

親密さへの招待 An Invitation to Intimacy

2024-08-13 22:45:05 | 日記
An Invitation to Intimacy

God wants you to be a part of His forever family in heaven.

詩篇 139:1-24 NIV [1] 主よ、あなたは私を探り、私をご存じです。[2] あなたは私が座るのも起きるのも知っておられます。遠くから私の思いを見抜いておられます。[3] あなたは私が出かけるのと横になるのを見分け、私のすべての道をご存じです。[4] 主よ、私の舌に言葉が上る前に、あなたはそれを完全にご存じです。[5] あなたは後ろも前も私を囲み、あなたの手を私の上に置いてくださいます。[6] このような知識は私にはあまりにも不思議で、私には到達できないほど高いものです。[7] あなたの霊からどこへ行くことができましょうか。あなたの御前からどこへ逃れることができましょうか。[8] 私が天に上っても、あなたはそこにおられます。私が深淵に床を設けても、あなたはそこにおられます。[9] 私が暁の翼に乗って昇っても、海の向こうに住んでも、[10] そこでもあなたの手は私を導き、あなたの右の手は私をしっかりと握ってくださいます。 [11] たとい私が、「やみはわたしを隠し、光はわたしのまわりで夜となる」と言っても、[12] やみもあなたにとっては暗くはなく、夜は昼のように輝きます。やみはあなたにとって光と同じだからです。 [13] あなたはわたしの内なる心を造り、母の胎内でわたしを編み上げられました。 [14] わたしはあなたをほめたたえます。わたしは恐るべき、驚くべき造りです。あなたのみわざは驚くべきものです。わたしはそれをよく知っています。 [15] わたしが隠れた所で造られ、地の深みで織り合わされたとき、わたしの骨格はあなたから隠されていませんでした。 [16] あなたの目は形の整わないわたしのからだをご覧になりました。わたしのために定められたすべての日々は、その一日も生まれる前に、あなたの書物にしるされていました。 [17] 神よ、あなたの思いはわたしにとってなんと尊いことでしょう。その総計はなんと大きいことでしょう。 [18] 数えようとすれば砂粒よりも多く、目が覚めれば、わたしはなおあなたとともにいます。 [19] 神よ、あなたが悪者を殺してくださるならよいのですが。血に飢えた者よ、私から離れ去ってください。 [20] 彼らは悪意を持ってあなたについて語り、あなたの敵はあなたの名を悪用します。 [21] 主よ、あなたを憎む者を私は憎み、あなたに反抗する者を私は忌み嫌いませんでしょうか。 [22] 私は彼らを憎むばかりで、彼らを私の敵とみなしています。 [23] 神よ、私を探り、私の心を知ってください。私を試し、私の思いを知ってください。 [24] 私の中に不道があるかどうかを見て、永遠の道に私を導いてください。

Psalms 139:1-24 NIV [1] You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. [2] You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. [3] You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. [4] Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. [5] You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. [6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. [7] Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? [8] If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. [9] If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, [10] even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. [11] If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” [12] even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. [13] For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. [14] I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. [15] My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. [16] Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. [17] How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! [18] Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. [19] If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! [20] They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. [21] Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? [22] I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. [23] Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. [24] See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

詩篇 10:17 NIV [17] 主よ、あなたは苦しむ者の願いを聞き、彼らを励まし、彼らの叫びに耳を傾けられます。
Psalms 10:17 NIV [17] You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,

ヨハネ 3:16 NIV [16] 神はその独り子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。独り子を信じる者が一人も滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。
John 3:16 NIV [16] For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God, the Creator of the universe, chooses us. And His purpose in doing so isn’t simply to save us from eternity in hell. His love goes beyond that—He wants an intimate relationship with each one of His children. Building this intimacy requires ...

God showed His commitment by rescuing us from sin through His Son Jesus, sending the Holy Spirit to live within us, and promising us eternal life. A reasonable response is our pledge to obedience in both inner attitude and outward action.

親密な絆を築くには、二人が深い考えや感情を表現し、また互いの言葉に注意深く耳を傾ける必要があります。神は聖書を通して、ご自身とその計画について私たちに語りかけ、いつでも耳を傾けてくださいます(詩篇 10:17)。
Clear Communication.
To develop a close bond, two people will express deep thoughts and feelings, and they’ll also listen carefully to one another’s words. God speaks to us through Scripture about Himself and His plans, and He also stands ready to listen (Psalm 10:17).

