

聖霊が来るとき When the Holy Spirit Comes

2024-08-26 11:32:37 | 日記
When the Holy Spirit Comes

[アルファ]( ウィークエンドに初めて「聖霊よ来てください」と祈ったときのことを覚えています。私より前に [アルファ]( ウィークエンドを主導した人たちが聖霊に来るように祈るたびに、聖霊が「来」たことを私は知っていました。それでも、聖霊が*私の祈り*に応えて来るとは思っていませんでした。私は「聖霊よ来てください」と祈りながら目を閉じました。聖霊が「来ない」のを見たくなかったからです。目を開けると、素晴らしい光景がありました。聖霊が力強く*来られ*、人々は満たされていました。聖霊は人々の人生を変えていました。これが聖霊の働きでした。
I remember the first time I prayed ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ on an [Alpha]( Weekend. I knew that the Holy Spirit had ‘come’ every time those who had led the [Alpha]( Weekends before me had asked him to come. Even so, I did not think he would come in answer to *my prayers* – as I prayed ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ I shut my eyes, because I did not want to see the Holy Spirit ‘*not* coming’! When I opened my eyes, there was an amazing sight. The Holy Spirit *had come* in a powerful way – people were being filled. He was changing people’s lives. This was the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

That is why at some point in virtually every one of our services we pray ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’ We always try to leave time for ‘ministry’ – for the Holy Spirit to *minister* to us. We often associate the word ‘*minister*’ with *leadership*, whether by government *ministers* or by church *ministers*. In fact, the word really means ‘*to serve*’. Politicians are called to *serve* their countries. Pastors are called to *serve* the church. Doctors, who ad*minister* treatment to their patients, are called to *serve* the sick and the dying.

The Holy Spirit *ministers* to you. He brings authority greater than any politician, comfort deeper than any pastor, and healing more wonderful than any doctor. God *ministers* to you in the deepest part of your life by the Holy Spirit.

使徒パウロは「*聖霊の奉仕*」について語っています(コリント人への手紙二 3:8)。ジョン・ウィンバーは、この種の奉仕を「神の資源をもって他人の必要を満たすこと」と定義しました。すばらしいことに、この種の奉仕は今やあなたや私にも可能なのです。
The apostle Paul speaks of ‘*the ministry of the Spirit*’ (2 Corinthians 3:8). John Wimber defined this kind of ministry as ‘meeting the needs of others with the resources of God’. Wonderfully, this type of ministry is now available to you and me.

詩篇 104:1-18 NIV [1] わが魂よ、主をほめたたえよ。わが神、主よ。あなたは大いなる方。輝きと威厳をまとっておられる。[2] 主は光を衣のようにまとい、天を天幕のように広げ、[3] 天井の梁を水の上に置き、雲を御自分の車とし、風の翼に乗る。[4] 風を御使いとし、炎を御自分の僕とする。[5] 主は地をその基の上に据えられた。地は決して動かされることはない。[6] あなたは衣のように水の深みでそれをおおわれた。水は山々の上にとどまっていた。[7] しかし、あなたの叱責によって水は逃げ去り、あなたの雷鳴によって逃げ去った。[8] 水は山々を越え、谷に下り、あなたが定められた場所へ。[9] あなたは彼らが越えることのできない境界を定められた。 それらは再び地を覆うことはない。[10] 主は谷に水を注ぎ、山々の間を流れる。[11] それらは野のすべての獣に水を与え、野ろばはその渇きを癒す。[12] 空の鳥は水のほとりに巣を作り、木の枝の間で歌う。[13] 主は高殿から山々に水を注ぎ、地はその働きの実りで満たされる。[14] 主は家畜のために草を、人が耕すために植物を生えさせ、地から食物を生み出す。[15] 人の心を喜ばせるぶどう酒、顔を輝かせる油、心を支えるパン。[16] 主の木々、主が植えたレバノン杉は潤っている。[17] そこに鳥が巣を作り、コウノトリはネズの木にすみかを作る。[18] 高い山々は野やぎのものである。 岩山はハイラックスの避難所です。
Psalms 104:1-18 NIV [1] Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. [2] The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent [3] and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. [4] He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants. [5] He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [6] You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. [7] But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took to flight; [8] they flowed over the mountains, they went down into the valleys, to the place you assigned for them. [9] You set a boundary they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth. [10] He makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. [11] They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. [12] The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. [13] He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work. [14] He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth: [15] wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts. [16] The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. [17] There the birds make their nests; the stork has its home in the junipers. [18] The high mountains belong to the wild goats; the crags are a refuge for the hyrax.

