

神の声を聞く方法 How to Listen to God

2024-08-23 21:59:15 | 日記
How to Listen to God

Spend time regularly in God's Word, and you'll learn to hear His voice.

イザヤ書 50:4-5 NIV [4] 主なる神は、疲れた者を支える言葉を知るために、よく訓練された舌を私に与えた。主は朝ごとに私を起こし、教えを受ける者のように私の耳を覚まさせてくださる。[5] 主なる神は私の耳を開いてくださった。私は反抗せず、背きもしなかった。
Isaiah 50:4-5 NIV [4] The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. [5] The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.

ヨハネ 10:27 NIV [27] わたしの羊はわたしの声を聞き分けます。わたしは彼らを知っており、彼らはわたしについて来ます。
John 10:27 NIV [27] My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Most of us are better at talking than listening, but communicating with God involves both. The Lord intends for His children to hear His voice.

Scripture is one of the main instruments our Father uses to speak to us. For this reason, studying the Bible is incredibly important. When we regularly spend time in God’s Word, we’ll develop a discerning spirit.

Regardless of how loudly God speaks, we won’t hear unless listening is a priority. We must ask the Lord to teach us to hear and then practice having a quiet attitude. An internal “receiver” tuned to the Father develops only through committed prayer, meditation, and practice at listening. In addition, we need a spirit of submission to obey His commands.

神が私たちに望んでいるのは、騒がしい状況でも静かな状況でも神の声を聞けるような敏感なライフスタイルを送ることです。聞くことは、どんな状況でも神の導きに心を開くために欠かせないスキルです。定期的に聖書を読み、黙想することに時間を費やすことには、父なる神の声をより容易に認識できるようになるなど、多くの祝福があります (ヨハネ 10:27)。
God’s goal for us is a lifestyle of sensitivity so we can hear Him in both noisy and calm situations. Listening is a critical skill for ensuring that our hearts are open to divine guidance in every circumstance. Regularly spending time reading and meditating on Scripture has many blessings, including that we more readily recognize our Father’s voice (John 10:27).

聖霊の実 – 優しさ Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness

2024-08-23 21:47:31 | 日記
聖霊の実 – 優しさ
Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness

親切な人は自らを利益し、残酷な人は自らを破滅させる。 箴言 11:17
Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves. Proverbs 11:17

ドライブスルーの列に並んでいて、「恩送り」の実験に参加したことがありますか? これは、あなたの注文を前の人が支払い、その後、あなたが後ろの人の分を支払うときに起こります。おそらく、あなたの前の人は本当に感動して、連鎖を続けるように勧めたのでしょう。あるいは、あなたがそうするようにプレッシャーを感じたのかもしれません。
Have you ever found yourself in a drive-thru line and involved in a "pay it forward" experiment? This occurs when your order is paid for by the person in front of you, and you subsequently pay for the person behind you. Perhaps the person in front of you felt really touched and encouraged you to continue the chain, or maybe you felt pressured to do so.

Being generous is just being kind. The act of kindness is never performed with the expectation of reciprocation by the one showing it.

A Spoonful of Kindness

Kindness shouldn’t be determined by our circumstances. Being kind to those who love us isn't exercising any untoned muscle, but to extend it to someone who isn’t as loving is the true test. Someone must break the chain of cruelty and, as representatives of Christ, we’re called to be that person. As his ambassadors, we’re to share the good news with those who don’t know him. The best way to do this is to exercise the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22–23) and show them the real Christ because they will know him by our love (John 13:35).

True kindness doesn’t put on a show, because in the greater scheme, it isn’t about us or how good we are. The reason to choose kindness should never be to receive a reward. If you think of it, you could be that person stuck paying for multiple coffee beverages when the person in front of you only paid for one — yours! If you immediately regret offering to pay when you find out how much that final bill is, your intentions might not have been as pure as you thought they were. Here is something to practice: Ask yourself how you’re going to practice kindness today. Be watchful of opportunities to be kind and show the love of Jesus.