God speaks honestly about our nature, the condition of the world, and the only solution: Jesus Christ. He willingly tells us the difficult truths about ourselves but also encourages and affirms us in our efforts to follow Him. Our part consists of being honest with Him about our thoughts, actions, and emotions.

救いはキリストにおける人生の第一歩に過ぎません(ヨハネ 3:16)。あなたは神との親密さへの招待を受け入れましたか?
Salvation is only the first step of life in Christ (John 3:16). Have you accepted the invitation to intimacy with God?

ハビタット・フォー・ヒューマニティと共に都市に貢献する Serve the City with Habitat for Humanity

2024-08-13 21:09:33 | 日記
Serve the City with Habitat for Humanity

兄弟姉妹の皆さん、あなた方は自由になるために召されました。しかし、その自由を肉欲にふけるために用いてはいけません。むしろ、謙虚に愛をもって互いに仕えなさい。(ガラテヤ人への手紙 5:13)
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love. (Galatians 5:13)

先週末、春学期の「Serve the City」では、ハビタット・フォー・ヒューマニティとの新しいパートナーシップが紹介されました。グランドキャニオン大学の 200 名を超える学生が力を合わせて地域に貢献しました。土曜日の朝、フェニックス キャンパスから徒歩圏内にある 8 軒の家と 9 つの作業プロジェクトが紫色に染まりました。
Spring semester Serve the City highlighted the new Habitat for Humanity partnership this past weekend. Over 200 Grand Canyon University students joined forces to serve the community. Eight homes with nine work projects- all within walking distance from the Phoenix campus- were clad in purple Saturday morning.

Paint-speckled students, staff and Habitat workers came together to make an impact in the lives of the community members. The students that served sacrificed sleep and their weekend to help our surrounding neighbors with nothing expected in return.

Junior Cassandra Cothron was participating in this partnership not only for Serve the City, but hoping for more opportunities to give back. “I have never worked with Habitat before, so I thought that it would be really cool to experience to give back,” said Cothron. “If you make the community a little prettier, people will love it a little better,” she concluded.

この「Serve the City」は、今後 5 年間にわたって実施される Habitat と GCU のパートナーシップのキックオフとなります。両パートナーは、学生が可能な限り参加することを望んでいます。
This Serve the City marks the kickoff for Habitat and GCU’s partnership that will be taking place over the next five years. Both partners want students to be as involved as they possibly can be.

Alex McEachern, one of the site supervisors with Habitat, also shared his passion for helping people and communities. “The partnership is awesome because habitat can’t do it alone,” said McEachern. “You know, it takes more than a village. What it does, is it opens up for us to be able to do more, especially in this area.

GCU は、残りの学期中に学生がハビタットで奉仕する機会をさらに多く提供することを望んでおり、学生の皆さんは今後の機会に関する発表に注目するよう奨励されています。
GCU hopes to have many more chances for students to serve with Habitat over the rest of the semester and students are encouraged keep an eye out for any announcements on upcoming opportunities.

わたしはあなたを引き上げますI Will Lift You Up

2024-08-13 18:54:18 | 日記
I Will Lift You Up

Jesus wants to make us more and more like himself.

As Jesus neared the end of his public ministry, he made a prediction about his coming passion and death.

“When I am lifted up from the earth,” he said, “I will draw everyone to myself” (John 12:32). These words, which are so full of promise and hope, show us that Jesus didn’t come just to forgive our sins. He also came to bring us into a relationship with him. He came so that we could be “drawn” to him and “lifted up” with him to the presence of his heavenly Father.

This month, we want to take a look at what it means to be lifted up with Jesus. What happens when we are lifted up? What does it mean for us to lift up our own hearts to the Lord? As we examine these questions, we will discover that when God raises us up, he does so by giving us a taste of his own life and love. We will also discover how these experiences can bring about real and lasting change in our lives.

The Promise of “Divinization.”

The first question we need to ask is what are we being lifted up from, and where are we being lifted up to? The simple answer is that God lifts us from earth to heaven. But we have to be careful here. We are not implying that everything in this world is evil and that God wants to separate us from the world. On the contrary, he lifts us up to heaven so that, filled with his grace, we can be a more effective force for good and holiness on the earth.