Ministry of ‘wind’ and ‘flames of fire’

This is a marvellous psalm praising God for his entire creation. Everything that God has created is good. I love the fact that in addition to ‘oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts’, he has made ‘wine that gladdens human hearts’ (v.15).

Of course, like every good gift from God, wine can be abused. The Bible often warns against drunkenness. However, wine, like oil and bread, is given by God for our enjoyment and to gladden the heart of human beings.

Earlier on the psalmist says, ‘He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants’ (v.4). The word for ‘servants’ can be translated ‘ministers’ (see RSV, ESV, KJV).

この一節は、ペンテコステの日の出来事を語る、旧約聖書の興味深い背景です。聖霊が降臨すると、彼らは「激しい風が吹くような音」を聞き、「舌のような炎」が分かれて、一人一人の上にとどまるのを見ました(使徒行伝 2:2–4)。
This passage is a fascinating Old Testament backdrop to the account of the day of Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit came, they heard ‘a sound like the blowing of a violent wind’ and they saw ‘tongues [flames] of fire’ that separated and came to rest on each of them (Acts 2:2–4).

‘Wind’ and ‘flames of fire’ are God’s ministers. They symbolise the power, passion and purity of God. When you pray ‘Come, Holy Spirit’, expect God to send the wind and fire of the Holy Spirit and expect the ministry of the Holy Spirit to be powerful and life changing.

Lord, thank you for the transformation in people’s lives as they experience the power, passion and purity of God. Come, Holy Spirit and fill me today.

コリント人への第二の手紙 2:12-17 NIV [12] さて、私はトロアスに行き、キリストの福音を宣べ伝え、主が私のために門を開いてくださったことを知りましたが、[13] 兄弟テトスがそこにいなかったので、私はまだ心の平安がありませんでした。そこで私は彼らに別れを告げ、マケドニアへ向かいました。[14] しかし、私たちを捕虜としてキリストの凱旋行列に導き、キリストを知る知識の香りを至る所に広めるために私たちを用いる神に感謝します。[15] 救われる者にも滅びる者にも、私たちは神にとってキリストの心地よい香りなのです。[16] 私たちは、ある者には死をもたらす香りであり、ある者には命をもたらす香りです。このような働きを果たせる者がいるでしょうか。[17] 私たちは、多くの人とは違い、利益のために神の言葉を売りつけるようなことはしません。かえって、神から遣わされた者として、キリストにおいて、神の御前に誠実に語ります。

2 Corinthians 2:12-17 NIV [12] Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, [13] I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia. [14] But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. [15] For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. [16] To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task? [17] Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.

コリント人への第二の手紙 3:1-6 NIV [1] 私たちは、再び自分自身を推薦し始めているのでしょうか。それとも、ある人々のように、あなた方への、あるいはあなた方からの推薦状が必要なのでしょうか。[2] あなた方自身が私たちの手紙であり、私たちの心に書かれ、すべての人に知られ、読まれています。[3] あなたがたは、私たちの奉仕の結果であるキリストからの手紙であることを示しています。それは、インクではなく、生ける神の霊によって書かれ、石の板ではなく、人の心の板に書かれています。[4] 私たちは、神の前にキリストを通してこのような確信を持っています。[5] 私たちは自分自身で何かを主張する資格があるのではなく、私たちの資格は神から来ています。[6] 神は私たちを、文字ではなく、霊の新しい契約の奉仕者として資格を与えてくださいました。文字は殺しますが、霊は命を与えます。

2 Corinthians 3:1-6 NIV [1] Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? [2] You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. [3] You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. [4] Such confidence we have through Christ before God. [5] Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. [6] He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Ministry that gives life

How can you bring life to others? In this passage, Paul describes himself as a minister of a ‘new covenant – not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life’ (3:6).

