Leading Like Jesus
Leadership doesn’t have to be confusing; Jesus shows us the way. True leadership doesn’t start with skills and knowledge — but with character and integrity. Jesus took a path not many of us choose to take. He chose to be the role model of what servant leadership looks like. A life of faith and a humble spirit make you a leader worth following. By embracing the heart of Jesus, you can positively impact those around you. Rely on the Lord and you will see lives transformed, beginning with your own.
Leading With Humility
To serve others, the Son of God made the decision to be humble. He gave up his divine status for our benefit rather than using it to his own profit. What a surprise! Death, salvation, obedience, service and humility. As his followers, we are called to emulate Jesus' humility.
ガラテヤ人への手紙 5:13
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.
Galatians 5:13
What Is Humility?
謙遜とは、まず第一に、魂の下向きの性向です。聖書はそれを謙虚な精神と呼んでいます。箴言 29:23 には、「高ぶりはその人を低くする。心のへりくだった者は誉れを得る」とあります。神はまた、預言者を通して、「わたしは高く聖なる所に住む。また、砕かれた心とへりくだった心を持つ者と共に住む」と宣言しています (イザヤ 57:15)。悲しいことに、荒野のイスラエルの民は正反対の性格でした。彼らは「彼らの [集団的] 心が高ぶった」ために神の裁きを受けて滅びました (ホセア 13:6)。謙虚な心とは、自給自足の幻想や自己栄光の目的によって高ぶっていない心です。
Humility, first, is a downward disposition of the soul. Scripture refers to it as a lowly spirit. Proverbs 29:23 states, “One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.” God likewise declares through his prophet, “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit,” (Isa. 57:15). Sadly, the exact opposite was what characterized the nation of Israel in the wilderness. They perished under God’s judgment because “their [collective] heart was lifted up” (Hos. 13:6). The humble heart is one that is not lifted with the illusion of self-sufficiency and the aim of self-glory.
A popular notion of humility is that it entails forgetting about ourselves. Instead, humility is the internal frame of heart that results from seeing ourselves as we really are. The problem of pride is not that it sees the self, but that it sees the self wrongly. Humility is putting the self in its proper place before the glory of God. As John Calvin famously argued in the opening of his Institutes, “Man is never sufficiently touched and affected by the awareness of his lowly state until he has compared himself with God’s majesty.”
考えるための材料: 私たちは主を愛するために主に愛されています。
Food for thought: We are loved by the Lord to love for the Lord.
Here are some verses that give context on humility:
ヨハネ 15:13 NIV
[13] 友のために自分の命を捨てること、これよりも大きな愛はない。
John 15:13 NIV
[13] Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
ヨハネ第一 4:16 NIV
[16] ですから、私たちは神が私たちに対して抱いている愛を知り、それに頼っています。神は愛です。愛のうちに生きる人は神のうちに生き、神もその人のうちに生きています。
1 John 4:16 NIV
[16] And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
コリント人への第一の手紙 13:4 NIV
[4] 愛は忍耐強く、愛は情け深い。愛はねたまない、自慢しない、高慢にならない。
1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV
[4] Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
ヨハネ 13:34 NIV
[34] 「わたしは新しい戒めをあなたがたに与えます。互いに愛し合いなさい。わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。
John 13:34 NIV
[34] “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Leading With Love
Jesus was love and he modeled love. He extended compassionate love to sinners who were aware of their sin but unaware of God’s forgiveness. He also dished out tough love to the religious establishment who were unaware of their sin, but expecting God’s approval. Christ’s love was holistic. He fed and healed bodies and he healed the brokenhearted by forgiving their sin and teaching them how to follow him.
The first job of leadership is to love people. Leadership without love is manipulation.
Rick Warren
We are called by Christ to love with a love not of this world. It is a love that can only be explained by an encounter with almighty God. His transforming power positions his disciple to love on his behalf. The parting words of our Savior presented a new, radical love language for his disciples, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another,” (John 13:34). Jesus’s command is the best motivation for leaders to love well! So, show God’s love by helping others and spread God’s love by speaking to others in the name of Jesus.
Additionally, a loving leader learns patience. Patience has a calming effect on everyone under its influence. Impatience does just the opposite. A person huffs and puffs until everyone knows he’s unhappy, for not getting his way. Thankfully, love lengthens the fuse of patience.
Jesus Was Accountable
Jesus was accountable to his Heavenly Father. Under the pressure and pain of his humanity, he asked for an alternative, knowing that his Father’s way was the only way. It is liberating to realize that we can seek a way out, yet still accept God’s will as the best path. The burden of the cross was not removed, but an angel of the Lord came to strengthen Jesus to fulfill God’s will. Accountability to his Heavenly Father’s will was paramount to Christ, and it should be the same for all who follow him. In prayer, God aligns our will with his, leading us to obedience for his greater good.