Over time, as we experience God lifting us up more and more frequently, we find ourselves changing. We find the Holy Spirit making us more like Jesus. We find him delivering us from old ways of sin and limited vision so that we can live in closer union with the Lord. Some of the saints have gone so far as to call this process of transformation “divinization,” where God forms us into his image and likeness so fully that we begin to think and act like Jesus.


Abraham’s Path.

聖書の中で、神によって引き上げられ、人生を変えられた最初期の人物の一人、アブラハムを見てみましょう。神に初めて召されたとき、アブラハムは裕福ではあるものの子供のいないメソポタミアに住む遊牧民でした。アブラハムは自分が困窮しているとはまったく感じていませんでした。ただ、自分の人生ですべきだと思ったことをしていただけだったのです。しかし、神がご自身を現し、「あなたの親族の土地から出て行きなさい。…わたしはあなたを大いなる国民にする」(創世記 12:1,2)と言われた時、すべてが変わりました。
Let’s look at Abraham, one of the earliest figures in the Bible to have experienced God lifting him up and changing his life. When God first called him, Abraham was a wealthy but childless nomad living in Mesopotamia. Abraham didn’t feel needy at all. He was simply doing what he thought he should do with his life. But that all changed when God revealed himself and said: “Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk. . . . I will make of you a great nation” (Genesis 12:1,2).

神とアブラハムの間に何が起こったかは、重要だったに違いありません。アブラハムはそこを去り、ヘブロンに移りました。神はこの反応に非常に満足し、アブラハムに約束しました。「あなたは天を仰いで星を数えることができるなら、それを数えなさい。あなたの子孫もそのようになるであろう」(創世記 15:5)。さて、アブラハムが最初の出会いに反応しなかったとしたら、この約束を聞いたと思いますか?おそらくそうではないでしょう。
Whatever happened then between God and Abraham must have been significant. Abraham left and moved to Hebron. God was so pleased with this response that he made a promise to Abraham: “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so shall your descendants be” (Genesis 15:5). Now, if Abraham did not respond to the original encounter, do you think he would have heard this promise? Probably not.

神は約束を確かめようとした時、アブラハムに、神のために自分を捧げ、神に忠実であり続けることによって契約を守るよう求めました(創世記 17:9-14)。それでもアブラハムは、神が自分と妻のサラに子供を与えてくださるとは信じられませんでした。その考えに笑いさえしました(17:17)。しかし、神とのこの出会いでアブラハムは何かに心を動かされ、人間の論理では不可能だとわかっていても、神が彼のために用意した道に従うことを決意しました。サラも同じでした。彼女も子供を身ごもる可能性に笑い、主からその責任を問われた時には嘘をつきました(18:12-15)。
When God wanted to confirm his promises, he simply asked Abraham to keep his covenant by setting himself apart for God and staying faithful to him (Genesis 17:9-14). Still, Abraham found it hard to believe that God would give him and his wife, Sarah, a child. He even laughed at the thought (17:17). But something in this encounter with God moved Abraham, and he decided to follow the path God had laid out for him, even though human logic told him that it was impossible. Sarah was no different. She too laughed at the prospect of conceiving a child—and when called to account for it by the Lord, she even lied (18:12-15).

数年後、神がアブラハムにソドムとゴモラを滅ぼす計画を告げたとき、アブラハムは神に十分信頼を寄せ、そのような大惨事を防ごうとしました。謙虚に粘り強く、アブラハムは主にとりなし、何とか神の計画を変えました。甥のロトは無傷で逃げることができました(創世記 18:17-19:23)。

それから、神がアブラハムに、一人息子のイサクを犠牲にするようにと命じて、彼を試す時が来ました。アブラハムは困惑したに違いありません。なぜなら、神は彼に、彼の約束はすべてイサクを通して実現すると告げていたからです(創世記 21:12)。深く愛するこの息子を殺して、神の約束どおりの未来を見ることができるでしょうか。混乱と心痛にもかかわらず、アブラハムは従う用意をしました。アブラハムがいかに忠実で信頼に満ちていたかを見て、神は最後の瞬間に介入し、彼に約束しました。「あなたは、あなたの愛する子を惜しまなかったから、わたしはあなたを豊かに祝福し、あなたの子孫を天の星、海辺の砂のように増やそう。あなたの子孫は敵の城門を占領し、地のすべての国々はあなたの子孫によって祝福を得る。これはすべて、あなたがわたしの命令に従ったからである」(22:16-18)。
Then came the time when God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham must have been puzzled, for God had told him that it was through Isaac that all of his promises would be fulfilled (Genesis 21:12). How could he kill this son—whom he loved deeply—and still see the future unfold as God had promised? Despite the confusion and the heartache, Abraham made ready to obey. Seeing how faithful and trusting Abraham was, God intervened at the last minute and promised him: “Because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your beloved son, I will bless you abundantly and make your descendants as countless as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore; your descendants shall take possession of the gates of their enemies, and in your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing—all this because you obeyed my command” (22:16-18).