Through you, people smell the sweet scent of Christ

‘Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance’ (2:14b, MSG). Paul describes his ministry as being like that of a ‘perpetual victory parade’ (v.14a, MSG). When a king or general had won a notable victory, the whole city would turn out to welcome them home. They would bring with them the prisoners they had taken. It might well be accompanied by the ‘sweet smell of incense’.

For some (the prisoners) it was ‘the smell of death’ (v.16a). For others (the victors) it was the ‘fragrance of life’ (v.16b). Similarly, ‘We give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognised by those on the way of salvation… But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse’ (vv.14–15, MSG).

Through you, people read about Jesus

The only Bible some people will read is your life. Paul writes to the Corinthians, ‘Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it – not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiselled into stone, but carved into human lives – and we publish it’ (3:1b–3, MSG).

Not everyone can or will read books – but everyone you encounter can, and will, read your life.

Through you, people hear about a relationship with Jesus

You should never say, ‘I am useless’, ‘I can do nothing’. You are able, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to bring the good news of Jesus to others. This should give you great confidence – not self-confidence but God-confidence.

‘Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God’ (vv.4–5).

The Holy Spirit gives you not just a new start in life, but also a new life to start with. The old covenant was the one made by God through Moses, but it did not have the power to make the people everything that God longed for them to be.

Because the people could not keep the law that was written on tablets of stone, ultimately it brought death – ‘the letter kills’ (v.6). On the other hand, the ministry of the Holy Spirit –written in your heart – is a ministry that ‘gives life’ (v.6).

The Holy Spirit brings a change in human nature. Never say, ‘I can’t change’. With the Holy Spirit you can change.

それは、規則や規制の宗教(結局は誰も守ることができない)と、イエスを通して神と交わる関係(命をもたらし、完全な命を与える)との違いです(ヨハネ 10:10)。
It is the difference between a religion of rules and regulations (which ultimately none of us are able to keep) and a relationship with God through Jesus, which brings life, and life in all its fullness (John 10:10).

Lord, thank you so much for this ministry where time and again we see the Spirit giving life to people who were spiritually dead.

歴代誌下 33:21-35:19
2 Chronicles 33:21-35:19

Ministers of a new covenant

Tim Keller defines a covenant as ‘the solemn, permanent, whole self-giving of two parties to each other. It is a stunning blend of both law and love… a relationship much more intimate and loving than a mere legal contract could create, yet one more enduring and binding than personal affection alone could make.’

パウロは、「神は私たちを新しい契約の奉仕者として任命されました」(コリント人への手紙二 3:6)と書いています。パウロはこれを古い契約と対比しています。ここで私たちはこの古い契約について何かを知ることができます。
Paul writes, God has ‘made us competent as ministers of a new covenant’ (2 Corinthians 3:6). He contrasts this with the old covenant. Here we see something about this old covenant.

「主の前にへりくだらなかった」(歴代誌下 33:23)邪悪な王アモンの後、ヨシヤは8歳で王となった(34:1)。16歳のとき、彼の信仰は生き返り、「父ダビデの神を求め始めた」(3節)。彼はユダとエルサレムからすべての悪を清め、その場所をきれいにした(3-7節、MSG)。彼は「神殿を修復し、再建した」(10節)。
After Amon, who was an evil king who ‘did not humble himself before the Lord’ (2 Chronicles 33:23), Josiah became king at the age of eight (34:1). His faith came alive when he was sixteen years of age and ‘he began to seek the God of his father David’ (v.3). He cleansed Judah and Jerusalem of all the bad stuff and scrubbed the place clean (vv.3–7, MSG). He ‘repaired and restored the temple’ (v.10).

