

恐怖の副作用 The Side Effects of Fear

2024-08-07 23:06:20 | 日記
The Side Effects of Fear

When anxious moments come, choose to trust and follow your loving heavenly Father.

マタイ6:25-34 NIV [25] だから、あなたがたに言います。自分の命のことで、何を食べようか、何を飲むだろうと心配し、自分のからだのことで、何を着ようかと心配してはいけません。命は食物よりも大切であり、からだは着物よりも大切ではありませんか。[26] 空の鳥を見なさい。種も蒔かず、刈り入れもせず、倉にたくわえることもありません。しかし、あなたがたの天の父はそれを養っておられます。あなたがたは、鳥よりも、もっと大切な者ではありませんか。[27] あなたがたのうち、だれか思い煩ったからといって、自分の命をわずかでも延ばすことができましょうか。[28] なぜ着物のことで思い煩うのですか。野の花が育つのを見なさい。働きもせず、紡ぎもしません。[29] 言いますが、栄華を極めたソロモンでさえ、この花の一つほどにも着飾ってはいませんでした。[30] きょうは生えていて、あすは火に投げ込まれる野の草でさえ、神はこのように着飾ってくださっているのですから、まして、信仰の薄いあなたがたには、それ以上に着せてくださらないはずがあろうか。 [31] だから、何を食べようか、何を飲もうか、何を着ようかと言って思い煩ってはならない。 [32] 異邦人はこれらのものをみな追い求めているが、あなたがたの天の父は、あなたがたにそれが必要なことを知っておられる。 [33] むしろ、神の国と神の義をまず第一に求めなさい。そうすれば、これらのものはみな加えて与えられる。 [34] だから、明日のことについて思い煩うな。明日のことは明日が思い煩う。一日の苦労はその日だけで十分である。

Matthew 6:25-34 NIV [25] “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? [26] Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? [27] Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? [28] “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. [29] Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. [30] If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? [31] So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ [32] For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. [33] But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. [34] Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

ヨハネ 14:15 NIV [15] 「もしあなたがたがわたしを愛するなら、わたしの戒めを守りなさい。
John 14:15 NIV [15] “If you love me, keep my commands.

We all experience fear at some point, but when it’s an ongoing struggle, there can be far-reaching effects. Here are some ways apprehension creates chaos in our life and impacts others. Fear ...

• 思考と行動を抑制します。優柔不断さを生み出し、停滞をもたらします。機会を失うと自信が失われ、悪循環が始まります。
• Stifles thoughts and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the downward spiral begins.

• 神が私たちに対して立てた計画の障害となることがあります。否定的な感情や自信のなさに屈してしまうと、神が私たちのために立てた目標を達成することはできません。
• Can be a roadblock to God’s plans for us. If we yield to negative emotions and self-doubt, we cannot achieve the goals He has in mind for us.

• 破壊的な習慣につながる可能性があります。耐え難い苦悩や不安の苦痛を麻痺させるために、一時的かつ人工的な安らぎを求めて破壊的な習慣に頼る人もいます。
• Can lead to destructive habits. To numb the pain of overbearing distress and foreboding, some turn to destructive habits for temporary and artificial relief.

• 平穏と満足感を奪います。私たちが常に恐れを抱いていると、私たちの生活は悲観と憂鬱に集中するようになります。
• Steals peace and contentment. When we’re regularly afraid, our life becomes centered on pessimism and gloom.

• 疑いを生む。神は満足のいく人生を約束していますが、私たちが恐れの中で生きていると、神が与えてくださる豊かさを経験することはほとんどないでしょう。
• Creates doubt. God promises a satisfying life, but if we live in fear, we most likely won’t experience the abundance He offers.

Our heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for you and me, who are made in His image? Our only concern should be to obey God (John 14:15) and leave all the consequences to Him.

信仰の飛躍 Leap of Faith

2024-08-07 22:54:12 | 日記
Leap of Faith

もしあなたがこの時に沈黙しているなら、ユダヤ人への救済と解放は別の所から起こるでしょうが、あなたとあなたの父の家族は滅びるでしょう。あなたが王位に就いたのは、このような時のためではないでしょうか。(エステル記 4:14)
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

My heart was beating so hard I could hear the thumps in my ears, while my breath hitched as I eased myself over the railing onto a small red platform. All I could look at is my white knuckles gripping the ledge as the instructor was mere inches from my face but on the safe side of the bridge. I could hardly breathe and even more so, I could hardly believe I was about to do this. In the mix of my thoughts, my heart beat and my heavy breathing I hear in the background, “3, 2, 1, BUNGEE!!” I leapt.

But before the excitement of an actual jump, the team of instructors provided a few lessons and how-to’s of bungee jumping: “You have to jump after the first count down. The longer you stand on that platform, the more difficult it will be to jump at all—and well, you already paid.”

