The Way Out of the Maze
At the age of eighteen, Billy Nolan ran away from the merchant navy. He was an alcoholic for thirty-five years. For twenty years he sat outside HTB drinking alcohol and begging for money. On 13 May 1990, he looked in the mirror and said, ‘You’re not the Billy Nolan I once knew.’
To use his own expression, he asked the Lord Jesus Christ into his life and made a covenant with him that he would never drink alcohol again. From that day on, he didn’t touch a drop. His life was transformed; he radiated the love and joy of Christ. I once said to him, ‘Billy, you look happy.’ He replied, ‘I am happy because I am free. *Life is like a maze* and at last I have found the way out through Jesus Christ.’
St Augustine wrote that God was the master ‘whom to serve is perfect freedom’. This is a great paradox. Many people think that if they serve God they will lose their freedom. In fact, it is the very opposite. Living for ourselves is, in fact, a form of slavery. Serving God ‘in the new way of the Spirit’ (Romans 7:6) is the way to find perfect freedom – free to have a relationship with him and to be the kind of person that deep down you long to be.
Psalms 88:1-9 NIV
[1] Lord, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you. [2] May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry. [3] I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death. [4] I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am like one without strength. [5] I am set apart with the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom you remember no more, who are cut off from your care. [6] You have put me in the lowest pit, in the darkest depths. [7] Your wrath lies heavily on me; you have overwhelmed me with all your waves. [8] You have taken from me my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot escape; [9] my eyes are dim with grief. I call to you, Lord, every day; I spread out my hands to you.
詩篇 88:1-9 NIV
[1] 主よ、あなたは私を救う神です。私は昼も夜もあなたに叫びます。[2] 私の祈りがあなたの前に届きますように。私の叫びに耳を傾けてください。[3] 私は悩みに押しつぶされ、私の命は死に近づいています。[4] 私は穴に下る者の一人に数えられ、力のない者のようです。[5] 私は死者とともに隔離され、墓に横たわる殺された者のようになっています。あなたは彼らをもう覚えておられず、あなたの御心から離れています。[6] あなたは私を最も深い穴、最も暗い深みに置きました。[7] あなたの怒りは私に重くのしかかり、あなたのすべての波で私を圧倒しました。[8] あなたは私の親しい友人を私から奪い、彼らに私を嫌わせました。私は閉じ込められ、逃げることができません。[9] 私の目は悲しみでかすんでいます。主よ、私は日々あなたを呼び求めます。 わたしはあなたに手を広げます。
Cry out to God
This psalm describes a situation similar to the one that Billy Nolan had found himself in: ‘I’m caught in a maze and can’t find my way out, blinded by tears of pain and frustration’ (v.8, MSG).
The psalmist is undergoing great suffering. His ‘soul is full of trouble’ (v.3a). He thinks he is going to die: ‘I’m camped on the edge of hell... a hopeless case. Abandoned as already dead’ (vv.3–5, MSG). He is ‘in the darkest depths’ (v.6), ‘without strength’ (v.4), ‘confined and cannot escape’ (v.8). He has even lost the support of his closest friends (v.8).
Only God can save us: ‘God, you’re my last chance of the day’ (v.1, MSG). However bad your situation may feel, cry out to God for freedom.
‘O Lord, the God who saves me, day and night I cry out before you. May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry’ (vv.1–2).
Romans 6:15-23 NIV
[15] What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means! [16] Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? [17] But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. [18] You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. [19] I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. [20] When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. [21] What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! [22] But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. [23] For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
ローマ人への手紙 6:15-23 NIV
[15] では、私たちは律法の下ではなく恵みの下にあるからといって、罪を犯すべきでしょうか。決してそうではありません。[16] あなたがたは知らないのですか。あなたがたは、従順な奴隷として自分をささげると、その従う相手の奴隷となるのです。罪の奴隷となって死に至るか、従順の奴隷となって義に至るかです。[17] しかし、以前は罪の奴隷であったあなたがたが、今は教えの規範に心から従うようになったことは、神に感謝します。[18] あなたがたは罪から解放され、義の奴隷となったのです。[19] 私は、あなたがたの人間的な限界のために、日常生活から例えを使います。以前は汚れと悪の奴隷となっていたように、今は義の奴隷となって聖潔に至るのです。 [20] あなたがたは、罪の奴隷であったときには、義の支配から自由でした。[21] 今では恥じているようなことを、あのころはどんな益を得たというのですか。それらは死に至ります。[22] しかし、今は罪から解放されて神の奴隷となったので、あなたがたが得る益は聖化に至り、永遠の命に至るのです。[23] 罪から来る報酬は死です。しかし、神の下さる賜物は、わたしたちの主キリスト・イエスにある永遠の命です。
Serve God
There is a Thomas the Tank Engine cartoon that pictures Thomas on his side, having fallen off the train tracks. He is shouting, ‘I’m free! I’m free at last. I’ve fallen off the rails and I’m free!’ Of course, the reality is that Thomas is far more ‘free’ when his wheels are on the rails and he is operating in line with how he has been created to function.
きかんしゃトーマスの漫画には、線路から落ちて横になっているトーマスの姿が描かれています。トーマスは「自由だ! やっと自由になった。線路から落ちたけど自由だ!」と叫んでいます。もちろん、現実には、車輪が線路に乗っていて、トーマスが本来の機能を果たすように動いているときの方が、トーマスははるかに「自由」なのです。
It is the same with us. We might imagine that we are freer if we have no one telling us what to do other than ourselves, but this is a delusion for we find ourselves enslaved to sin – it leads to ‘a dead end’ (6:21, MSG).