Forgiving One Another

互いに親切にし、思いやり深くなり、神がキリストにおいてあなたがたを赦してくださったように、互いに赦し合いなさい。 エペソ4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

正直に言うと、許すのは難しいことです。私たちは信仰の道を歩むことが簡単にできるとは約束されていません。しかし、私たちを強くしてくださるキリストにあって、すべてのことができると確信しています(ピリピ 4:13)。「すべてのこと」には、私たちを傷つけた人、自分の行動を少しも後悔していない人、繰り返し私たちを傷つける人さえも許すことが含まれます(マタイ 18:21–22)。
Let’s face it, forgiveness is hard. We’re not promised an easy walk of faith. We are, however, assured we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). “All things” includes forgiving those who’ve hurt us, those who aren’t remotely sorry for their behaviors, and even those who repeatedly offend us (Matthew 18:21–22).

Forgiveness is a command, yet a hard truth to swallow. We forgive because God, through Christ Jesus, forgave us of all our wickedness and rebellion. His blood and resurrection wash us clean. Therefore, we extend forgiveness to others from a place of massive gratitude. Remember, God is not asking us to do anything he’s not willing to do himself.

ヘブル人への手紙 12:14-15 NIV
[14] すべての人と平和に暮らし、聖なる者となるよう努めなさい。聖なる者でなければ、だれも主を見ることはできません。[15] だれも神の恵みから外れることがないように、また、苦い根が生えて、多くの人を悩ませたり汚したりしないように気をつけなさい。
Hebrews 12:14-15 NIV [14] Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. [15] See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

追加の練習:日記帳を用意し、ページの一番上にヘブル人への手紙 12 章 14 節から 15 節を書きます。それから、イエスがあなたに対してどのように赦しを与えてくださったかをすべて記録する時間を取ってください。
An additional practice: Grab a journal and write Hebrews 12:14-15 on the top of the page. Then spend time recording all the ways Jesus has extended forgiveness toward you.

Kindness and Brotherly Love

主はあなたに示した、おお、人間よ、何が善であるか。主があなたに求めておられることは何か。正義を行い、慈悲を愛し、謙虚に神とともに歩むことである。 ミカ書 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

One of the fruits of the spirit we’ve been talking about is kindness, and one of the ways kindness is understood is through the idea of brotherly love. If you have a sibling, then you probably know what it feels like to love someone through all their flaws and in all stages of life. True kindness is like brotherly love because it’s more than just being nice. Kindness is a sense of responsibility and a duty. It doesn’t come from thinking someone deserves it; it comes from an overflow of Christ. Kindness is an intentional lifestyle and mindset of seeking to do what Jesus would do.

In verse 8, Micah reassures the people that the Lord has already told the people what is good and what they should do to honor and obey him. The following is the list Micah shares:

Act Justly

Justice is about what is right and making things right. God is perfectly just. We cannot be perfectly just because we are not God. However, we can act justly by submitting to God’s instructions and living with integrity. When we live this way, we’re intentionally seeking to honor God and others, and that is what real kindness is all about.

Love Mercy

Mercy is when a deserved consequence isn’t given. God showered his mercy on us by sending Jesus to the cross for the punishment we deserve. Because we’ve been shown mercy, it’s our honor to show mercy to others. With the love and help of the holy spirit, we can extend kindness through our acts of mercy.

Walk Humbly

When we go on a walk with someone, our relationship with them normally grows deeper as we talk and connect. The best walk we’ll ever go on in this life is our continual walk with God. Take a step back to recognize that the God of the universe wants to walk with you daily because he loves you — let that humble you. Let that keep your heart in a place of gratitude so you can show kindness to others out of the abundant kindness of Christ.

Keeping in step with the spirit means we’ll begin to lead lives that implement these practices. Allowing the fruit of kindness to be cultivated within us by spending time with Jesus daily will compel us to act justly, love mercifully and walk humbly.

