How to Restore Your Relationships
Hans worked his way up from being a miner to owning a number of mines. His eldest son, Martin, was very intelligent and went to university at the age of seventeen. A respectable career as a lawyer lay ahead of him.
Suddenly, to his father’s dismay, he cancelled his registration for the law course and became a monk and then a priest. Martin wanted to live a righteous life. He fasted for days and spent sleepless nights in prayer, but he was still plagued by his own unrighteousness before a righteous God.
Around the age of thirty, as he was studying Romans 1:17, the penny dropped. He later wrote: ‘I began to understand that in this verse the righteousness of God is that by which the righteous man lives by the *gift of God*, in other words by faith; and that this sentence, “the righteousness of God is revealed”, refers to a passive righteousness, ie, that by which the merciful God *justifies us by faith*, as it is written, “The righteous person lives by faith.”This immediately made me feel as if I had been *born again* and *entered through open gates to paradise itself*.’
This experience occurred 500 years ago. It not only changed his life, it altered the course of human history. He became one of the pivotal figures of western civilisation, the founder of the Reformation – the seedbed for social, economic and political thought. His name, of course, was Martin Luther.
In essence, righteousness means a *right relationship with God*, which leads to *right relationships with others.* It is a gift made possible through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Here lies the secret of restored relationships – first of restored relationship with God and then all other relationships.
Psalms 84:1-7 NIV
[1] How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! [2] My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. [3] Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. [4] Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. [5] Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. [6] As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. [7] They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.
詩篇 84:1-7 NIV
[1] 全能の神よ、あなたの住まいはなんと美しいことか。[2] 私の魂は主の庭を慕い、気を失いそうになり、私の心と肉体は生ける神を求めて叫びます。[3] 雀でさえ巣を見つけ、つばめも巣を見つけて、そこで子を産みます。全能の神よ、私の王、私の神よ、あなたの祭壇の近くに。[4] あなたの家に住む人々は幸いであり、彼らはいつもあなたを賛美しています。[5] あなたのうちに力があり、巡礼に心を向けている人々は幸いである。[6] 彼らはバカの谷を通り抜け、そこを泉の地とし、秋の雨もまたそこを池で覆います。[7] 彼らは力から力へと進み、ついにはシオンで神の前に姿を現します。
Enjoy the blessings
Dwelling in the presence of God is where the greatest blessings are found. This is one of mine and Pippa’s favourite psalms. We had it read at our wedding. We love it because it describes the blessings of living in a restored relationship with God.
1. Longing for God’s presence
1. 神の存在を切望する
In every human heart there is a spiritual hunger, which can only be satisfied by living in a right relationship with God. In the presence of God, the soul’s longing (v.1, MSG) is satisfied and the heart’s cry is answered. The psalmist writes, ‘How lovely is your dwelling-place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God’ (vv.1–2).
2. Blessing of God’s presence
2. 神の臨在の祝福
As you spend time praying, listening to God through the Bible and worshipping him, you will find that there is no place you would rather be than in his presence. ‘Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you’ (v.4).
God’s presence is a place of blessing, praise and refreshment. It is like rain on thirsty ground (v.6).
3. Strength from God’s presence
3. 神の存在からの強さ
When our strength is in God (v.5), the difficult places, tough situations and the valleys of life can be turned into springs (v.6). As you draw your strength from God in these times, you will find yourself going from ‘strength to strength’ (v.7).
Having made the tabernacle and temple the place of his presence in the Old Testament, now, through Jesus Christ, God dwells and is present by his Spirit in the church (Ephesians 2:22) and in our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of your presence with me. Thank you for the way in which you strengthen me daily with your presence.