While they were doing so they ‘found the Book of the Law of the Lord that had been given through Moses’ (v.14). By looking at the old covenant they saw that ‘they had not acted in accordance with all that is written in this book’ (v.21).

God spoke to them through the prophetess Huldah (v.22). (Again, here in the Old Testament we see yet another example of a woman in a prominent position in ministry.)

In the hearing of the men of Judah, the people of Jerusalem, the priests and the Levites, Josiah read ‘all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which had been found in the temple of the Lord’ (v.30). He ‘solemnly committed himself to the covenant: to follow God believingly and obediently; to follow his instructions, heart and soul, on what to believe and do; to confirm with his life the entire covenant’ (v.31, MSG).

古い契約は良い契約でした。しかし、それは石板に書かれていました。人々が律法を守ろうとしたとしても、それは長くは続きませんでした。外面的な改革は、ヨシヤがそれを施行していた間だけ続きました。結局、彼らはそれを守ることができませんでした(エレミヤ書 11-13 章参照)。
The old covenant was a good covenant. But, it was written on tablets of stone. Even when the people did try to keep the law, it never lasted very long. The outward reformation lasted only as long as Josiah was there to enforce it. Ultimately, they failed to keep it (see Jeremiah 11–13).

The law shows us our need for a saviour. You can only keep God’s covenant when you receive forgiveness from Jesus and, by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the law is written in your heart.

Lord, thank you that we are ‘ministers of a new covenant’ and that your law is now written in our hearts by the Spirit who enables us to walk in him and to minister in his power.

歴代誌下 34:3 にはこうあります:

『ヨシヤは治世の 8 年目に、まだ若かったが、父ダビデの神を求め始めた。』

ヨシヤは 16 歳でした。神との関係を持つのに、あるいは指導者としての油注ぎを受けるのに、若すぎるということはありません。

Pippa Adds
In 2 Chronicles 34:3 it says:

‘In the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, \[Josiah\] began to seek the God of his father David.’

Josiah was sixteen. You are never too young to have a relationship with God, or to have an anointing for leadership.

模倣者になるBe Imitators

2024-08-26 10:14:52 | 日記
エペソ人への手紙 5:1 NIV [1] ですから、愛する子として神の模範に従いなさい
Ephesians 5:1 NIV [1] Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children







エフェソス 5:1 NLT




Be Imitators

Children learn to function in real life by imitating those around them.

They learn to speak by listening to their family’s words and copying what they hear. They learn to interact with others by observing how their loved ones interact with others. They learn what’s culturally and socially appropriate by watching and imitating.

Learning by imitation doesn't stop in childhood. Adults, too, will often reflect those closest to them, as well as their environment.

Perhaps that’s why, while writing from the confines of a Roman prison, the apostle Paul gave the believers in Ephesus this heartfelt charge:

“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Paul knew that loving and reflecting God was foundational. What we observe will get repeated and, eventually, passed along. The fancy word for this concept is discipleship—where we learn from those we trust and teach others what we’ve learned.

Regardless of where we’re at in life, we’re all being discipled by something. That’s why we should carefully consider who we are listening to and following. By choosing to imitate Christ, we become more like Him day by day.

Who are you imitating today?

A Prayer to Walk in Love

God, Your love is unconditional and constant. There is nothing I could do to earn it—You just ask me to receive it. You take delight in me because You made me, and it gives You joy to see me thrive. Help me imitate You. I want to be Your disciple, becoming more like You every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

許しのライフスタイル A Lifestyle of Forgiveness

2024-08-26 03:26:55 | 日記
A Lifestyle of Forgiveness

Offering God's mercy can be difficult; living with anger and bitterness is worse.