What Is Accountability?
When we give others permission to stick their noses into our business, to ask the hard questions, and to call us out when our behavior does not match what we say we believe, we are being accountable. Trusted friends who love us should love us enough to question our motives and move us closer to the heart of Christ. If your spouse’s behavior is concerning you, and you feel comfortable to discuss it — that is an example of accountability.
The goal is not just to keep us from foolish decisions, but to grow us in wise decision making. Good questions help us examine our hearts.
12 Accountability Questions
Part of being accountable is to go through and answering some question that help with rooting out problems that may occur, but also give you the perspective and incite the bible can provide.
Why do you want to … (change your job, leave your church, go into debt, etc.)?
How does the Bible address this issue?
What’s best for your family, your faith, and your friends?
Does this decision align with your life purpose and long-term goals?
Are there any of your actions or attitudes you would not want posted on social media?
Are you sure you want to do this? Have you adequately prayed about this decision and thought through its implications?
Are you reacting out of anger and fear, or responding out of forgiveness and faith?
What advice would you give someone else in your situation?
Is this the story you want to write for your life and later have talked about you?
What would Jesus do?
Surround yourself with those who will tell you the truth in love. Find objective friends whose goal is for you to follow God’s will for your life. Accountability is the Lord’s instrument to protect you from yourself and from the penalty of poor decision making. We all make mistakes, but accountability minimizes them. The wise leader embraces accountability.
考慮すべき点: 責任あるリーダーは、時間をかけて計画を立て、それを実行に移します。
Food for thought: Accountable leaders take the time to develop plans and work them.
考慮すべき点: 責任あるリーダーは、時間をかけて計画を立て、それを実行に移します。
Food for thought: Accountable leaders take the time to develop plans and work them.
Here are some verses that give context on accountability:
ローマ人への手紙 14:12 NIV
[12] ですから、私たちはそれぞれ、神に対して自分自身の申し開きをすることになります。
Romans 14:12 NIV
[12] So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
ルカ 22:41-43 NIV
[41] イエスは彼らから石を投げれば届くほどの所に退き、ひざまずいて祈った。[42] 「父よ、みこころなら、どうかこの杯をわたしから取りのけてください。しかし、わたしの思いではなく、あなたの思いが成るようにしてください。」[43] すると、天からの御使いがイエスに現れ、イエスを力づけた。
Luke 22:41-43 NIV
[41] He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, [42] “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” [43] An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
列王記上 12:13-14 NIV
[13] 王は民に厳しく答えた。長老たちの助言を拒み、[14] 若者たちの助言に従って言った。「父はあなたたちのくびきを重くした。わたしはそれをさらに重くする。父はあなたたちを鞭で打った。わたしはサソリであなたたちを打つ。」
1 Kings 12:13-14 NIV
[13] The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, [14] he followed the advice of the young men and said, “My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.”
Jesus Was Relational
イエスは、人々、特に宗教的信仰を主張しない人々を愛していたので、人間関係を重視していました。イエスは、ローマの徴税人としてユダヤ人仲間から軽蔑されていたマタイの家へ弟子たちを連れて行きました。イエスは、誰かを知るための最良の方法は、彼らが住んでいる場所に行くことだと理解していました。イエスは、罪人をもっと愛する方法を学ぶために、弟子たちを自分と一緒に来るように招きました。キリストは、罪人に近すぎると宗教界のエリートから批判されましたが、私たちの主は、「失われた者を捜して救う」という使命を喜んで果たしていました (ルカ 19:10)。
Jesus was relational because he loved people, especially those who didn't claim any religious devotion. He took his disciples to the house of Matthew, a despised man scorned by his fellow Jews for being a Roman tax collector. Jesus understood that the best way to get to know someone was to be with them where they lived. He invited his followers to join him so they could learn how to better love sinners. Christ was criticized by the religious elite for being too close to sinners, but our Lord was joyfully fulfilling his mission "to seek and to save the lost,” (Luke 19:10).
What Does It Take To Build Quality Relationships?
考えるべきこと: 私たちの生活の質は人間関係の質に影響されます。
Food for thought: The quality of our lives is influenced by the quality of our relationships.
You probably desire quality relationships, but are you willing to invest in others, aiming to provide more value than you receive?
What does it mean to have a quality life? Is it good health? Harmony at home? A happy heart? Financial security? Freedom of speech and worship? A fulfilling career? Grateful and contented children? A meaningful marriage? A life of significance? Peace with God? Likely, a combination of these elements and more contribute to a life worth living, a quality life.