It has been said that ‘the only exercise some people take is jumping to wrong conclusions.’ The apostle Paul is worried that his readers will jump to the wrong conclusion – that some might argue that it doesn’t matter if we carry on sinning. He writes, ‘What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!’ (v.15).
The assurance of forgiveness is not an excuse to continue sinning. Grace is not a casual ‘get out clause’ for sin. It would be absurd to carry on sinning for two reasons:
赦しの保証は罪を犯し続けるための言い訳にはなりません。恵みは罪を免れるための気軽な手段ではありません。罪を犯し続けるのは、次の 2 つの理由から不合理です。
1. New Lord
1. 新しい領主
As a Christian you have a new Lord. You now serve God, ‘one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom!’ (v.17, MSG). Like it or not, we are all slaves to something. Sin is a form of slavery which brings only spiritual captivity and death, but serving God brings perfect freedom. For ‘God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master’ (v.23, MSG).
God is your new Lord. Every time you yield to sin you are going against the purpose of grace – which is to give you real life, eternal life. When you are tempted, remember that you do not have to give in. You are no longer a slave to sin. You are free to say ‘no’.
Remember also the rewards of obedience. In serving God, ‘the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life’ (v.22).
2. New love
2. 新しい愛
It is absurd to carry on sinning because, as well as having a new Lord, you also have a new love.
Paul speaks about one aspect of marriage to illustrate this. A woman is released from the law of marriage when her husband dies. Death discharges us from the law (7:1–6).
Similarly, we as Christians have died to the law. Our old love was the law but, as Christians, ‘we’re no longer shackled to that domineering mate of sin’ (v.6, MSG). You can now be bound to your new love, Jesus, just as a woman whose husband dies is free to marry a new love (v.4).
Now that you live under grace rather than under law, you have the Spirit living in you who fills you with both the desire and ability to do what is right. Connected to your new love, Jesus, you ‘serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code’ (v.6). Jesus sets you free to be the person that, deep down, you long to be. This is true freedom.
Lord, thank you that serving you is perfect freedom. Today I offer all the parts of my body as slaves to righteousness (6:19). I want to serve you, my Lord and my love, in the way of the Spirit.
Hosea 3:1-5:15
ホセア書 3:1-5:15
Seek God’s freedom
Some people find ‘sin’ a hard concept, but ‘loving something too much’ (idolatry) is something most of us can understand. Our highest love is that which we serve and worship.
This Old Testament passage provides an illustration of the principle that Paul expounded in the book of Romans, that those who sin are slaves to sin and end up with their lives caught in a maze.
God loves his people (3:1). The prophet Hosea is called to give a visual aid of this by his love for his wife in spite of the fact that she has committed adultery (v.1): ‘Love her the way I, God, love the Israelite people, even as they flirt and party with every god that takes their fancy’ (v.1, MSG).
Hosea speaks the word of the Lord, ‘There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgement of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery’ (4:1–2). The people are guilty of adultery and prostitution (vv.13b,15; 5:3). This is a fairly accurate description of many societies today.
The leaders were not setting a good example: ‘The more the priests increased, the more they sinned against me; they exchanged their Glory for something disgraceful. They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness. And it will be: Like people, like priests’ (4:7–9).
Instead of finding freedom through their sin, they were dissatisfied and enslaved as a result of their sin: ‘They’ll eat and be as hungry as ever, have sex and get no satisfaction... Wine and whiskey leave my people in a stupor... Drunk on sex, they can’t find their way home. They’ve replaced their God with their genitals’ (vv.10–12, MSG). They are ‘addicted to idols... When the beer runs out, it’s sex, sex, and more sex’ (vv.17–18, MSG).
They found themselves unable to turn back to God: ‘Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God’ (5:4a). Adultery and prostitution were rife among the people (14:13b,15; 5:3). It is as if they had come under some demonic power: ‘A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the Lord’ (v.4b). He withdrew himself from them (v.6).
彼らは神に立ち返ることができないことに気づきました。「彼らの行いは、神に立ち返ることを許さない」(5:4a)。姦淫と売春が民の間に蔓延していました(14:13b,15; 5:3)。まるで彼らが悪魔の力に屈したかのようでした。「彼らの心には売春の霊があり、彼らは主を認めない」(4b節)。主は彼らから身を引かれました(6節)。
But God’s withdrawal was so that the people would come back to him. The way back is to admit their guilt and seek God’s face: ‘In their misery they will earnestly seek me’ (v.15b).
‘Exactly how do we seek God?’ writes Joyce Meyer. ‘One way is to think about Him and consider what matters to Him and what He says about certain situations. When we seek Him, we find out much more about His answers to our problems. We also find joy, peace, love, wisdom and everything else we need in our lives. Let me urge you to seek him in every area of your life today.’
Lord I seek you today. I bring to you all the problems that I’m facing… Please show me what you want me to do. Give me wisdom. Help me today to find perfect freedom in serving you wholeheartedly.
Pippa Adds
In Romans 6:23b it says,
‘… but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’
I find buying presents for other people rather stressful. I am often totally overwhelmed by people’s kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness when I am given a present. God’s gift to us is even more amazing – ETERNAL LIFE! This gift will never get old, get worn out or forgotten. It is the most precious gift of all. It required a huge sacrifice in getting it; it will last forever and be perfect in every way.