

教会はどのような姿であるべきでしょうか? What is Church Supposed to Look Like?

2024-07-23 21:18:54 | 日記
What is Church Supposed to Look Like?

In this week’s episode of Trending Faith, Dean of Students and Pastor Tim Griffin and Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, sat down to discuss what church is supposed to look like.
今週の「Trending Faith」では、学生部長兼牧師のティム・グリフィン氏と神学部長のジェイソン・ハイルズ博士が、教会がどのようなものであるべきかについて話し合いました。

Pastor Griffin notes scriptures which lay out a loose blueprint for how churches should look at gatherings, prayer, study and breaking bread together, which have been major components of the church experience for centuries. With it came the belief from every church that they, individually, were doing it “the right way.”

As time moved on, churches became larger and these huge gatherings made it increasingly difficult to build interpersonal relationships. Many churches began offering smaller group experiences to help build relationships between members and cultivate niche or special interest groups within these larger congregations to help supplement the basic tenets of a big church experience.

Pastor Tim explained, “When there are thousands of people in the room and they hear one person speaking or a handful of people singing, then you have very much a theater experience with performers on a stage and people responding to that.

“Is that bad? Not necessarily, but can some of the basic elements of the Christian experience get lost? Yes, they can. But they can also be lost in small church life, too; being petty, divided or isolated from the rest of the world that I think God would expect from us as His people when we’re in community together.”

Those elements along with what Pastor Griffin notes as a huge, somewhat mysterious emphasis on music in today’s worship, require church leadership to focus on the basic experiences: serving others, helping others and praying for others. Those concepts are sometimes different between large churches and small churches, but should remain a commonality in all churches.

Listen to their complete discussion below:


あなたの家系図 Your Family Tree

2024-07-23 20:16:30 | 日記
Your Family Tree

My father never spoke to me about his life before he had come to England and married my mother. I knew virtually nothing about his background.

A few years ago, I was contacted by The Judaica Museum in Berlin. They were doing some research into the Gumbel family. They sent me a copy of my family tree. I discovered that my great-great-grandfather was called Abraham Gumbel. My great-grandfather was called Isaac and his brother, Moses!

My father was Jewish. He qualified as a barrister and became a Doctor of Law at the University of Tübingen in 1927. Later he read Adolf Hitler’s *Mein Kampf* and knew what was likely to happen to someone like him who was known as ‘*Israelitisch’*.

He came to England and qualified as an English barrister as well. His sister and parents eventually came too. Many of the rest of my family, on my father’s side, were murdered in Dachau, Riga and other Nazi concentration camps.

The treatment of the Jewish people through the centuries has been complex, and at times tragic. Sometimes even passages in the Bible have been misinterpreted and misapplied as a weapon of abuse against the Jewish people.

The people of God in the Old Testament were the nation of Israel. The people of God in the New Testament are all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. We share a common history and family tree. We worship the same God and, the apostle Paul tells us, the way of salvation is the same for us all.

Psalms 89:14-18 NIV [14] Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. [15] Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. [16] They rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness. [17] For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn. [18] Indeed, our shield belongs to the Lord, our king to the Holy One of Israel.
詩篇 89:14-18 NIV [14] 正義と公正はあなたの王座の基であり、愛と誠実はあなたの前に進み出る。[15] 主よ、あなたを称えることを学び、あなたの御前に光の中を歩む人々は幸いである。[16] 彼らは一日中あなたの名を喜び、あなたの正義をたたえる。[17] あなたは彼らの栄光であり力であり、あなたの恵みによって私たちの角を高く上げてくださる。[18] 確かに、私たちの盾は主のものであり、私たちの王はイスラエルの聖なる者のものである。

Your God is the God of Israel

The Lord, whom we worship, is the Holy One of Israel. ‘All we are and have we owe to God, Holy God of Israel, our King!’ (v.18, MSG).

The psalmist says of the Lord, ‘The Right and Justice are the roots of your rule; Love and Truth are its fruits’ (v.14, MSG). God’s choice of the people of Israel does not make him unrighteous and unjust. He is a God of love and faithfulness. He loves all people. The foundation of his throne is righteousness and justice. He will act in a way that is right and his treatment of other nations will never be unjust.