エペソ人への手紙 4:29-32 NIV [29] あなたたちの口から悪い言葉を一切出さないようにしなさい。ただ、必要に応じて他の人を築き上げるのに役立つことだけを話しなさい。それは聞く人の益となるでしょう。[30] あなたたちは、贖いの日のために聖霊によって封印されたのです。[31] あらゆる苦々しさ、憤り、怒り、口論、中傷、あらゆる悪意を捨て去りなさい。[32] 互いに親切にし、思いやり深くあり、神がキリストにおいてあなたたちを赦してくださったように、互いに赦し合いなさい。
Ephesians 4:29-32 NIV [29] Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. [30] And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. [31] Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. [32] Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

ルカ6:36 NIV [36] あなたがたの父が憐れみ深いように、あなたがたも憐れみ深くありなさい。
Luke 6:36 NIV [36] Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Showing mercy to those who hurt us does not come naturally—it’s easier to get angry at them. But God commands us to be merciful (Luke 6:36). We who have been shown divine mercy are to practice a lifestyle of forgiveness.

So why don’t we? Sometimes our pride gets in the way. We are angered when treated with disrespect, passed over for a job, or ignored. At other times we get focused on other people’s refusal to change, so we withhold mercy until they improve their behavior. And some of us have been badly hurt or treated unjustly. Our minds are filled with such pain that we become stuck in the past and cannot see how we’ll ever be able to forgive.

An unforgiving attitude can have all sorts of unwanted consequences, including broken relationships, emotional bondage, and indifference toward the Lord. The longer we hold on to our anger, the more it will affect our fellowship, not only with other people but also with our heavenly Father.

It is hard for us to pardon those who tell lies about us, treat us badly, or cause harm to our loved ones. And yet their behavior towards us is not a reason to withhold mercy. God calls us to forgive as He forgave us—and with His help, we can do just that.

希望に満ちた忍耐 Hopeful Perseverance

2024-08-26 01:01:27 | 日記
Hopeful Perseverance

ローマ人への手紙 5:1-11 NIV [1] ですから、私たちは信仰によって義とされているのですから、私たちの主イエス・キリストによって神との平和を得ています。[2] 私たちは、キリストによって、今立っているこの恵みに信仰によって導かれ、神の栄光の望みを誇りとしています。[3] そればかりでなく、私たちは苦難をも誇りとしています。苦難は忍耐を生み出し、[4] 忍耐は練られた品性を、練られた品性は希望を生み出すことを知っているからです。[5] 希望は私たちを恥じ入らせません。私たちに与えられた聖霊によって、神の愛が私たちの心に注がれているからです。[6] あなたがたも知っているように、私たちがまだ弱かったとき、キリストは、ちょうどよい時に、不敬虔な者のために死んでくださいました。[7] 義人のために死ぬ人はめったにいません。しかし、善人のために死ぬ人は、おそらくいるでしょう。[8] しかし、私たちがまだ罪人であったとき、キリストは私たちのために死んでくださったことにより、神は私たちに対するご自身の愛を明らかにしておられます。 [9] 私たちは、キリストの血によって今や義と認められているのですから、なおさら、キリストによって神の怒りから救われるはずです。[10] かつて神の敵であった私たちが、御子の死によって神と和解させられたのであれば、和解させられた私たちは、なおさら、キリストのいのちによって救われるはずです。[11] そればかりでなく、私たちは、私たちの主イエス・キリストによって神を誇りとしています。私たちは、キリストによって今や和解をいただいているのです。
Romans 5:1-11 NIV [1] Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, [2] through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. [3] Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; [4] perseverance, character; and character, hope. [5] And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. [6] You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. [7] Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. [8] But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. [9] Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! [10] For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! [11] Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