これはためらうことについての教訓でした。午前 4 時に起きて、料金を支払い、橋まで 6 マイル歩いて、岩棚をよじ登るという決断を下しました。バンジー ジャンプをするという決断はすでに下されていました。あとは、実行するだけの問題でした。
This was a lesson on hesitation. The decision is made to wake up at 4 a.m., pay the fee, hike six miles to the bridge and climb over the ledge. The decision to go bungee jumping was already processed. Now, it was only a matter of doing it.

We hesitate all the time, whether it is standing on a platform ready to bungee jump or acting on a call that God has put on our hearts. Fear and anxiety over take us resulting in delay. Stories within the Bible prompt us to act without hesitation when God urges us to do something.

This brings us to the story of Esther.

エステルの物語は、一般に語られるものではありません。この物語の力と目的を理解する人はあまりいません。勇敢な女王の物語だからという理由で、この物語をまったく無視する人もいます。エステル記は短く、読みやすい本です。しかし、焦点となる一節 (4:1-7) は、モルデカイとエステルの伝言ゲーム中に起こったことです。物語のこの時点で、エステルは王と結婚しており、ハマンという邪悪な男がユダヤ人全員を殺すという布告を出しています。モルデカイとエステルはどちらもユダヤ人で、自分たちの命、そして愛する人たちの命が危険にさらされていました。
The story of Esther is not one that is commonly told. Not many people see the power and purpose within the story, or just dismiss the story all together because it is about a courageous queen. The book of Esther is short, and a pretty simple read. However, the passage that is the focus (4:1-7) is taking place during a game of telephone between Mordecai and Esther. At this point in the story, Esther is married to the king and an evil man named Haman has issued a decree to kill all of the Jewish people. Both Mordecai and Esther were Jewish, and both had their lives- and the lives of their loved- ones at stake.

Esther was put in a position that was one of risk and most likely fear. Esther needed to approach the king, but doing so without being summoned was risky and could result in her death. It was something that she felt needed to be done. A little hesitation on Esther’s part is more than understandable; it is something that we would all do.

There was fear and the possibility of death, but her convictions pushed her to take a leap of faith in approaching the king asking him to revoke Haman’s decree of the killing of the Jews.

愛には恐れがありません。完全な愛は恐れを消し去ります。恐れは罰と関係があるからです。恐れる者は愛において完全ではありません。(ヨハネ第一 4:18)
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)

Esther’s boldness to take the leap of faith when it came to approaching the king proved to be successful when he revoked the order of Haman. She made a decision and combated her fear and hesitation to do what she knew was right.

May we all be fearless for Christ; may we be voices for the voiceless and set our sights on what is good and everything God is doing. Let us all take a leap of faith and resist reluctance for what God is calling us to do to serve his Kingdom.

そして今、早朝の夜明けの勇気、正午の永遠の丘の力強さ、夕方の終わりの広々とした空間の平和、そして神の愛が、今も永遠にあなたの心に留まりますように。 アーメン。
And now may the courage of early morning’s dawning, And the strength of eternal hills at noontime, And the peace of open spaces at evening’s ending, And the love of God abide in your hearts now and forever. Amen.

良い判断 Good Judgment

2024-08-07 22:40:26 | 日記
Good Judgment

When I practised as a barrister most of the judges I appeared before were extremely good. However, I remember one occasion when I appeared before a judge who was not good. It was a terrible experience.

It was a terrible experience. I was representing the defendant in a criminal case. It was only the second case I had ever done in front of a jury. I was young and inexperienced. Nevertheless, it seemed to me that there was something very wrong with the way in which the judge was conducting the case. She kept interrupting me whenever I was speaking. She intervened over and over again with her own questions. I ended up having what the court usher described as a ‘stand up row with the judge’.

裁判官の最終弁論は、検察側の二度目の弁論のようでした。私の依頼人は、当然有罪判決を受け、刑務所に送られました。私たちは、被告には公正な裁判を受ける権利があるのに、それが与えられていないとして、控訴しました。控訴院で非常に上級の裁判官 3 名の前に出廷したとき、私は、裁判官との「立ち上がっての論争」での私の役割を彼らが認めないのではないかと、非常に緊張しました。
The judge’s summing up was more like a second prosecution speech; my client was duly convicted and sent to prison. We appealed, on the basis that the defendant was entitled to a fair trial and he had not been given one. When I appeared before three very senior judges in the Court of Appeal, I was extremely nervous that they might not approve of my part in the ‘stand up row with the judge’!

To my relief they were as appalled as I had been by her conduct of the trial. They overturned the original decision and my confidence in the British legal system was restored.

Good judges are scarce. In many parts of the world, judges are subject to bribery and corruption. There is no rule of law. The result is terrible injustice. The poor, in particular, tend to be the victims.