God intended that all nations would be blessed through his choice of Israel (see Genesis 12:3). This has now been made possible through Jesus. You too can walk in a right relationship with God and experience the blessing that this psalm talks about: ‘Blessed are those who… walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory and strength’ (Psalm 89:15–17). As a result, ‘We’re walking on air!’ (v.17, MSG).
神は、イスラエルを選ぶことによってすべての国々が祝福されることを意図されました(創世記 12:3 参照)。これは今やイエスを通して可能になりました。あなたも神との正しい関係を歩み、この詩篇が語る祝福を体験することができます。「主よ。あなたの御前に照らされて歩む人々は幸いだ。彼らは一日中、あなたの御名を喜び、あなたの義を誇っている。あなたは彼らの栄光であり、力である。」(詩篇 89:15–17)。その結果、「私たちは空中を歩いている!」(17節、MSG)。

Lord, help me today to walk in the light of your presence and to rejoice in your name all day long.

Romans 9:22-33 NIV [22] What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? [23] What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— [24] even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? [25] As he says in Hosea: “I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people; and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one,” [26] and, “In the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’ ” [27] Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. [28] For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.” [29] It is just as Isaiah said previously: “Unless the Lord Almighty had left us descendants, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.” [30] What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; [31] but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. [32] Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. [33] As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
ローマ人への手紙 9:22-33 NIV [22] 神は、怒りをあらわにし、その力を知らせようとしながらも、滅ぼされるために用意された怒りの対象を、大いなる忍耐をもって忍ばれたとしたらどうでしょう。[23] 神がこのようにされたのは、栄光のためにあらかじめ用意された憐れみの対象、すなわち、[24] ユダヤ人だけでなく異邦人の中からも召された私たちに、その栄光の豊かさを知らせるためだったとしたらどうでしょう。[25] 神はホセ​​ア書でこう言っています。「わたしは、わたしの民でない者を、わたしの民と呼ぶ。 わたしは、わたしの愛する者ではない彼女を『わたしの愛する者』と呼ぶ」[26] また、「『あなたたちはわたしの民ではない』と言われたその場所で、彼らは『生ける神の子ら』と呼ばれる」[27] イザヤはイスラエルについて叫んでいます。「イスラエル人の数は海辺の砂のようであっても、残りの者だけが救われる。[28] 主は速やかに、そして確実に、その判決を地上に執行されるからである。」[29] イザヤが以前に言ったとおりです。「万軍の主がわたしたちに子孫を残されなかったなら、わたしたちはソドムのようになり、ゴモラのようになっていたであろう。」[30] それでは、何と言うべきでしょうか。義を追い求めなかった異邦人は、信仰による義を得た。[31] しかし、律法を義の道として追い求めたイスラエル人は、目的を達成しなかった、と。[32] なぜでしょうか。 彼らは信仰によってではなく、行いによって追い求めたからです。彼らはつまずきの石につまずきました。[33] 聖書にこう書いてあります。「見よ、わたしはシオンにつまずきの石、倒れる岩を置く。これを信じる者は決して恥をかくことはない。」

Romans 10:1-4 NIV [1] Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. [2] For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. [3] Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. [4] Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
ローマ人への手紙 10:1-4 NIV [1] 兄弟たちよ。わたしが心からイスラエル人のために神に願っていることは、彼らが救われることです。[2] わたしは彼らについて証言することができます。彼らは神に対して熱心ですが、その熱心さは知識に基づくものではありません。[3] 彼らは神の義を知らず、自分の義を立てようと努め、神の義に従わなかったのです。[4] キリストは律法の完成であり、信じるすべての人に義が与えられるためです。

Your salvation began with Israel

God’s plan of salvation began with Israel. His plan for Israel (the Jews) and the rest (the Gentiles) is inextricably linked. What does this mean for you now?

God had a plan ‘to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory – even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles’ (9:23–24). His plan of salvation is wider than just the nation of Israel.

