

What does Mark 8:34 mean?

2024-07-06 22:33:27 | 日記
What does Mark 8:34 mean?

‭Mark 8:34 NIV‬ [34] Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.
マルコ 8:34 NIV [34] それからイエスは、群衆と弟子たちを呼び寄せて言われた。「わたしに従いたいと思う者は、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を負って、わたしに従って来なさい。

In Mark 8:33, Jesus faces an echo of His third temptation from Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:8–10): to take an easier path that looks like salvation but really leads to hell on a nicer road. Jesus teaches that we will face the same temptation. Some of Mark's audience, living with persecution from Rome, have to endure literal crosses for their faith, including Mark's possible source, Peter. All of us, however, need to reject the easier life of shallow, culture-pleasing faith, or selfish, carnal "easy-believism" for total surrender. If we're unwilling to deny ourselves, and to follow Christ in our actions as well as our response to our emotions, then we're not really "following" Him, at all.
マルコ 8:33 では、イエスは荒野でサタンから受けた 3 度目の誘惑 (マタイ 4:8–10) の反響に直面します。それは、一見救いのように見えるが、実際には地獄に続く、より楽な道を選ぶことです。イエスは、私たちも同じ誘惑に直面すると教えています。ローマからの迫害を受けながら生活するマルコの聴衆の中には、マルコの教えの源であるペテロを含め、信仰のために文字通り十字架に耐えなければならない人もいます。しかし、私たち全員が、浅薄で文化に迎合する信仰、または利己的で肉欲的な「安易な信仰主義」という楽な生活を拒否し、完全に服従する必要があります。もし私たちが自分自身を否定し、行動だけでなく感情への反応においてもキリストに従うことを望まないなら、私たちは実際にはまったく彼に「従っている」とは言えません。

"Deny" is from the Greek root word aparneomai and means to insist that you are not associated with someone. To deny yourself means to forget your own self-interest. It doesn't mean to abandon worldly comforts like a monk or to strictly control one's actions via spiritual disciplines, but to refuse rights and privileges that get in the way of God's kingdom. What, specifically, we will have to deny depends on our situation. It could be comfort, worldly responsibilities, or even the connection to our family or past (Luke 9:57–62).
「否定」はギリシャ語の語源であるアパルネオマイから来ており、誰かと関わりを持たないことを主張することを意味します。自分を否定するということは、自分の利己心を忘れることを意味します。修道士のように世俗的な快適さを放棄したり、霊的訓練によって自分の行動を厳しく制御するという意味ではなく、神の王国の邪魔になる権利や特権を拒否することを意味します。具体的に何を否定しなければならないかは、状況によって異なります。快適さ、世俗的な責任、あるいは家族や過去とのつながりかもしれません (ルカ 9:57–62)。

To take up your cross doesn't mean to accept a specific burden from God. It's parallel in meaning to "deny [your]self." If we learn to sacrifice our selves to God, we won't fret about sacrificing our things. We will belong to God, not to our things, position, reputation, or comfort.

This is the first mention of a crowd, but the fact that Jesus calls the crowd to Him before He starts speaking is significant. It means that He addresses the call to deny yourself and take up your cross to all believers, not just Christian leaders. Some are called to a life of ministry. Some are called to sacrifice their lives for God's kingdom. But all of us are called to give up our worldly lives and dedicate ourselves to Christ.

How to Walk Wisely

2024-07-06 21:33:20 | 日記
How to Walk Wisely

Are you still practicing the fundamentals of the faith?

‭Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV‬ [5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; [6] in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
箴言 3:5-6 NIV [5] 心を尽くして主に信頼し、自分の理解に頼ってはならない。[6] あなたのすべての道において主に従え。そうすれば、主はあなたの道をまっすぐにしてくださる。

Living committed to the Lord calls for following His wisdom. Let’s look at attitudes necessary for a Christ-centered lifestyle:

• Determination. Walking in wisdom doesn’t happen automatically. We must wholeheartedly pursue righteous living.
• 決意。知恵をもって歩むことは自動的に起こるものではありません。私たちは心から正しい生き方を追求しなければなりません。

• Focus. To stay on the path of God’s will, we must fix our attention on His Word. As we meditate on Scripture, our mind will align with Christ’s.
• 集中。神の意志の道にとどまるためには、神の言葉に注意を集中しなければなりません。聖書について黙想すると、私たちの心はキリストの心と一致するようになります。

