

BBC 「北朝鮮がブッシュ氏の手紙に返事を出す」

2007-12-15 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 14 December 2007, 17:31 GMT

N Korea replies to Bush's letter

1: North Korea has told the US it will honour its pledge to reveal all the details of its nuclear programme, a White House official has said.

2: Pyongyang said it would keep to its side of a disarmament-for-aid deal and expected Washington to do the same.

3: North Korea was responding to a personal letter to leader Kim Jong-il from President Bush earlier this month.

4: The official said the response was delivered verbally through North Korea's delegation in New York.

5: *"We'll live up to our side and hope you'll live up to your side," the official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity, paraphrased Pyongyang's response.

6: However, it remained unclear if the message was directly from North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.

7: President Bush's letter to Mr Kim was thought to be his first direct communication with the leadership of North Korea - the country Mr Bush once described as being part of "an axis of evil".

8: Mr Bush's letter was delivered by US envoy Christopher Hill during his talks with North Korea's Foreign Minister Pak Ui-chun on 4 December.

9: In the letter, Mr Bush "stressed the need for North Korea to come forward with a full and complete declaration of their nuclear programmes," US National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said last week.

10: Mr Johndroe added that President Bush had also written to all leaders involved in the six-party talks about North Korea's nuclear programme.

11: Under the deal, signed in February, Pyongyang pledged to declare all its nuclear programmes and disable Yongbyon by the end of the year.

12: In return, Washington agreed to begin normalising relations with Pyongyang and remove the country from its state sponsors of terrorism and trade sanctions blacklists.




BBC 「日本が米国の給油問題で行き詰まる」

2007-12-14 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 14 December 2007, 12:36 GMT

Japan deadlock over US warships

1: Japan's government has extended the parliamentary session into the new year for the first time in 14 years, in an effort to pass a controversial bill.

2: Opposition MPs, who control the upper house, are blocking the bill, which would allow Japan to refuel US warships involved in conflict in Afghanistan.

3: But Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is determined to secure a renewal for the mandate of the refuelling mission.

4: Analysts say the stand-off may damage Japan's security alliance with the US.

5: Japanese vessels that had been supporting US-led coalition warships in the Indian Ocean returned home at the end of October, when the mandate for their mission expired.

6: The opposition's continued refusal to approve the bill is causing Mr Fukuda severe problems, says the BBC's Chris Hogg in Tokyo.

7: While deliberations continue, it is hard for him to get anything else through Japan's parliament, the Diet.

8: And he is also finding it difficult to leave Japan on trips he wants to make to China and to Europe, our correspondent adds.

9: But he says he will not back down and he has rebuffed rumours that he is about to call a snap election to defuse the situation.

10: "It is not the time to think of dissolving the lower house now," he told reporters.

11: The opposition can delay the bill for only 60 days - until mid-January.

12: After that Mr Fukuda is expected to force it through parliament with a rarely used procedure that will ensure it becomes law.



プレスTV 「インドの新しい長距離ミサイル」

2007-12-13 | Weblog
Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:12:46

India's new long-range missile

1: India has announced major plans to increase its nuclear capabilities and readiness to use anti-ballistic missile system in three years.

2: V.K. Saraswat, Chief controller of the Defense Research and Development Organization, said India is also designing Agni IV, a new version of its longest-range ballistic missile, which will be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and hit targets more than 5,000 km away.
V.K.サラスワット防衛研究発展協会長は、「インドは、核弾道を積んで5000キロ以上先を狙うことができる最長距離用新弾道ミサイルAgni IVも計画している」と言った。

3: The announcement came days after defense scientists said they had conducted a successful second test of an interceptor missile that destroyed a supersonic missile at an altitude of 15 km on the country's east coast.

4: India needed a missile shield as it had a policy not to use nuclear weapons unless it became a victim of a nuclear attack, Saraswat said.

5: He concluded that this made India the fourth country after the US, Russia and Israel with such a capability.




BBC 「ロシアは英国文化交流機関に制限をつける予定」

2007-12-13 | Weblog
Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 December 2007, 13:00 GMT

Russia to limit British Council

1: The Russian government has ordered the British Council to close down its two offices outside Moscow by the beginning of January.

2: The Russian foreign ministry said the council, which promotes British culture abroad, was operating illegally.

3: The UK government and the council said its operations in Russia were legal.

4: Russian officials have said the move was a retaliatory measure in the ongoing dispute over the London murder of Russian exile Alexander Litvinenko.

5: Relations between the UK and Russia have worsened since the former KGB agent was murdered in November 2006.

6: In July, Britain expelled four Russian diplomats over Moscow's refusal to extradite a key suspect in the murder.

7: Russia followed by expelling four British diplomats.

8: Russian foreign ministry officials said the British Council had violated Russian laws, including tax regulations.

9: But in an interview with the BBC, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov explicitly linked the order to Britain's expulsion of Russian diplomats in July.

10: He said Russia had been left with no choice but to retaliate over the affair.

11: Both the British Council and the UK Foreign Office said the council was fully compliant with Russian tax laws and operates on the basis of an agreement signed in the 1990s.

12: The council announced three months ago that it was closing nine regional offices by the end of the year and transferring operations to Russian partners.

13: Those closures leave the headquarters in Moscow, plus offices in St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

14: A British Council spokeswoman told the BBC that the council intends to continue its operations in Russia at the three remaining offices.

15: The council is a registered charity funded by the British government. Its stated purpose is to promote British culture and education and build relationships between people in the UK and other countries.

16: Moscow has acted to curb NGOs in recent years, accusing foreign governments of using them for political purposes.



BBC 「スーダンの反乱軍が油田を攻撃」

2007-12-11 | Weblog
Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 December 2007, 13:04 GMT

Sudan rebels 'attack oil field'

1: A Darfur rebel group says it has attacked and taken over a Chinese-run oil field in central Sudan.

2: A Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) leader said it had defeated 1,200 government troops in Kordofan state.

3: The Chinese embassy in Khartoum has confirmed there was fighting but denied a Chinese-run facility had been taken.

4: Jem wants China to end its huge investment in Sudan, which the rebels say is giving the government the funds to buy weapons.

5: "Our attack is another attempt at telling Chinese companies to leave the country," Jem commander Abdel Aziz Nur al-Ashr told the AFP news agency.

6: "Our goal is for oil revenues to go back to the Sudanese people and that is a strategic plan of our movement," he said.

7: Jem leader Khalil Ibrahim said a number of troops had been killed in the hour-long assault but would not give a figure.

8: He also said that Jem fighters would be carrying out other attacks over the next few days.

9: No-one was available from the Sudanese government to comment on the attack.

10: In October the rebels attacked another Chinese oil field and kidnapped five workers, who have since been released.

11: China buys most of Sudan's oil.

12: It has used its veto at the UN Security Council to block resolutions threatening sanctions on the Sudanese government.

13: The government denies charges that it backs the Janjaweed militias, accused of widespread atrocities against Darfur's black African residents.

14: At least 200,000 people have been killed in Darfur's five-year conflict. Some 2.5 million have fled their homes.