神の恩恵パッケージ God's Benefit Package

2024-08-23 17:56:06 | 日記
God's Benefit Package

私は祈りが聞き届けられた初期の経験をいくつか記録した祈り日記の 1 つを再発見しました。1976 年 9 月 26 日、私は母のために祈ったことについて書きました。「母の不眠症を治して下さるよう主に祈りました。」(母のために祈っているとは母には言いませんでした。) ちょうど 3 か月後の 1976 年 12 月 26 日、私は母が「ここ数週間は 4 年間よりもよく眠れ、もう問題はない」と言っていると書きました。
I rediscovered one of my prayer diaries in which I recorded some of my early experiences of answered prayer. On 26 September 1976, I wrote about a prayer for my mother: ‘Prayed for the Lord to heal her insomnia.’ (I did not tell her I was praying for her.) Exactly three months later, on 26 December 1976, I wrote that my mother ‘says she has slept better in the last few weeks than for four years and it is no longer a problem’.

Of course, it is not possible to prove Christianity on the basis of answers to prayer, because cynics can always explain them away as coincidence. But as former Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple said, ‘When I pray, coincidences happen; when I don’t, they don’t.’

祈りが聞き届けられることの積み重ねが、神への信仰を強めます。過去 30 年間、私は新約聖書の今日の一節に、これからの一年に向けた祈りを記してきました。振り返って、神がこれらの祈りの多くに答えてくださった方法を思い出すのは、驚くべきことです。
The cumulative effect of answered prayer is to reinforce our faith in God. Over the last thirty years, I have written by the New Testament passage for today some of my prayers for the year ahead. It is amazing to think back and remember the ways in which God has answered so many of these prayers.

祈りの答えはどれも忘れてしまいがちです。祝福も忘れてしまいがちです。今日の詩篇でダビデは「主の恵みをことごとく忘れてはならない」と自分に言い聞かせています(詩篇 103:2)。多くの人は、仕事や国家から受けた「恩恵」を意識しています。しかし、愛にあふれた天の父から受けた「恩恵」はどうでしょうか。
I find it very easy to forget all the answers to prayer. It is so easy to forget blessings. David reminds himself in the psalm for today *not to forget* ‘*all his benefits*’ (Psalm 103:2). Many are conscious of the ‘benefits’ they receive associated with their employment, or from the state. But what about the ‘benefits’ that we receive from our loving heavenly Father?

Remember and thank God for all his benefits

There is so much to praise God for. David appears almost to be speaking to himself and urging himself on: ‘O my soul, bless God, from head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name! O my soul, bless God, don’t forget a single blessing!’ (vv.1–2, MSG).

David had clearly faced many troubles in his life: sin, disease and ‘the pit’ (vv.3–4). Yet he, like the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 1:3), begins with praise for so many of God’s benefits.

1. 許し
神はあなたのすべての罪を許します(詩篇 103:3):「神は私たちの罪に応じて私たちを扱わず、私たちの咎に応じて私たちに報いません」(10節)、「東が西から遠いように、神は私たちのそむきを私たちから遠く離してくださった」(12節)。
1. Forgiveness
God forgives all your sins (Psalm 103:3): ‘he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities’ (v.10); ‘as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us’ (v.12).

2. 治癒
2. Healing
God ‘heals all your diseases’. One day we will be completely healed. We see signs of this now, when God heals us directly and supernaturally. In addition, God has put in our bodies the immune system, antibodies and the mending process.

3. 贖い
3. Redemption
God ‘redeems your life from the pit’ (v.4a). There is no pit so deep that God’s redemption cannot reach.

4. 愛
4. Love
He ‘crowns you with love and compassion’ (v.4b): ‘for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him’ (v.11).

5. 満足
5. Satisfaction
He ‘satisfies your desires with good things’ (v.5a).

I praise you, Lord, for all your benefits: for your forgiveness and healing, for redeeming me, for crowning me with love and compassion and for satisfying me with good things.