• Sensitivity to the Spirit. With determination to live a holy life and with close attention to Scripture, we become more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
• 聖霊に対する感受性。聖なる生活を送る決意をし、聖書に細心の注意を払うことで、私たちは聖霊の促しに対してより敏感になります。

• Trust. At times the Lord’s choice for us doesn’t appear sensible. Trusting in His perfect wisdom is necessary if we’re to walk according to His plan.
• 信頼。主がわたしたちのために下さる選択が、理にかなっていないように思えることもあります。主の計画に従って歩むには、主の完全な知恵を信頼することが必要です。

• Courage. Some things God requires may cause us to react with fear. As our trust in Him deepens, our courage will grow, and we’ll discover the joy of embracing His choice for us.
• 勇気。神が要求するものの中には、私たちが恐れて反応してしまうものがあります。神への信頼が深まるにつれて、私たちの勇気は増し、神が私たちのために選んだものを受け入れる喜びを発見するでしょう。

• Perseverance. By depending on God, we can persist and choose wisely no matter how long our challenges last.
• 忍耐。神に頼ることで、困難がどれだけ長く続いたとしても、粘り強く、賢明な選択をすることができます。

Walking in wisdom requires that we practice a few basics: Know God, trust Him, and obey. Is this your pattern for living? Remember, a lifetime of godliness develops one choice at a time.
知恵をもって歩むには、神を知り、神を信頼し、神に従うといういくつかの基本を実践する必要があります。これがあなたの生き方のパターンですか? 生涯にわたる敬虔さは、一度にひとつの選択を育むものであることを忘れないでください。

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship

2024-07-06 20:41:01 | 日記
Coming Back to the Heart of Worship

I hope when you read the title of this week’s devotional, you finished the line in your head with, “And it’s all about you; It’s all about you, Jesus” from “Heart of Worship” by Michael W. Smith.
今週の祈りの題名を読んだとき、マイケル・W・スミス著『Heart of Worship』の「そしてそれはすべてあなたについてです。それはすべてあなたについてです、イエス様」という一節を頭の中で終えていただければ幸いです。

I sang this song all the time in church growing up, and this song was playing on blast as my mom spouted some off-key version of it while cleaning house. Those are my two memories of this song.
子どもの頃、教会でいつもこの歌を歌っていました。母が家を掃除しながらこの歌を音程を外して歌っていたときも、この歌が大音量で流れていました。この歌に関する私の思い出は 2 つあります。

But it was the other week at church when I was singing this song that I remembered two things:

This song is old! Not “you’ll find it on an ancient vinyl record that is hidden in the back of some warehouse” old, but more so in terms of Christian worship music that has been created since this hit.

I couldn’t remember the last time I sang this song in church prior to just a few weeks ago, but I remembered every word. Every pause and every note I was able to replicate from some far off piece of my memory.

This got me thinking about what worship does to our hearts and our heads. Now, this isn’t some science, but I think there is a part of worship that is ingrained so deeply in us that it comes out in the most unpredictable of ways.

Just like this song was almost imprinted on my mind and my heart, so are the times when I recognize glory of God. It’s no coincidence that everyone stops and stares to the heavens above when there is a beautiful sunset or rainstorm (and then it’s on Instagram later).

But God’s beauty is meant to be marveled at and worshipped.

“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.” 1 Chronicles 16:23

“Let them praise your great and awesome name – He is holy.” Psalm 99:3

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” Psalms 8:1
「主よ、われらの主よ。あなたの御名は全地にいかに尊ばれていることか。あなたはあなたの栄光を天の上に置かれた。」詩篇 8:1

And the list can go on and on for how many times the Lord is being praised. So this week, let’s journey together back to the heart of worship, where it’s all about glorifying and marveling at our God’s greatness.

Trust in the Lord

2024-07-06 18:23:44 | 日記
Trust in the Lord

One of the biggest obstacles to faith is the suffering of the innocent. It is usually one of the first questions raised in an [Alpha]( small group: ‘If there is a God who loves us, how come there is so much suffering in the world? How come there is such injustice and oppression?

These are very important and necessary questions but there are no easy answers. Yet God is able to meet us in the midst of suffering and struggles.