Salvation is based on:

faith – not your good works
mercy – not what you deserve
belief – not where you were born.
信仰 – あなたの善行ではありません
慈悲 – あなたが値するものではありません
信念 – あなたが生まれた場所ではありません。

Paul goes on to demonstrate this by drawing on the words of Hosea. God had said that he would call people who were ‘not my people’ – that is, the Gentiles – ‘my people’, ‘my loved one’ and ‘children of the living God’ (vv.25–26).

It is an amazing privilege to be part of God’s people, loved by God, called to be his children, the object of his mercy, prepared in advance for glory in order that he might make the riches of his glory known (vv. 23–24).

Under the new covenant, no one is excluded. Everyone can be saved. God has made possible, through Jesus, a righteousness by faith (v.30).

Jesus is the way of salvation. Some will stumble over him, but ‘the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame’ (v.33).

Paul loves the people of Israel. They are his people. He longs for them to be saved. He intercedes fervently for their salvation. ‘Believe me, friends, all I want for Israel is what’s best for Israel: salvation, nothing less. I want it with all my heart and pray to God for it all the time’ (10:1, MSG).

There is only one way that they will be saved, and that is by faith, through ‘the righteousness that comes from God’ (v.3). This righteousness comes through Christ. ‘Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes’ (v.4).

‘Christ is the end of the law’ is a huge, ground-breaking, life-changing, history-making statement. There has been a great deal of debate about exactly what Paul meant. However, some things are clear.

‘Christ is the end of the law’ in that he has fulfilled the law. Jesus once described himself as having come to ‘fulfil the law’ (Matthew 5:17). The purpose of the law was to point us to Jesus (Galatians 3:24). Now Jesus has come, its role has been completed.
「キリストは律法の終わり」であり、律法を成就しました。イエスはかつて、ご自身が「律法を成就するために」来られたと説明されました(マタイ 5:17)。律法の目的は、私たちをイエスに導くことでした(ガラテヤ 3:24)。今、イエスが来られ、その役割は完了しました。

‘Christ is the end of the law’ in that he has satisfied the law. Jesus was the only person who has ever fully kept the law, yet through the cross you receive the benefit of his obedience.

‘Christ is the end of the law’ in that he has set you free from the burden and condemnation of the law. As we are constantly failing, we live life under a black cloud of condemnation. Because of Jesus, ‘there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1).
「キリストは律法の終わりです」。それは、キリストがあなたを律法の重荷と罪の宣告から解放してくださったからです。私たちは常に失敗し、罪の宣告という暗雲の下で生きています。イエスのおかげで、「キリスト・イエスにある者は、もはや罪に定められません」(ローマ人への手紙 8:1)。

Jesus has set you free from seeking salvation through the law. No one can be saved by the law. No one, apart from Jesus, has ever managed to keep the entire law. ‘Christ is the end of the law’ in that he has set you free from trying to establish your own righteousness. Instead, you are now given ‘the righteousness that comes from God’ (10:3).

Lord, thank you that salvation is open to all through faith in Jesus. I pray today for the people of Israel: ’My heart’s desire and prayer to God… is that they may be saved’ (v.1).

1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17
歴代誌上 1:1-2:17


Your history is bound up with Israel

In today’s passage we see another family tree. This is my family tree. It is also yours.

‘Names launch this story,’ writes Eugene Peterson, ‘hundreds and hundreds of names, lists of names, page after page of names, personalnames... Holy history is not constructed from impersonal forces or abstract ideas; it is woven from names – persons, each one unique. Chronicles erects a solid defense against depersonalized religion.’

There is more than one way to tell a story. The two books of Chronicles cover the same period as the books of Samuel and Kings. The new writer (possibly Ezra), writing a hundred years or so later, traces the history of Israel from Adam to the return from exile.
物語を伝える方法は複数あります。歴代誌の 2 冊は、サムエル記と列王記と同じ期間を扱っています。新しい著者 (おそらくエズラ) は、約 100 年後に、アダムから亡命からの帰還までのイスラエルの歴史をたどります。

We see in these chapters that Israel’s history is our history. Our history goes back to Adam (1:1) and the beginning of the human race.

The church goes back to Abraham. ‘Abraham was the father of Isaac. The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel’ (v.34). Both Israel and the church of Jesus Christ look to Abraham as their father.