ローマ人への手紙 15:1-6 NIV [1] 私たち強い者は、弱い者の弱さを忍び、自分を喜ばせてはいけません。[2] 私たちはそれぞれ、隣人を喜ばせ、彼らの益となるようにしなさい。[3] キリストでさえ、自分を喜ばせようとはしませんでした。聖書にこう書いてあるとおりです。「あなたを侮辱する者の侮辱が、わたしに降りかかったのです。」[4] 昔書かれたものはすべて、私たちを教えるために書かれたのです。それは、聖書が教える忍耐と、聖書が与える励ましによって、私たちが希望を持つためです。[5] 忍耐と励ましを与えてくださる神が、キリスト・イエスが抱いていたのと同じ思いを、あなたたちに与えてくださいますように。[6] 心を一つにし、声を合わせて、私たちの主イエス・キリストの神であり父である方をあがめてくださいますように。
Romans 15:1-6 NIV [1] We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. [2] Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. [3] For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” [4] For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. [5] May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, [6] so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

忍耐のテーマは、ゴールラインまでのレースを思い起こさせます。激しい呼吸とリズミカルなステップがペースを保つのに役立ちます。5km を走ったことがありますか? 少しの練習、レースを完走するという目標、そして実際に完走するにはある程度の意欲が必要です。その意欲がどこから来るかは関係なく、それがあなたの忍耐力です。
The theme of perseverance is reminiscent of a race to the finish line – the heavy breathing and rhythmic steps that help you keep pace. Have you ever run a 5k? It takes a bit of practice, a goal to complete the race and some amount of drive to actually finish. That drive, wherever it may come from, is your perseverance.

忍耐力(endurance)ではありません。この 2 つの単語は発音が似ているため、混同してしまうことがあります。忍耐力は通常、運動能力と関連付けられ、敏捷性やスピードなどの単語の次に分類されます。忍耐力(Perseverance)とは、精神的および肉体的な反対や逆境にもかかわらず、前進し続ける能力です。
Not endurance. We may confuse the two, because the two words do sound alike. Endurance is usually associated with athleticism and is grouped next to words like, agility or speed. Perseverance is your ability to continue on despite opposition and adversity – mental and physical.

しかし、学期末になると、私たちは疲れ果ててしまいます。疲れ果て、精神的に疲れ果て、最後の数週間の授業を、キーボードを打つたびに、提出しなければならない文章や不合格通知を苦痛に感じながら終えます。私たち全員が感じているこの疲労感は、あなただけではありません。学期だけでなく、1 年も終わりに近づいているのです。
But, by the end of the semester, we become tired. Worn out and mentally fatigued, we finish up the last weeks of class, painfully through every keystroke, every sentence and DQ we must submit. You are not alone in this exhaustion that we all feel. Not only are we finishing up the semester, but the year as well.

では、忍耐力は、夜遅くまで働き、午後 11 時 59 分が午前 12 時になる前に最後の返信を入力することとどのような関係があるのでしょうか。「頑張り続ければ、最後にはすべて報われます」という決まりきった答えがあります。しかし、聖書は、究極の希望とともに、より強い励ましを与えてくれます。
So what does perseverance have to do with the burning of midnight oil, and typing that last response before 11:59 p.m. hits 12 a.m.? There is the cookie-cutter response of, “Keep pushing through it, it will all be worth it in the end.” But scripture gives us a stronger picture of encouragement with our ultimate hope.

詩篇 62:5 NIV [5] そうです、私の魂は神に安らぎを見いだします。私の希望は神から来るのです。
Psalms 62:5 NIV [5] Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

“Through endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). This idea of hope reflects the verses in Romans 5. Suffering produces perseverance, which produces character, which produces hope. And where does our hope come from; “My hope comes from Him” (Psalms 62:5).

There is a beautiful cycle that begins with perseverance and ends with hope weaved all throughout Scripture. Not only can this be found in Scripture, but found within the pages of our own life stories.

May the Creator in which our hope rests in, keep you and be with you. May God provide you with encouragement and perseverance to keep up so that you may be a better servant of the Lord. Amen.