岩佐和裁のブログ、裁縫記:IWASA WASAI's blog, SAIHOUKI


アシンメトリーの麻の着物其の二。Asymmetrical linen kimono.

2024年09月12日 12時37分43秒 | 単衣の着物
アシンメトリーの着物、其の二、Asymmetrical kimono, part 2

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I made a women's single-layer kimono using French linen fabrics of different colors, rose lavender and blue-gray.
The upper part of this kimono is rose lavender and the lower part is blue-gray, while the lower part is blue-gray and rose lavender, with the sleeves and collar in the same color as the body.
This kimono, which looks like a checkered pattern, is woven with 60-count linen thread and weighs 700g, making it a very light and soft kimono.
There is a pocket at the hem of the upper part, so if you use this as a landmark when putting it on, you won't accidentally wear it left-front.
Since this kimono was made as a linen yukata, the collar of the lower part is open so that a collar stiffener can be inserted.
The back is sewn with a lining and shoulder pads of the same fabric are attached. Both colors match the outer fabric.
The hem width is 7.56cm, so up to 6.426cm you can lengthen the length just by using the hem.
Regarding the width of the kimono where the sleeves are attached, the shoulder width and back width of this kimono are the same, 29cm.
If the width of the fabric is about 37.044cm, it is common to make the sleeve width 35cm and the width wider 3.78cm from the waist opening to make the shoulder width 33cm.
When comparing a kimono where the width has been wider 3.78cm up to the shoulder peak with a kimono with the same shoulder width and back width, the kimono with the same shoulder width and back width will be 1.47cm narrower.
When the width is narrowed this much, I think there will also be a change in the adjustment around the chest.
This asymmetrical kimono is made for a person who is 163cm tall, with a bust of 81cm and hips of 90cm. The measurements of the kimono are 163cm in length from the shoulder, 68cm in sleeve width, 29cm in back width, and 23cm in front width.
The fabric is washed linen woven with 60-count thread.
The fabric was washed and shrunk before being cut and sewn with polyester thread, so it can be washed at home.
The body and sleeves are reinforced with bar tacks.
My impression after making this kimono is that it stretches easily because it was washed and shrunk before being sewn, and to put it in a positive way, it is a soft kimono that fits the body well.
When measuring the dimensions, just pulling it a little makes it 0.756cm to 1.134cm longer in length and wider in width.
This kimono was made with yukata in mind, so I deliberately ignored the idea of layering a juban with a kimono or haori.
Of course, I tried to sew it accurately by making precise stitches.
Also, if you wash it at home, there may be some deviation in the measurements.
This kimono is not suitable for people who are very concerned about that.
One feature of this kimono is that, although it is a one-piece kimono, the colors are inverted at the boundary between the inner hem and the back seam, so it looks like a checkered kimono.
I call it an asymmetrical kimono, as it is asymmetrical from top to bottom and left to right.
I created it with the image of casual, stylish linen everyday clothing that has the feel of something that would have been sewn at home before the 1960s.
It is on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 28,000 yen including tax.
You can also purchase it from IWASA-WASAI's Web shop.

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