Extraordinarily, it is often the people who have gone through the greatest suffering who have the strongest faith. They testify to the presence of God with them, strengthening and comforting them in the midst of their pain.

Betsie ten Boom, as she lay dying in Ravensbrück concentration camp, turned to her sister Corrie and said, ‘We must tell them that there is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still. They will listen to us, Corrie, because we have been here.’

Faith involves trusting in the Lord. The people of God in the Bible looked out on a world of suffering. But they trusted in the Lord despite what they saw.

‭Psalms 82:1-8 NIV‬ [1] God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the “gods”: [2] “How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? [3] Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. [4] Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. [5] “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. [6] “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ [7] But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.” [8] Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.
詩篇 82:1-8 NIV [1] 神は大集会を主宰し、「神々」の間で裁きを下す。[2] 「いつまであなたは不正を擁護し、悪人を偏り見るのか。[3] 弱い者と孤児を擁護し、貧しい者と虐げられた者の主張を擁護せよ。[4] 弱い者と困窮者を救い出し、悪人の手から彼らを救い出せ。[5] 「『神々』は何も知らず、何も理解しない。彼らは暗闇の中を歩き回り、地の基はすべて揺り動かされている。[6] 「私は言った、『あなた方は『神々』であり、あなた方はみないと高き方の子らである』。[7] しかしあなた方は単なる人間のように死に、他のすべての支配者のように倒れるであろう。」[8] 神よ、立ち上がって、地を裁いてください。すべての国々はあなたの相続地です。

Trust in the Lord in the midst of injustice and oppression

How do we respond to all the injustice in the world? The psalmist trusts that ultimately God will put things right: ‘You’ve got the whole world in your hands!’ (v.8b, MSG).

It is a great blessing to live under a good system of justice. It is a terrible curse to live under corrupt and incompetent judges. But ultimately, God will call them to account.

‘God presides’ over all other expressions of power (‘gods’) (v.1). Trust that God is ‘President’ – he is in ultimate control.

‘God… puts all the judges in the dock. “Enough! You’ve corrupted justice long enough”’ (v.2, MSG). But faith in God’s ‘presidency’ should never lead to complacency or passivity. The psalmist is passionate to see the world changed.

We are not only to trust God but also we have a duty to do everything within our power to see that justice is done. We must act on behalf of the poor: ‘Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked’ (vv.3–4).

A time will come when things will be put right; injustice will be removed and there will be deliverance from, for example, corrupt governments. He prays: ‘Rise up, O God, judge the earth’ (v.8a).

While we too hope in God’s final judgment, we anticipate that justice by acting now on behalf of the poor and oppressed. We should raise the same challenge to those in power, ‘How long will you defend the cause of the unjust?’

Lord, thank you that one day there will be justice for all. You will put things right. In the meantime, help me to act on behalf of the poor and oppressed in our world.

‭Acts 27:13-44 NIV‬ [13] When a gentle south wind began to blow, they saw their opportunity; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. [14] Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the Northeaster, swept down from the island. [15] The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along. [16] As we passed to the lee of a small island called Cauda, we were hardly able to make the lifeboat secure, [17] so the men hoisted it aboard. Then they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together. Because they were afraid they would run aground on the sandbars of Syrtis, they lowered the sea anchor and let the ship be driven along. [18] We took such a violent battering from the storm that the next day they began to throw the cargo overboard. [19] On the third day, they threw the ship’s tackle overboard with their own hands. [20] When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved. [21] After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: “Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. [22] But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. [23] Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me [24] and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ [25] So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. [26] Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.” [27] On the fourteenth night we were still being driven across the Adriatic Sea, when about midnight the sailors sensed they were approaching land. [28] They took soundings and found that the water was a hundred and twenty feet deep. A short time later they took soundings again and found it was ninety feet deep. [29] Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight. [30] In an attempt to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow. [31] Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” [32] So the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it drift away. [33] Just before dawn Paul urged them all to eat. “For the last fourteen days,” he said, “you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food—you haven’t eaten anything. [34] Now I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head.” [35] After he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke it and began to eat. [36] They were all encouraged and ate some food themselves. [37] Altogether there were 276 of us on board. [38] When they had eaten as much as they wanted, they lightened the ship by throwing the grain into the sea. [39] When daylight came, they did not recognize the land, but they saw a bay with a sandy beach, where they decided to run the ship aground if they could. [40] Cutting loose the anchors, they left them in the sea and at the same time untied the ropes that held the rudders. Then they hoisted the foresail to the wind and made for the beach. [41] But the ship struck a sandbar and ran aground. The bow stuck fast and would not move, and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding of the surf. [42] The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping. [43] But the centurion wanted to spare Paul’s life and kept them from carrying out their plan. He ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land. [44] The rest were to get there on planks or on other pieces of the ship. In this way everyone reached land safely.
使徒行伝 27:13-44 NIV [13] 穏やかな南風が吹き始めたので、彼らは好機と見て、錨を上げ、クレテ島の海岸に沿って航海しました。[14] 間もなく、北東風と呼ばれる暴風が島から吹き下ろしてきました。[15] 船は嵐に巻き込まれ、風に向かって進むことができなかったので、私たちはその風に身を任せ、流されるままになりました。[16] カウダという小さな島の風下を通過したとき、私たちは救命ボートを固定するのがやっとでした。[17] そこで、乗組員はそれを船に引き上げ、ロープを船の下に通して船を固定しました。彼らは、シルティスの砂州に乗り上げるのを恐れたので、海錨を下ろし、船を流されるままにしました。[18] 私たちは嵐で非常に激しく打ちのめされたので、翌日には積み荷を船外に投げ捨て始めました。 [19] 三日目に、彼らは船具を自分たちの手で海に投げ捨てました。[20] 何日も太陽も星も見えず、嵐が吹き荒れ続けたので、私たちはついに助かる望みを失ってしまいました。[21] 彼らが長い間何も食べずにいたとき、パウロは彼らの前に立って言いました。「皆さん、私の忠告に従ってクレタ島から出航しないでおくべきでした。そうすれば、このような被害や損失は免れたでしょう。[22] しかし今は、勇気を出しなさい。あなたたちのうちの一人も失われず、船が破壊されるだけです。[23] 昨夜、私が属し、仕えている神の使いが私のそばに立って、[24] こう言いました。『パウロ、恐れることはありません。あなたは皇帝の前に立たなければなりません。しかし、神は恵みによって、あなたと共に航海する者すべての命をあなたにお与えになりました。』[25] ですから、皆さん、勇気を出しなさい。私は神が言われたとおりになると信じています。 [26] しかし、どこかの島に乗り上げるに違いない」。[27] 十四日目の夜、わたしたちはなおもアドリア海を渡っていたが、真夜中ごろ、船員たちは陸に近づいているのを感じた。[28] 測深してみると、水深は百二十フィートあった。しばらくして、もう一度測深してみると、九十フィートあった。[29] 船が岩に打ち付けられるのではないかと恐れて、船尾から錨を四つ下ろし、夜が明けるように祈った。[30] 船員たちは、船から脱出しようとして、船首から錨を下ろすふりをして、救命ボートを海に下ろした。[31] そこで、パウロは百人隊長と兵士たちに言った。「この人たちが船に残っていなければ、あなたたちは助からない」。[32] そこで、兵士たちは救命ボートをつないでいた綱を切り、流してやった。[33] 夜明け前に、パウロは皆に食事を勧めた。 「この14日間、あなたたちは不安で、何も食べていなかった。[34] それで、私はあなたたちに食物を取るように勧めます。あなたたちは生きるために必要です。あなたたちの誰一人として髪の毛一本失うことはありません。」[35] こう言ってから、イエスはパンを取り、皆の前で神に感謝し、それを裂いて食べ始めました。[36] 皆は元気づけられ、自分たちも食物を食べました。[37] 船に乗っていたのは、私たち276人でした。[38] 食べるのを十分すると、彼らは穀物を海に投げ込んで船を軽くしました。[39] 夜が明けると、陸地だとは分かりませんでしたが、砂浜のある入り江が見えたので、できればそこに船を座礁させようと決めました。[40] 彼らは錨を切り離して海に捨て、同時に舵を留めていたロープもほどきました。 それから彼らは前帆を風に揚げて、浜辺に向かった。[41] しかし船は砂州にぶつかり、座礁した。船首は固く張り付いて動かなくなり、船尾は波の打ち寄せで粉々に砕けてしまった。[42] 兵士たちは囚人たちが泳いで逃げるのを防ぐために、彼らを殺そうとした。[43] しかし百人隊長はパウロの命を助けたいと思い、彼らの計画を阻止した。泳げる者はまず船から飛び込んで陸に上がるようにと命じた。[44] 残りの者は板か船の他の部分に乗ってそこに着くことになっていた。こうして全員が無事に陸に着いた。

Trust in the Lord in the midst of disaster and turmoil

When things go wrong in your life are you sometimes tempted to panic? I know that I am. If everything is going well in our lives, it is relatively easy to trust in the Lord. However, there are times when we face major challenges to our faith. Among his many challenges, trials and sufferings, Paul was shipwrecked three times (2 Corinthians 11:23b–25).
人生で物事がうまくいかないとき、パニックに陥りたくなることがありますか? 私自身、パニックに陥りたくなることがあります。人生ですべてがうまくいっているときは、主を信頼するのは比較的簡単です。しかし、信仰にとって大きな試練に直面することもあります。パウロは、多くの試練や苦難、そして船の難破を 3 回経験しました (コリント人への手紙 2 章 11 節 23 節 b ~ 25 節)。

In today’s passage, we read of one of these occasions. At first it looked as if Paul had been wrong in predicting disaster as the weather was perfect for the journey (Acts 27:13), but then a hurricane began (v.14). It must have been a terrifying experience. Luke writes, ‘[they] finally gave up all hope of being saved’ (v.20).
今日の聖書箇所では、そのような出来事の一つについて読みます。最初は、天候が旅に最適であったため、パウロが災害を予言したのは間違いだったかのようでした(使徒行伝 27:13)。しかし、その後、ハリケーンが始まりました(14節)。恐ろしい経験だったに違いありません。ルカは、「彼らはついに救われる望みを捨てた」と書いています(20節)。

Yet, Paul kept on trusting in the Lord, telling those on board to ‘have faith in God’, that God was still in control and that he had promised to rescue them (vv.23–25).

It took this disaster for them to listen to Paul. Extraordinarily, Paul the prisoner appears to be completely in charge. He tells them, ‘you really should have listened to me’ (v.21, MSG). He is the one who stops the sailors jumping ship (v.30).

This is a great example of leadership without title or position. The best leaders are able to lead, in whatever circumstances, by influence and persuasion.

The turmoil gave Paul an opportunity to speak about his faith. He takes the opportunity although he must have been suffering greatly from hunger and the effects of the storm.

Paul saw himself as belonging to God (‘the God whose I am’) and being his servant (‘whom I serve’) (v.23). But God was not only his owner and master; Paul trusted God and had a deep assurance of his love. He knew that God wanted the very best for him, as he does for you today.

Paul assured them, ‘Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head’ (v.34). And, ‘after he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke it and began to eat’ (v.35).

In spite of disaster striking, God was in ultimate control: ‘The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping. But the centurion wanted to spare Paul’s life and kept them from carrying out their plan’ (vv.42–43a).

God gave Paul favour in the eyes of people as well as in God’s own eyes. As a result, ‘everyone reached land in safety’ (v.44).

Nothing could stop God from saving Paul and using him to work out his purposes and save lives.

Lord, thank you that you can protect me even when disaster strikes. When things go wrong, help me not to be afraid but rather to keep up my courage and to have faith in you.

2 Kings 18:1-19:13

Trust in the Lord in the midst of evil and distress

It is such a relief to read, at last, about a man who ‘trusted in the Lord’ (18:5). Hezekiah ‘trusted in, leaned on and was confident in the Lord’ (v.5, AMP). He put his whole trust in the God of Israel… And God, for his part, held fast to him through all his adventures’ (vv.5–6, MSG).

When Hezekiah became king, one of his first actions was to destroy all the things that prevented the people from obeying God (vv.1–4). Perhaps there are things in your life that are a barrier to you obeying God. Although they may seem vital, there is nothing as vital as obedience to God. God wants to help us to obey him – ask him and he will honour you as he honoured Hezekiah: ‘And the Lord was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook’ (v.7).