In chapter 2, the chronicler traces the history of Israel through the sons of Israel right down to David (2:15). Again, Israel’s history is your history. The church began with God’s call to Abraham and continues right down the ages until now.
第 2 章では、年代記作者はイスラエルの子孫からダビデに至るまでのイスラエルの歴史をたどります (2:15)。繰り返しますが、イスラエルの歴史は皆さんの歴史です。教会は神のアブラハムへの召命から始まり、時代を超えて今に至るまで続いています。

Whether the church is popular or unpopular, big or small is relatively unimportant. People talk about the church as if it is a fairly marginal phenomenon only interested in gaining popularity. The only question the media ask is whether it is popular or not.

But as Bishop Lesslie Newbigin pointed out, this is absurd. The church has outlived great empires, philosophical systems, totalitarian systems. The things that seem to occupy the whole horizon of public thinking now will be simply phantoms, half remembered from the past, twenty years from now. But the church will still be there. This given reality needs to be at the centre of our thinking as Christians.

Thank you, Lord, for our common family tree with the people of Israel. Thank you for the extraordinary privilege of being part of the people of God, who trace our history back to the beginning of the human race, through Adam, Abraham and Israel, and right down to the present day.

Pippa Adds
In Psalm 89:14 it says,

‘Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.’

With all the political unrest and changing governments around the world, righteousness and justice need to be the bedrock of any form of governance. Don’t stop praying for our world leaders.

詩篇 89:14 にはこうあります



互いに愛し合うLove One Another

2024-07-23 04:00:34 | 日記
1 John 4:19 NIV [19] We love because he first loved us.
ヨハネ第一 4:19 NIV [19] わたしたちも愛するのは、神がまずわたしたちを愛してくださったからです。

Love One Another

Jesus said two important things about our love for each other. First, that all people will know we are His disciples if we love one another (John 13:34). Second, our unity in Him will let the world know that God had sent Him into the world (John 17:23).

Jesus said the world will know He has come by how His followers love each other. We should love one another in such a way that those who do not believe in Jesus would be astounded and curious to learn more about Him.

Jesus knew this world would be full of anger, strife, and conflict. This is all the more reason it should be a priority to love other people with the same love God has for us. Loving others unveils to the world the great and loving God who loved us first.

Years after Jesus’ resurrection, the apostle John wrote three short letters to followers of Jesus. In his first letter, he takes the time to talk to them about how to love, and why it matters. John wrote: “love is from God … if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another … we love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:7, 11, 19)

He even goes as far as to say, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20 ESV)

There’s no way around this. John makes it clear that our love for one another is proof that God’s love is in us. So if we say that we love God, then we should be committed to showing love to each other.

As you reflect on today’s verse, ask yourself: Is there anyone in my life that I need to show love to today? Is there anyone I need to forgive? In what ways can I love my brothers and sisters in Jesus?





イエスの復活から何年も経って、使徒ヨハネはイエスの弟子たちに3通の短い手紙を書きました。最初の手紙では、愛し合う方法とそれがなぜ重要なのかについて時間をかけて語っています。 ヨハネはこう書いています。「愛は神から来るものです。神がこのように私たちを愛してくださったなら、私たちも互いに愛し合うべきです。神がまず私たちを愛してくださったのですから、私たちも愛し合うべきです。」(ヨハネ第一 4:7, 11, 19)

ヨハネはさらにこうも言っています。「『神を愛している』と言いながら兄弟を憎んでいる人は偽り者です。見た兄弟を愛さない者は、見たことのない神を愛することはできないからです。」(ヨハネ第一 4:20 ESV)


今日の聖句について考えながら、自分に問いかけてください。今日、私の人生で愛を示す必要がある人はいますか? 許す必要がある人はいますか? イエスの兄弟姉妹をどのように愛することができますか?

A Prayer to Live with Love

God, thank You for showing every generation throughout history the same unconditional love. You are constantly inviting us to experience intimacy with You. What a beautiful gift that is! Today, no matter what I face, help me to love others like You have loved me. Let my life be evidence of Your love at work in the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.