コリントの信徒への手紙二 1:1-11 NIV [1] 神の御心によってキリスト・イエスの使徒とされたパウロと兄弟テモテから、コリントにある神の教会、およびアカイアにいるすべての聖徒たちへ。[2] 私たちの父なる神と主イエス・キリストから、恵みと平安があなた方にありますように。[3] 私たちの主イエス・キリストの父なる神、あわれみの父、すべての慰めの神がほめたたえられますように。[4] 神は、私たちがどんな苦難にあっても慰めて下さるので、私たちも、神から受ける慰めによって、どんな苦難の中にいる人をも慰めることができるのです。[5] 私たちがキリストの苦しみにあずかっているように、私たちの慰めもキリストによって満ちあふれています。[6] 私たちが苦しむのは、あなたがたの慰めと救いのためであり、私たちが慰められるのも、あなたがたの慰めのためであり、その慰めによって、私たちと同じ苦難にあなたがたは耐え忍ぶことができるのです。 [7] あなたがたに対する私たちの望みは揺るぎません。なぜなら、あなたがたが私たちと苦しみを共にしているように、慰めも共にしていることを私たちは知っているからです。 [8] 兄弟たち、私たちがアジア州で経験した苦難について、あなたがたに知らせておいてほしいことがあります。私たちは耐えられないほどの大きな苦しみを受け、生きることさえ絶望しました。 [9] 実のところ、私たちは死刑判決を受けたと思いました。しかし、それは私たちが自分自身に頼らず、死者をよみがえらせる神に頼るためでした。 [10] 神は私たちをこのような死の危険から救い出し、また再び救い出してくださいます。私たちは、神が私たちをこれからも救い出してくださることを望み、 [11] あなたがたが祈りによって私たちを助けてくださるように。そうすれば、多くの人が私たちのために、多くの人々の祈りに応えて与えられた恵みについて感謝するでしょう。
2 Corinthians 1:1-11 NIV [1] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia: [2] Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. [3] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, [4] who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. [5] For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. [6] If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. [7] And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. [8] We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. [9] Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. [10] He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, [11] as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

See his benefits even in the midst of suffering

喪失や死別を経験したことがありますか? 健康上の問題に直面していますか? 経済面や生活の他の面で大きなプレッシャーを感じていますか? 反対や批判を受けていますか? 困難、失望、苦難の時期を過ごしていますか?
Have you suffered loss or bereavement? Are you facing some health issue? Are you under great pressure in your finances or some other area of your life? Are you being opposed or criticised? Are you in a time of difficulty, disappointment or hardship?

Paul was the founding pastor of the Corinthian church. In this, his most personal letter, he reveals the heart of a leader. He reveals his feelings as a man of flesh and blood who knows what it is to go through trouble (v.4), sufferings (vv.5–8), distress (v.6), hardship (v.8) and pressure (v.8) – the word Paul uses means to be pushed down under great weight.

He has been in despair (v.8), he has felt ‘the sentence of death’ (v.9), he has faced ‘deadly peril’ (v.10). As well as physical persecution, he has faced criticism, ridicule, sickness, depression, bereavement, injustice, disappointments, temptations and difficult personal relationships.

Sir Winston Churchill said, ‘The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.’ By this definition Paul was definitely an optimist!

彼はこの手紙を、問題に対する賛辞ではなく、問題を乗り越えて得られたプラスの利益に対する賛辞で始めています。そのプラスの利益とは何でしょうか? あなたや私は、どうすればあらゆる困難の中にプラスの利益を見出すことができるのでしょうか?
He starts the letter with praise – not for the problems but for the positive benefits that have come through them. What are these benefits? How can you and I see the benefits in every difficulty?

1. あなたは慰められます
1. You will be comforted
‘The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles’ (vv.3–4). The word for comfort means to encourage, cheer and come alongside. God is the ‘Father of compassion’ (v.3). He is not immune from suffering. He comes alongside us and suffers with us. His Holy Spirit is ‘the Comforter’ (John 14:26, AMP).