In 701 BC, Hezekiah faced a very powerful enemy in the form of the king of Assyria who mocked and ridiculed him. This story is not fictional; you can read about these historical events not only in the Bible but also in other ancient accounts. In Sennacherib’s account of these events he writes, ‘As to Hezekiah, the Jew, he did not submit to my yoke.’ He speaks arrogantly about Hezekiah being overwhelmed by ‘the terror inspiring splendour of my lordship’.
紀元前 701 年、ヒゼキヤはアッシリア王という非常に強力な敵に直面し、嘲笑されました。この物語はフィクションではありません。これらの歴史的出来事は聖書だけでなく、他の古代の記録にも書かれています。セナケリブはこれらの出来事について、「ユダヤ人ヒゼキヤは私のくびきに従わなかった」と書いています。彼はヒゼキヤが「私の主権の恐怖を呼び起こす壮麗さ」に圧倒されたと傲慢に語っています。

Sennacherib scorned Hezekiah’s dependence on the Lord (vv.20,22): ‘Do not let Hezekiah persuade you to trust in the Lord… he is misleading you when he says, “The Lord will deliver us.”’ (vv.30–32).

Somehow Hezekiah must have won the respect of his people because they followed his instructions: ‘But the people remained silent and said nothing in reply, because the king had commanded, “Do not answer him.”’ (v.36).

In the face of his powerful enemy, Hezekiah prayed. ‘He tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple of the Lord’ (19:1). A delegation went to the prophet Isaiah and told him, ‘This is what Hezekiah says: This day is a day of distress and rebuke and disgrace… pray for the remnant that still survives’ (vv.3–4).

Isaiah’s response was, ‘This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid of what you have heard’ (v.6). Not only did Hezekiah himself trust in the Lord, but he also persuaded the people to trust in the Lord.

Over the years, I have written beside this passage a list of the challenges we have faced. It is amazing to look back over the years and see the way in which God has delivered us in so many areas.

Today, whatever challenges you are facing, write them down, put your trust in God, believe that he will be with you and give you success in whatever he asks you to do.

Lord, thank you that I can trust in you in all circumstances. Today, I lay before you all the challenges I am facing… I put my trust in you.

Pippa Adds Trust in God when things don’t look good. We see this again in 2 Kings 18 and in Acts 27:33. God can turn what seems impossible around.
ピッパはこう付け加えます 物事がうまくいかないときは神を信頼してください。 これは列王記下 18 章と使徒行伝 27 章 33 節にも見られます。 神は不可能に思えることを変えることができます。

Victory in Christ

2024-07-06 06:27:22 | 日記
‭1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV‬ [58] Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 コリント 15:58 NIV [58] ですから、愛する兄弟姉妹たちよ、しっかり立ってください。何事にも動揺してはなりません。いつも主の御業に全身全霊を捧げなさい。主にあってあなたがたが労苦することはむだにならないことをあなたがたは知っているからです。

Victory in Christ

Jesus’ death and resurrection is at the core of the Christian faith. It is because of Jesus that we experience the free gift of salvation. Jesus’ death not only makes up for all of our wrong doing, but it also gives us the opportunity to have a relationship with God.

However, there are many other benefits that came through Jesus’ death and resurrection. One aspect that Paul focuses on in 1 Corinthians 15 is the victory that comes through Jesus.

Scripture says that Jesus’ death not only took care of our sin problem, but He also defeated the power of sin. That means we can experience abundant life by the power of the Holy Spirit living within us.

Jesus’ death and resurrection also defeated the consequence of our sin, which is death. We no longer need to fear death because Jesus has power over it. He came back from the dead, and now He gives eternal, abundant life to those who believe in Him.

This is why Paul encourages his readers to stand firm in their faith. Victory has already been won by Jesus, and as Christians we are partakers in that victory. Nothing can seperate us from the love of God!

Paul encourages us to continue to work for the Lord as the work of God will never be worthless. Because Jesus has already attained victory, all the work done in His name will produce victory as well.

So what is the work of the Lord? It is continuing to share the hope and love of Jesus with other people. It is loving God and loving others. All of us have areas of ministry, whether in our homes, neighborhoods, or workplaces. And because Jesus is victorious, we get to be confident in pursuing the work God has given us.





パウロが読者に信仰を堅持するよう勧めているのはそのためです。 イエスはすでに勝利を勝ち取っており、クリスチャンである私たちはその勝利にあずかっています。私たちを神の愛から引き離すものは何もありません!



A Prayer for Victory in Love

God, I admit that sometimes loving others can be draining. Fill me with hope to press on and not give up. Thank You for the complete victory I already have in You. Open my eyes to someone specific who needs Your love today. Strengthen my love and the way I live for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.