The Beginning of a Long Line.

This is a remarkable story about a remarkable man who was led along a path of ever-increasing faith. Time after time, Abraham was lifted up and drawn closer to God. And each time, he grasped more clearly what God was doing—and that deepened his faith. Abraham’s entire life is an example to us of what happens when God works in a person’s heart—and when that person responds to God in faith, surrender, and trust.

We need to know that even when we question God as Abraham did, he still works with us. Even when we lie or commit some other sin, as Sarah did, he still reaches out to us. Even when we try to negotiate with God, as Abraham did for Lot, he hangs in there with us. Even when we laugh at God’s plans, he doesn’t abandon us. And when we finally entrust everything to God as Abraham did with Isaac, we find God faithful, and we find ourselves rewarded greatly.

Abraham stood at the beginning of a long line of patriarchs and matriarchs, prophets and prophetesses, kings and queens, as well as everyday people throughout the Hebrew Bible—heroes and heroines who were touched by God and lifted up to a new way of living. What’s more, with the coming of Christ and the gift of his Holy Spirit, this grace is no longer limited to just a chosen few. Countless saints of the church—both recognized and hidden—have been lifted up and transformed. From age to age, millions of believers have experienced God’s grace!

Lift Up Your Heart!

The story of Abraham and Isaac can help us understand just how much God wants to lift us up. More than two thousand years after God spared Abraham’s only son, Isaac, he chose not to spare his only Son, Jesus—even after Jesus prayed that “this cup” would pass him by (Matthew 26:39). Surely God loved his Son even more deeply than Abraham loved Isaac. But he loved us so much—and so did his Son—that he freely gave him up for us. God’s willingness to sacrifice his only Son for us demonstrates the lengths to which he will go to save us, to teach us, and to lift us up to his side.

At every Mass, we are invited: “Lift up your hearts,” and we respond by saying, “We lift them up to the Lord.” What do you think would happen if each of us used this moment to actually do just that? What would the church look like if we all set our position at every Eucharist, saying, “Jesus, I want to be drawn closer to you. I don’t want anything to get in the way. Come, Lord, and lift all of us up so that we can know you better and love you more.”

ゲームのレベルを上げる方法 How to Raise Your Game

2024-08-13 09:03:30 | 日記
How to Raise Your Game

Some of the world’s top squash players used to practise at the club where I played. I remember well the first time I saw at close hand a high-level game. It was the son of one of our regular group of players. At the time, he was ranked number 11 in the world. He came to practise at our club with the world number 2. We all watched in amazement. We had never seen anything like it. In fact, if that was ‘squash’, what we played should be called something else!

Watching them always raised our game. Suddenly we realised that it was possible to return practically any shot your opponent could serve you, however good they were. We saw how important it was to get back to the middle of the court after each shot. We watched how deep they hit the ball. We noticed the shots that they avoided playing. When we went on court after that, we astonished ourselves by how well we played. Of course, we did not play anywhere near as well as them. But, inspired by their example, we played a whole lot better than usual.

私はクリスチャンとして生きてきた中で、同じパターンを見つけました。たとえば、私は 19 年間サンディ・ミラー氏のために働くという特権に恵まれました。彼の人生を見て、説教を聞くことで、私はいつも彼の模範に触発されてきました。たとえ、私たちの模範となる人々のレベルに達することは不可能かもしれませんが、それが私たちのレベルを上げるきっかけになればと思います。
During my Christian life, I have found the same pattern. For example, I had the privilege of working for Sandy Millar for nineteen years. Through watching his life and hearing him preach, I was always inspired by his example. Even though reaching the level of those who are examples to us might not be possible, hopefully it inspires us to raise our game.