Relationships matter because the quality of our lives is heavily influenced by the quality of our relationships. Who we spend time with shapes who we become. If we spend time with those who are wise with their finances, we can become wise with our finances — if we pay attention. If we worship with those of great faith, we can grow in our faith. Our lives reflect our relationships.
では、あなたの人間関係のポートフォリオはどうですか? あなたの人生のあらゆる側面に価値をもたらす人々で多様化されていますか? あなたに指導を求める人々に意図的に時間と関心を注いでいますか? 人生の質は、知恵を受け取ることからだけでなく、知恵を与えることからも生まれます。知恵は人間関係の善し悪しに双方向に作用します。
So, how is your relational portfolio? Is it diversified with people who bring value to all aspects of your life? Are you intentional in investing time and interest in those who look to you for guidance? Quality of life flows not just from receiving wisdom but from giving wisdom. Wisdom works both ways for the good of relationships.
考えるべきこと: 人間関係への投資は私たちにとって最大の資産です。
Food for thought: Our relational investments are our greatest assets.
Here are some verses that give context on godly relationships.
箴言 13:20 NIV
[20] 賢い者と共に歩めば賢くなりなさい。愚かな者と交われば害を受ける。
Proverbs 13:20 NIV
[20] Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
マタイ 9:10-11 NIV
[10] イエスがマタイの家で食事をしておられると、多くの徴税人や罪人たちが来て、イエスや弟子たちと一緒に食事をしました。[11] これを見たパリサイ人たちは、イエスの弟子たちに尋ねました。「なぜ、あなたたちの先生は徴税人や罪人たちと一緒に食事をするのですか。」
Matthew 9:10-11 NIV
[10] While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. [11] When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
ルカ19:10 NIV
[10] 人の子は失われた者を捜して救うために来たのです。」
Luke 19:10 NIV
[10] For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Jesus Was Teachable
Jesus relied on and learned from his heavenly Father. He continually sought his Father’s guidance, acknowledging that he could do nothing on his own, but only what he saw his Father doing. Trusting his Father completely, Jesus always sought divine direction before making significant decisions. Even amid pressing needs, he would retreat to the mountains to prayerfully seek his Father’s heart. How much more should we be desperately dependent on our heavenly Father?
What Does it Mean To Have a Teachable Heart?
Teachability is a key fruit of humility. When we keep an open heart to learn, we position ourselves to receive wisdom from God and others. Jesus values a teachable heart because it has the potential to learn and grasp the things of God. Such a heart is ready to receive truth and is characterized by asking more questions than giving answers.
A teachable heart recognizes and welcomes the truth. It examines, understands and applies truth, invigorating the spirit with a rush of spiritual adrenaline when truth meets an open mind and heart. While pride can cause stagnation in learning, a teachable heart continuously ascends the heights of truth, understanding and wisdom.
When the Lord finds a teachable person, He calls them wise. Wisdom comes from God, so a teachable heart learns his ways. The Holy Spirit nurtures teachability, as applied truth transforms behaviors and attitudes. This inside-out change makes us more like Christ: humble, bold, wise, holy, gracious, encouraging and faithful.
Change doesn’t come easily, even if we know God has our best interests in mind. But transformation is evident. Your character and behavior align more closely with the life of Christ. Your spouse and children notice the difference. You lead with patience and prayer instead of fear and intimidation. Cultivate a teachable heart by first elevating your honor and worship of Almighty God.
Here are some verses that give context on having teachable character.
詩篇 25:4-5 NIV
[4] 主よ、あなたの道を示し、あなたの道筋を教えてください。[5] あなたの真理によって私を導き、教えてください。あなたは私の救い主である神であり、私は一日中あなたに望みを置いています。
Psalms 25:4-5 NIV
[4] Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. [5] Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
ヨハネ 5:19 NIV
[19] イエスは彼らにこう答えました。「よくよくあなたがたに言います。子は自分からは何事もすることができません。父のなさることを見てするだけです。父のなさることは何でも子もするからです。
John 5:19 NIV
[19] Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
マルコ12:32-34 NIV
[32] 「先生、よくおっしゃいました」と男は答えた。「神は唯一であり、神以外にはいないとおっしゃるのは正しいです。 [33] 心を尽くし、理解を尽くし、力を尽くして神を愛し、隣人を自分自身のように愛することは、すべての全焼の供え物や犠牲よりも重要です。」 [34] イエスは彼が賢明に答えたのを見て、「あなたは神の国から遠くありません」と言いました。それ以来、誰も彼に質問することを敢えてしませんでした。
Mark 12:32-34 NIV
[32] “Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. [33] To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” [34] When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions.