代半ばかな?ジョンレノンもこのステージに入れてあげたかった...う~ん、Claptonのギターはこれはシビレルなあ、三人のアイ・コンタクト...会場の熱気、やっぱりライブと映像よ...

20世紀はこうやってストリングスだけでないエレキギターや電子オルガン!の新しい音響の世界を創りだして来たわけで...だけど停電したら全部パーなの!?こちらもカセットテープやらMD、いまやみーんなお蔵入り、画質はともかくこんな映像が発見でき楽しめるのはほんとにうれしいことだ。21世紀、次は本物を、でもCDやらDVD媒体ではきりがないし、ネット上ではなんでも探せてこんな楽しいアニメも「Stand by Me」、でもウチのなかでは探せないモノばっかり発生するのだ!...


When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.


Stand By Me (live) - Ben E. King, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins 

こっちのほうは、信じらんないパフォーマンス・・・、どうやってこんな演奏ができるの??・・・ちきゅうはひとつ、これはすっばらしい、awesome!・・・(2013.6.18 追記)

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World

Prince Royce - Stand By Me (Music Video) 

John Lennon stand by me




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