キリスト教徒とは、イエスを信じ、イエスに信仰を置き、イエスを知り、「キリストにあって」生きる人です。また、イエスの模範に従う人でもあります。人類史上、キリストの模範よりも偉大な模範はありません。パウロはこう書いています。「わたしがキリストの模範に従っているように、あなたがたもわたしの模範に従ってください」(コリントの信徒への手紙一 11:1)。
A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus, puts their faith in him, knows him and lives ‘in Christ’. It is also someone who *follows his example*. There is no greater example in human history than the example of Christ. Paul writes, ‘Follow *my* example, as *I follow the example of Christ*’ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

箴言 20:5-14 NIV [5] 人の心の企ては深い水のようだ。しかし、さとき者はそれを汲み出す。[6] 愛は絶えないと言う人は多いが、忠実な人はだれが見つけられるだろうか。[7] 義人は潔白な生活をし、その子孫は幸いである。[8] 王は玉座に着いて裁きを行うとき、その目ですべての悪をふるい分ける。[9] 「私は心を清く保った。私は清く、罪はない」と誰が言えようか。[10] 異なる重りと異なる量り。主はその両方を忌み嫌われる。[11] 幼子でさえその行いで知られる。では、その行いは本当に清く、正しいだろうか。[12] 聞く耳と見る目。主はそれを両方とも造られた。[13] 眠りを愛してはならない。さもないと貧しくなる。目を覚ましていなさい。そうすれば食物に飽きる。[14] 「それはだめだ、だめだ!」 買い手はこう言うと、立ち去ってその購入を自慢する。
Proverbs 20:5-14 NIV [5] The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. [6] Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find? [7] The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them. [8] When a king sits on his throne to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes. [9] Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”? [10] Differing weights and differing measures— the Lord detests them both. [11] Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright? [12] Ears that hear and eyes that see— the Lord has made them both. [13] Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare. [14] “It’s no good, it’s no good!” says the buyer— then goes off and boasts about the purchase.

Example of your life

How you live affects others. You look to others for an example. Others look to you as an example. This happens whether you like it or not.

Nowhere is this more the case than with parents and children. I have noticed how many of my father’s eccentricities I seem to have picked up. Of course, parents provide examples in more serious ways too: ‘The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them’ (v.7).

Parents who live lives of integrity bring great blessing to their children. Billy Graham said, ‘Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact. When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.’

You do not need to be perfect to be an example. No one (apart from Jesus) can say ‘I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin’ (v.9). Nevertheless, we can all seek to live a life that is a good example.

Parents need to demonstrate love and faithfulness to each other, treating one another with patience and respect, resolving disagreements with grace, supporting one another in hardship and not being drawn into inappropriate relationships with other people. ‘Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?’ (v.6).

Another area where you can be an example is by drawing out other people’s thoughts: ‘The purposes of the human heart are deep waters, but those who have insight draw them out’ (v.5).

I often think of this verse in the context of an Alpha small group host drawing out the thoughts of the people in their group. This is the art of a good conversation facilitator. It is the skill of the interviewer to draw out the ‘deep waters’ within the person being interviewed.

It is an extremely important task for parents with their children, and it is important for friends with one another. There are great depths to every human being. The skill is to draw out those depths.

Lord, help us to live lives that are a good example to others. Help us to demonstrate purity, faithfulness and dedication.