2. 他の人の助けになる
今、あなたが苦しんでいるなら、それは大した慰めには思えないかもしれませんが、いつかあなたは他の人に大きな慰めをもたらすでしょう。「私たちが苦難を経験しているとき、神は私たちのそばに来てくださり、いつの間にか、私たちを苦難を経験している別の人のそばに連れて行ってくれます。神が私たちのためにそこにいてくださったように、私たちもその人のためにそこにいることができるのです」(コリントの信徒への手紙二 1:4、MSG)。人生で困難に直面した人は、最も効果的な牧師になります。
2. You will be a help to others
If you are in a time of suffering right now it may not seem much comfort – but one day you will bring great comfort to other people: ‘He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us’ (2 Corinthians 1:4, MSG). Those who have faced difficulty in life make the most effective ministers.

3. あなたは変わります
3. You will be changed
Hardship ‘produces in you patient endurance’ (v.6). Like gold refined by fire or a vine pruned to produce more fruit, difficulties lead to patience, endurance, steadfastness and perseverance. They lead to character transformation.

. You will not be alone
Paul writes, ‘Just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort’ (v.7). The word he uses for ‘share’ comes from the Greek word koinonia, which is the word used to describe the closest possible relationship. In times of difficulty we should experience an extraordinary closeness of relationship as we comfort and encourage one another, ‘Your hard times are also our hard times’ (v.7, MSG).

5. 神を信頼することを学ぶ
5. You will learn to trust God
When things go well it is easy to become self-reliant. But when everything goes wrong and we reach the end of our tether, we are forced to trust God. As Paul puts it, ‘Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally’ (v.9, MSG).

6. あなたは救われる
6. You will be rescued
Paul writes, ‘He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us’ (v.10). As you look back and see how God has delivered you in the past, you can be confident he will deliver you in the future.

7. あなたの祈りは他の人を助ける
祈りには力があります。神は本当に祈りに答えてくださいます。他の人を助ける最善の方法の 1 つは、彼らのために祈ることです。「あなたがたが祈りによって私たちを助けてくださるように。そうすれば、多くの人が私たちのために感謝するでしょう。多くの人の祈りに答えて私たちに与えられた恵みに対してです。」(11 節)。あなたの祈りが答えられると、神は栄光を受けます。
7. Your prayers will help others
Prayer is powerful. God really does answer prayer. One of the best ways you can help other people is by praying for them: ‘As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favour granted us in answer to the prayers of many’ (v.11). When your prayers are answered, God will be glorified.

Lord, help me to see the benefits in every difficulty. May I experience your comfort and learn to rely not on myself but on you. Lord, I cry out to you for help…

歴代誌下 26:1-28:27
2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27

Don’t let his benefits make you proud

Times when things are going well can be as much a test upon our faith as the times when they are not going well. Abraham Lincoln, who as President of the USA knew all about power, said, ‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.’

Uzziah started so well. He became king aged only sixteen (26:1). ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord’ (v.4). He ‘was a loyal seeker after God’ (v.5a, MSG). ‘As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success’ (v.5b). ‘God helped him’ (v.7). He became famous and he became quite powerful (v.8). ‘Everything seemed to go his way’ (v.15, MSG).

When he was seeking God, God answered his prayers, helping him and giving him success.

However, it all went horribly wrong when ‘he became powerful’ (v.15c). Fame, success and power are intoxicating. They carry with them the dangers of pride and arrogance.

‘But then the strength and success went to his head. Arrogant and proud he fell’ (v.16, MSG). He did what was specifically forbidden in Scripture (see Numbers 16:40; 18:7), in spite of the fact that many of the leaders ‘confronted him’ (2 Chronicles 26:18) and warned him against being ‘unfaithful’ (v.18). Instead of listening to them, in his pride he ‘lost his temper’ (v.19, MSG). This is a warning. If things go well, do not become proud. Keep trusting and obeying God.

Lord, help me to keep praising you, relying on you and seeking you all my life.

コリント人への手紙第二 1:3-4 にはこうあります:


Pippa Adds
In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 it says:

‘The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles.’

Sadly, we are not spared troubles in this life, but we do have a compassionate Father who is the God of all comfort, not just some comfort, and, who is able to comfort us in every single trouble that we face.

苦難の喜びJoy in Hard Times

2024-08-23 09:12:48 | 日記
ローマ人への手紙 5:3-5 NIV [3] そればかりでなく、私たちは苦難をも誇りとしています。なぜなら、苦難は忍耐を生み出し、 [4] 忍耐は練られた品格を生み出し、練られた品格は希望を生み出すことを知っているからです。 [5] そして、希望は私たちを恥じ入らせません。なぜなら、私たちに与えられた聖霊によって、神の愛が私たちの心に注がれているからです。
Romans 5:3-5 NIV [3] Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; [4] perseverance, character; and character, hope. [5] And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.



だからこそ、ローマ人への手紙 5 章にあるパウロの励ましは矛盾しているように聞こえるかもしれません。パウロは、不敬虔な支配者から苦しみを経験しているローマの教会にこの手紙を書いていましたが、苦しみを喜ぶようにと励ましています。

苦しみに耐えるだけでは十分ではなく、喜びを持つようにとパウロは言っています。パウロは、苦難の時に喜びを感じるのは自然なことではないことを知っていました。しかし、イエスの働きを通して、クリスチャンは神との平和と信仰を得ることができます (ローマ人への手紙 5:1-2)。信仰は、苦しみが私たちの物語の終わりではないという希望を持ち続けることを可能にします。

私たちは神が私たちの困難な状況の中で働いてくださることを知っているので、神がその働きを成し遂げてくださるまで忍耐と粘り強さを持つことができます。粘り強さは私たちの性格を洗練させます。 神を待ち望むにつれ、私たちはイエスに似た者となり、神への信頼が強くなります。これにより、私たちの中に希望が増します。





Joy in Hard Times

Nobody enjoys suffering. It’s hard to find joy in the midst of trials or difficult seasons—it’s much easier to feel sadness or misery.

That’s why Paul’s encouragement in Romans 5 may sound contradictory. Paul was writing this to the church in Rome experiencing suffering from ungodly rulers, and yet he encourages them to rejoice in their suffering.

It wasn’t enough to just endure suffering—he tells them to have joy. Paul knew that it wasn’t natural to be joyful in hard times, but through the work of Jesus, Christians have peace with God and access to faith (Romans 5:1-2). Faith allows us to hold onto the hope that suffering isn’t the end of our story.

Because we know that God works within our difficult situations, we can have patience and perseverance for God to complete His work. Perseverance refines our character. As we wait on God, we become people who look more like Jesus, and our trust in God grows stronger. This increases hope within us.

It’s not easy when you see suffering to have hope. But as we trust in God, we are strengthened to continue to endure. When we look at suffering from God’s perspective, we begin to realize that He is working to bring glory in every situation.

God has shown us through the Holy Spirit that He loves us. He suffered and gave Himself for us so that we could have a relationship with Him, and He will continue to give us everything we need to live a life that honors Him.

So consider how God is working in your life, even through difficult seasons. Think about the ways God has poured His love into you through the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for strength to persevere, and let that perseverance develop into a strong character that hopes and trusts in God even in hard times. And when persevering gets difficult, hold onto this truth: God has given everything for you, and He will never leave your side.

A Prayer for Praise in Hard Times

God, You know me so well. You know what I'm wrestling with right now. Thank You that this is not the end of the story. You are strengthening me. Today, I choose to bring my struggles to You. I choose to rejoice because I know that I am growing through these hardships. You are right here with me! Thank You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.