Romans 1:1-17 NIV
[1] Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God— [2] the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures [3] regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, [4] and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. [5] Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake. [6] And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. [7] To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. [8] First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. [9] God, whom I serve in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you [10] in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you. [11] I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— [12] that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. [13] I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles. [14] I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. [15] That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome. [16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. [17] For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
ローマ人への手紙 1:1-17 NIV
[1] パウロはキリスト・イエスの僕であり、神の福音のために召され、聖別された者です。[2] 神は、聖書の中で、預言者たちを通して、あらかじめ約束された福音を宣べ伝えました。[3] 御子に関する福音です。御子は、地上での生活については、ダビデの子孫であり、[4] 聖霊により、死人の中からの復活によって、力ある神の御子とされました。この御子は、私たちの主イエス・キリストです。[5] 私たちは、この御子によって恵みと使徒の務めを受け、御名のゆえに、すべての異邦人を信仰による従順に召すようにしました。[6] あなたたちも、イエス・キリストに属するように召された異邦人です。[7] ローマにいる、神に愛され、神の聖なる民として召されたすべての人々へ。私たちの父なる神と主イエス・キリストから、恵みと平和があなたたちにありますように。 [8] まず、私はあなた方すべてのために、イエス・キリストを通して私の神に感謝します。なぜなら、あなたがたの信仰が全世界に伝えられているからです。[9] 御子の福音を宣べ伝えながら、私の霊において仕えている神は、私がどんなにあなたがたのことをいつも覚えているかの証人です。[10] そして、今、神の御心によって、私があなたがたのところに行く道が開かれるようにと祈っています。[11] 私は、あなたがたに会うことを切望しています。それは、あなたがたに霊の賜物を少しでも与えて、あなたがたを強くしたいからです。[12] つまり、私とあなたがたが互いの信仰によって励まし合うためです。[13] 兄弟たち、私はあなた方に知っておいてもらいたいのですが、私は、あなたがたのところに行こうと何度も計画しましたが、今までそれができませんでした。それは、他の異邦人の間で収穫を得たように、あなたがたの間でも収穫を得たいと思ったからです。[14] 私は、ギリシア人にも外国人にも、賢い人にも愚かな人にも、義務を負っています。 [15] ですから、私はローマにいるあなたたちにも、福音を宣べ伝えたいと切に願っています。[16] 私は福音を恥とは思いません。福音は、ユダヤ人をはじめ、ギリシア人にも、信じるすべての人に救いをもたらす神の力だからです。[17] 福音には神の義が明らかにされています。それは最初から最後まで信仰による義であり、聖書にこう書いてあるとおりです。「義人は信仰によって生きる。」
Receive the gift
You cannot do anything to earn or deserve God’s love. You receive it as a gift. Jesus has made you righteous. Through his life, death and resurrection, you can live in a right relationship with God.
How is it that in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, world history took a new direction? How was it that the life of every man, woman and child on the planet was eternally affected?
In this ground-breaking and hugely influential document of Christian theology (written around AD 59), Paul, who had encountered the risen Jesus himself, takes the well-witnessed fact of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and thinks through its implications.
キリスト教神学の画期的で大きな影響力を持つこの文書(西暦 59 年頃に書かれた)では、復活したイエスに自ら出会ったパウロが、ナザレのイエスの生涯、死、復活というよく知られた事実を取り上げ、その意味について深く考えます。
It appears that the establishment of a Christian community in Rome had come about, not by any great evangelistic enterprise, but by the presence of Christians in the workplace discharging their ordinary secular duties. If you are in a secular job you can have as big an impact as any full-time evangelist.
Paul is longing to see his friends in Rome (v.11). They are inexperienced beginners, yet Paul has the humility to recognise that he will learn something from them in addition to them learning from him (vv.11–12). ‘You have as much to give to me as I do to you’ (v.12, MSG). I have found that in every Alpha small group, I learn as much from the guests as they do from us.
パウロはローマにいる友人たちに会いたくてたまりません (11 節)。彼らは経験の浅い初心者ですが、パウロは謙虚に、彼らがパウロから学ぶだけでなく、自分も彼らから何かを学ぶだろうと認めています (11-12 節)。「私があなたに与えるのと同じくらい、あなたも私に与えてくださいます」(12 節、MSG)。私はアルファの小グループで、ゲストが私たちから学ぶのと同じくらい、私もゲストから多くを学んでいることに気づきました。
It is not only those outside of the church who need to hear the gospel. Paul is eager to preach the gospel to the Christian community in Rome (v.15).
He knows full well the temptation to be ashamed. It can be so easy to allow our fears and worries about what other people will think about us to stop us from speaking about Jesus. Yet Paul writes, ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes’ (v.16a). He knows also the extraordinary power of the gospel to transform the lives of both Jews and Gentiles (v.16b).
There is no greater privilege than preaching the gospel, ‘for in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last’ (v.17a). Paul does not contrast this with the Old Testament; rather, he uses the Old Testament to support his argument: ‘as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith”’ (v.17b, see also Habakkuk 2:4).
Habakkuk 2:4 NIV
[4] “See, the enemy is puffed up; his desires are not upright— but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness—
ハバクク書 2:4 NIV
[4] 「見よ、敵は高ぶっている。その欲望は正しくない。しかし、義人はその誠実さによって生きる。」
Paul is going to say a lot more about this ‘righteousness from God’. The good news (gospel) is that God has enabled us to live in this right relationship with him. This righteousness comes from God. It is his gift to you. You cannot earn it. You receive it ‘by faith’. You no longer live under guilt and condemnation. Nothing can separate you from God’s love for you (Romans 8:1–39).
パウロはこの「神からの義」についてさらに多くを語ります。良い知らせ(福音)とは、神が私たちが神との正しい関係の中で生きられるようにしてくださったということです。この義は神から来るものです。それはあなたへの神の賜物です。あなたはそれを獲得することはできません。あなたはそれを「信仰によって」受け取ります。あなたはもはや罪悪感や非難の下で生きることはありません。何ものもあなたに対する神の愛からあなたを引き離すことはできません(ローマ人への手紙 8:1–39)。
Lord, thank you that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you make it possible for me to have a restored relationship with you and with others. Thank you that I cannot earn it but receive it as a gift by faith.
2 Kings 23:1-24:7
Continue to obey
God had always intended that his people should live in a right relationship with him. This relationship is described in terms of a covenant. God had rescued his people from Egypt. He committed himself to them totally. He then described to them how they could stay in a right relationship with him. He gave them the commandments to guard right relationship with God and one another. The purpose of these laws was to enable them to flourish.
Again and again, we read in the Old Testament how they did not obey these laws. Disaster came as a result. Occasionally there is a glimmer of hope when they recommit themselves to the covenant relationship with God.
One such glimmer of hope appears in Josiah’s reign. ‘The king stood by the pillar and before God solemnly committed them all to the covenant: to follow God believingly and obediently; to follow his instructions, heart and soul, on what to believe and do; to put into practice the entire covenant, all that was written in the book. The people stood in affirmation; their commitment was unanimous’ (v.3, MSG).
Josiah did carry out a number of reforms (vv.1–25). Sadly, they did not seem to have a lasting impact on the people and after Josiah’s death, things went back to the way they had been before. Josiah’s life was far from easy, and ended tragically, yet he sought to follow God in all that he did – ‘with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength’ (v.25). He is remembered as one of the heroes of faith.
ヨシヤは数々の改革を実行しました (1-25 節)。残念ながら、それらの改革は人々に永続的な影響を与えなかったようで、ヨシヤの死後、物事は以前の状態に戻ってしまいました。ヨシヤの人生は決して楽なものではなかったし、悲劇的な終わりを迎えましたが、彼はすべてのことにおいて神に従おうと努めました。「心を尽くし、魂を尽くし、力を尽くして」(25 節)。彼は信仰の英雄の一人として記憶されています。
Thankfully, under the new covenant, the laws are written not on tablets of stone but on your heart. The moment you put your faith in Jesus all the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in you. You receive righteousness from God. God gives you the Holy Spirit to enable you to walk in a restored relationship with him and a restored relationship with other people.
Lord, I turn to you today with all my heart and soul and strength. Fill me with your Spirit and help me to obey you fully.
Pippa Adds
In Psalm 84:7 it says,
‘They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.’
This is an encouragement to finish well in life, to keep going and to believe the latter years can be more fruitful than the former years.
詩篇 84:7 にはこうあります