1 コリント 10:14-33 NIV [14] ですから、愛する皆さん、偶像礼拝から遠ざかりなさい。[15] 私は賢い人たちに話しています。私の言うことを自分で判断してください。[16] 私たちが感謝する感謝の杯は、キリストの血にあずかることではありませんか。私たちが裂くパンは、キリストの体にあずかることではありませんか。[17] パンは一つなので、私たちは大勢いても一つの体です。皆、一つのパンを分け合っているからです。[18] イスラエルの人々のことを考えてください。いけにえを食べる人たちは、祭壇にあずかる者ではありませんか。[19] では、偶像にささげられた食物は何か、偶像は何か、と言っているのですか。[20] いいえ、異邦人のいけにえは、神にささげられるのではなく、悪霊にささげられるのです。私はあなたがたが悪霊といっしょにいることを望んでいません。[21] 主の杯と悪霊の杯を、同時に飲むことはできません。 主の食卓と悪霊の食卓とに同時にあずかることはできません。[22] 私たちは主のねたみを起こそうとしているのでしょうか。私たちは主よりも強いのでしょうか。[23] 「私には何でもする権利がある」とあなたがたは言いますが、すべてが有益なわけではありません。「私には何でもする権利がある」とあなたがたは言いますが、すべてが建設的であるわけではありません。[24] だれも自分の利益ではなく、他人の利益を求めなさい。[25] 市場で売られているものは、良心の呵責を感じることなく、何でも食べなさい。[26] 「地も、その中にあるすべてのものも、主のものである」からです。[27] 信者でない人があなたを食事に招いて、あなたが行きたいと思ったら、良心の呵責を感じることなく、あなたの前に出されたものを食べなさい。[28] しかし、だれかがあなたに、「これは供え物としてささげられたものだ」と言ったら、それをあなたに告げた人のためにも、良心のためにも、食べてはいけません。[29] 私は相手の良心のことを言っているのであって、あなたの良心のことを言っているのではありません。 なぜ、わたしの自由が他人の良心によって裁かれるのでしょうか。[30] 感謝の気持ちをもって食事にあずかっているのに、神に感謝している事柄について、なぜ非難されるのでしょうか。[31] ですから、食べるにも、飲むにも、何をするにも、すべて神の栄光のためにしなさい。[32] ユダヤ人にも、ギリシア人にも、神の教会にも、つまずきを与えてはいけません。[33] わたしは、すべての点ですべての人を喜ばせようと努めています。わたしは自分の利益を求めず、多くの人の利益を求め、彼らが救われるようにしているからです。

1 Corinthians 10:14-33 NIV [14] Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. [15] I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. [16] Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? [17] Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf. [18] Consider the people of Israel: Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in the altar? [19] Do I mean then that food sacrificed to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? [20] No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. [21] You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons. [22] Are we trying to arouse the Lord’s jealousy? Are we stronger than he? [23] “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. [24] No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. [25] Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, [26] for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” [27] If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. [28] But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who told you and for the sake of conscience. [29] I am referring to the other person’s conscience, not yours. For why is my freedom being judged by another’s conscience? [30] If I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for? [31] So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. [32] Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— [33] even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.

コリント人への第一の手紙 11:1 NIV [1] 私がキリストの模範に従うように、あなたも私の模範に従ってください。
1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV [1] Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Example of Paul

‘People do what people see,’ writes John Maxwell, the leadership expert. ‘The more followers see and hear their leader being consistent in action and word, the greater their consistency and loyalty. What they hear they understand. What they see, they believe!’

Paul writes, with what might seem to be great audacity, ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ’ (11:1). The first half of that sentence is dependent on the second half. Paul’s example is only worth following to the extent to which he follows Christ. He is bold enough to say and believe that he does. That in itself is a wonderful example to follow.

This verse concludes a section in which he has urged the Corinthians to ‘flee from idolatry’ (10:14). They are to keep themselves pure as they participate (in the communion service) in the body and blood of Christ (v.16). This is the focus of our unity: ‘We all partake of the one loaf’ (v.17).

‘When we drink the cup of blessing, aren’t we taking into ourselves the blood, the very life, of Christ? And isn’t it the same with the loaf of bread we break and eat? Don’t we take into ourselves the body, the very life, of Christ? Because there is one loaf, our many-ness becomes one-ness – Christ doesn’t become fragmented in us. Rather, we become unified in him. We don’t reduce Christ to what we are; he raises us to what he is’ (vv.16–17, MSG).

Even though you are free – ‘everything is permissible’ (v.23) – be very careful how you act because ‘not everything is constructive’ (v.23c). ‘We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well’ (v.24, MSG).

You have amazing freedom in Christ, but you are to use this freedom for the benefit of others and for the glory of God: ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God’ (v.31).

Everything we do must be ‘to the glory of God’. The whole aim of your life should be to use your freedom to seek God’s glory and the good of others.

This is how the apostle Paul led his life, even as he tried ‘to please everybody in every way’: ‘For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved’ (v.33). This is the context in which he wrote, ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ’ (11:1).

Lord, thank you for the example of Jesus. Help me to follow your example as Paul did. Help me, Lord, in whatever I do, to do it all for the glory of God.

歴代誌下 5:2-7:10
2 Chronicles 5:2-7:10

Example of leaders

We are all called to be examples. However, some have a special responsibility. The people of God were called to be an example to the world. They were given special blessings by God and called to be an example to other nations who would be attracted by their good reputation. As a result, people from all over the world would come to know the Lord (6:32–33, MSG).

Jerusalem, in particular, was chosen as an example ‘for my Name’ (v.6). God also chose as particular examples David and Solomon to rule his people Israel (6:6–7:10).

しかし、他の指導者たちも模範を示して導く責任がありました。レビ人は神殿の礼拝において特に指導的な役割を担っていました(5:2 以降)。ラッパ吹きや歌手たちも指導的な役割を担っていました(6:13)。
But other leaders also had a responsibility to lead by example. The Levites had a particular leadership role in the worship of the temple (5:2 onwards). The trumpeters and singers also had a leadership role (6:13).

Solomon leads by example in worship and prayer. ‘He knelt in full view of the whole congregation, stretched his hands to heaven, and prayed’ (v.13, MSG).

He tells others about God’s greatness and worships him with thanksgiving. Solomon’s prayer of dedication shows that Israel would often fail in this role. He prayed many times that God would forgive them when they turned back (vv.21,25,27,30,39).

After Solomon prayed, ‘God so filled The Temple that there was no room for the priests! When all Israel saw the fire fall from heaven and the Glory of God fill The Temple, they fell on their knees, bowed their heads, and worshipped, thanking God’ (7:3, MSG).

今日、新しい契約のもとで、私たちは神の神殿です(コリント人への第一の手紙 6:19)。ジョイス・マイヤーはこう書いています。「神は、ソロモンの時代の神殿で劇的に栄光を現したのと同じように、私たちを通して、そして私たちを通して、神の栄光を現したいと願っておられます。神の栄光があなたの人生に現されると、他の人はあなたを見て、「わあ、あなたは何と偉大な神に仕えているの」と言うでしょう。なぜなら、あなたに対する神の善良さの力が彼らには目に見えて明らかだからです。」
Today, under the new covenant, we are God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). As Joyce Meyer writes, ‘God wants to display His glory in and through us as dramatically as He did in the physical temple of Solomon’s day. When God’s glory is manifested in your life, others will look at you and say, “Wow, what a great God you serve,” because the power of His goodness toward you is visibly evident to them.’

Lord, thank you that you want to display your glory in and through me. Please fill me today with your Holy Spirit and enable me to follow the example of Jesus and be an example to others.

箴言 20:13 にはこうあります



Pippa Adds
In Proverbs 20:13 it says,

‘Do not love sleep or you will grow poor.’

Oh dear, I do rather love sleep!


2024-08-13 07:53:38 | 日記
ヤコブの手紙 2:1-26 NIV [1] 兄弟たち、栄光の主イエス・キリストを信じる者たちよ、人を差別してはいけません。[2] あなたがたの集会に、金の指輪をはめ、立派な服を着た人がやって来て、汚れた古い服を着た貧しい人も入ってきたとします。[3] 立派な服を着た人に目配りして、「ここに良い席があります」と言いながら、貧しい人には、「そこに立っていなさい」とか、「わたしの足もとに座りなさい」と言うなら、[4] あなたがたは、互いに差別し、悪い思いで裁き人になっているのではありませんか。[5] 愛する兄弟たち、よく聞きなさい。神は、世の目に貧しい人々を、信仰に富む者とするため、また、神を愛する者たちに約束された御国を受け継ぐために、選ばれたではありませんか。[6] しかし、あなたがたは貧しい人々を軽蔑しています。あなたがたを搾取しているのは、金持ちではありませんか。あなたがたを法廷に引きずり出しているのは、金持ちではありませんか。 [7] 彼らは、あなたがたの属する方の尊い御名を汚している者ではありませんか。[8] もしあなたがたが、聖書にある「隣人を自分自身のように愛しなさい」という尊い律法を守っているなら、あなたがたは正しいことをしているのです。[9] しかし、人をえこひいきするなら、あなたがたは罪を犯し、律法違反者とされます。[10] 律法全体を守っていても、その一つにでもつまずく者は、律法全体を破ったことになります。[11] 「姦淫するな」と言われた方は、「殺すな」とも言われました。姦淫をしないで殺人をするなら、あなたがたは律法違反者です。[12] 自由を与える律法によって裁かれる者として語り、行動しなさい。[13] なぜなら、あわれみ深くない者には、あわれみのない裁きが下されるからです。あわれみは裁きに勝ちます。[14] 兄弟たち、もし人が信仰があると言いながら、行いを伴わなかったら、何の役に立つでしょう。 そのような信仰が彼らを救うことができるでしょうか。[15] 兄弟または姉妹が着る物も毎日の食べ物もないとします。[16] あなたがたのうちのだれかが、その人に、「安心して行きなさい。暖かくし、十分に食べなさい」と言っても、彼らの物質的な必要については何もしないなら、何の役に立つでしょう。[17] 同じように、信仰も、行いが伴わないなら、それだけでは死んだものです。[18] しかし、ある人は、「あなたには信仰がある。わたしには行いがある」と言うでしょう。行いのないあなたの信仰を見せてください。そうすれば、わたしは行いによってわたしの信仰を見せてあげましょう。[19] あなたは、神は唯一であると信じている。すばらしい。悪魔でさえそれを信じて震え上がります。[20] 愚かな人よ、行いのない信仰が無益であると証明したいのですか。[21] 私たちの父祖アブラハムは、その息子イサクを祭壇にささげたことにより、義とされたのではありませんか。[22] あなたがたは、彼の信仰と行いが相まって働き、彼の信仰が行いによって完全にされたことを知っています。 [23] そして、「アブラハムは神を信じ、それが彼の義とみなされた」という聖書の言葉が成就し、彼は神の友と呼ばれました。[24] あなたがたも知っているように、人は行いによって義とみなされるのであって、信仰だけによるのではありません。[25] 同じように、遊女ラハブも、斥候たちに宿を提供し、別の方向に送り出したことで、行いによって義とみなされたのではありませんか。[26] 霊のない肉体は死んでいるように、行いのない信仰も死んでいるのです。

James 2:1-26 NIV [1] My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. [2] Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. [3] If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” [4] have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? [5] Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? [6] But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? [7] Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong? [8] If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. [9] But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. [10] For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. [11] For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. [12] Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, [13] because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. [14] What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? [15] Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. [16] If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? [17] In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. [18] But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. [19] You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. [20] You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? [21] Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? [22] You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. [23] And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. [24] You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. [25] In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? [26] As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

ローマ人への手紙 6:1 NIV [1] それでは、私たちは何と言ったらよいでしょうか。恵みが増し加わるために、私たちは罪を犯し続けるべきでしょうか。
Romans 6:1 NIV [1] What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?


For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. (2:10)

This verse makes me so grateful for God’s grace that saves us from ourselves and our inability to keep the law. Can you imagine what life would be like if the sacrifice (Jesus) for our sins hadn’t been made. The bible says ‘without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins’. Before Jesus' death on the cross, they had to kill specific animals to atone for their sin...constantly! Imagine if we had to do that now?

The fact that we are blessed with God’s grace, does not mean that we are exempt from fulfilling the law of God. We obey God’s law because we love Him. Our fulfillment of the law should come from a place of obedience, faith, hope and love! I say obedience, because to obey is to acknowledge the Lordship (authority) of Jesus as the Son of God. We often hear and say the salvation prayer, 'I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour', but how many of us willingly embrace the idea of a Saviour but struggle to embrace the submission to His Lordship (authority) over our lives, our wills and fleshly desires? I say faith, because it shows that you believe in the source of the law. I say hope, because it shows that you understand that there are promises that come with fulfilling God’s command, and I say love, because you cannot fulfill God’s law without loving The Author of the law!


As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (2:26)

James compares an action-less believer to real death. We can have all the faith in the world, but if it is not accompanied by action it is useless and carries no power !Christianity is based on the ACT of our Lord Jesus Christ! The ACT, WORK, MOVEMENT of Jesus. The fact that He carried and moved with that cross, the fact that he healed the sick and raised the dead, the fact that He FED the hungry. Notice that Jesus DID. Christians are followers of Christ. The Son of God didn’t sit on His mighty throne doing nothing, there was action behind the authority of His entire being.

In the same way, as followers of Christ, are we to just sit down reading the word, going to church, having our faith in God, without accompanying it with ACTION? NO WAY. The affirmation of our faith is shown through our actions! Verse 19 is a wake up call to all believers. 'You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder'. If demons, believe in the same thing that we do, what makes us different to them? Our actions. Because demons will not glorify God, demons will not strive to love God and obey His word, demons will not extend their hands to the needy, but we SHOULD, and we WILL.