詩篇 94:1-11 NIV [1] 主は復讐する神。復讐する神よ、輝き出でよ。[2] 地の審判者よ、立ち上がれ。高ぶる者に、その当然の報いを与えよ。[3] 主よ、いつまで悪人は、いつまで悪人は喜びにふけっているのか。[4] 彼らは高慢な言葉を吐き出し、悪を行う者はみな、高慢にふけっている。[5] 主よ、彼らはあなたの民を踏みにじり、あなたの嗣業を圧迫する。[6] 彼らは寡婦と寄留者を殺し、孤児を殺害する。[7] 彼らは言う、「主は見ない。ヤコブの神は気に留めない。」[8] 民の中の愚かな者たちよ、気づけ。愚かな者たちよ、いつになったら賢くなるのか。[9] 耳を造られた方は聞かないのか。目を造られた方は見ないのか。[10] 諸国の民を懲らしめる方は罰しないのか。 人を教える者は知識がないのか。[11] 主は人間の計画をすべて知っておられ、それがむなしいこともご存じである。
Psalms 94:1-11 NIV [1] The Lord is a God who avenges. O God who avenges, shine forth. [2] Rise up, Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve. [3] How long, Lord, will the wicked, how long will the wicked be jubilant? [4] They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting. [5] They crush your people, Lord; they oppress your inheritance. [6] They slay the widow and the foreigner; they murder the fatherless. [7] They say, “The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob takes no notice.” [8] Take notice, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? [9] Does he who fashioned the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? [10] Does he who disciplines nations not punish? Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge? [11] The Lord knows all human plans; he knows that they are futile.

Judge of the earth

The Lord God is ‘Judge of the earth’ (v.2). At the moment, we do not always see justice. We see wickedness (v.3), racial injustice, arrogance and boasting (v.4). We see people being crushed and oppressed (v.5). In particular, we see the poor – the widow, outsider and fatherless (v.6) – suffering.

The psalmist cries out for justice. God is a God of justice. He ‘avenges’ (v.1). This is not vindictive but the appropriate and just response to evil and wickedness. He will ‘pay back to the proud what they deserve’ (v.2b). The wicked will not get away with it any longer. The poor will no longer be oppressed.

God’s judgment is an aspect of his love. He loves the marginalised. Therefore, he acts on their behalf to judge their oppressors.

Injustice is the cause of so much suffering in the world. In order to protect the innocent, it is an act of love to bring to justice those who, for example, traffic people for sex.

Sometimes we might be tempted to think that ‘God does not notice’ or ‘God does not mind’. However, the reality is that God, ‘who implanted the ear’, hears and, ‘who formed the eye’, sees (v.9). This means that God’s judgment will be loving and perfect. God has total knowledge for ‘the Lord knows all human thoughts’ (v.11a), and so he is able to, and will, administer perfect justice.

Lord, thank you that one day we will see perfect justice executed by a perfect Judge. In the meantime, Lord, help us to seek justice on this earth, especially for the marginalised.

1 コリント 6:1-20 NIV [1] あなたがたのうちに争い事があれば、それを神の民の前に出さずに、不敬虔な者たちの前に持ち出すのですか。[2] それとも、神の民が世を裁くことを知らないのですか。あなたがたが世を裁くのであれば、小さな訴訟を裁く資格はないのですか。[3] 私たちが御使いたちを裁くことを知らないのですか。ましてこの世の事ならなおさらです。[4] ですから、このようなことで争い事があるなら、教会で軽蔑されている人たちに裁きを求めるのですか。[5] 私はあなたがたをはずかしめるためにこう言います。あなたがたのうちには、信者の間の争いを裁くほど賢い人がいないのでしょうか。[6] それどころか、ある兄弟が別の兄弟を訴えています。しかも、不信者の前でです。[7] あなたがたの間で訴訟が起こっているということは、すでに完全に敗訴しているということです。むしろ、不当な扱いを受けないのはなぜですか。 なぜ、だまされないのですか。[8] むしろ、あなたがた自身がだまして不正を行い、兄弟姉妹に対しても不正を行っています。[9] 不正を行う者は神の国を受け継ぐことはないことを、知らないのですか。思い違いをしてはいけません。不品行な者、偶像を礼拝する者、姦淫をする者、男色をする者、[10] 盗む者、貪欲な者、酒に酔う者、そしる者、詐欺をする者は、いずれも神の国を受け継ぐことはありません。[11] あなたがたの中には、以前はそのような人たちもいました。しかし、主イエス・キリストの名とわたしたちの神の霊によって、あなたがたは洗われ、聖化され、義とされたのです。[12] 「わたしは何事もする権利がある」とあなたがたは言いますが、すべてが益になるわけではありません。「わたしは何事もする権利がある」とあなたがたは言いますが、何事にも支配されることはありません。[13] 「食物は腹のため、腹は食物のためだ。神はその両方を滅ぼされる」とあなたがたは言います。 しかし、肉体は不品行のためではなく、主のためであり、主は肉体のためにあるのです。[14] 神は御自分の力によって主を死者の中からよみがえらせ、また、私たちをもよみがえらせてくださいます。[15] あなたがたの体はキリストの肢体であることを、知らないのですか。それでは、キリストの肢体を取って、それを遊女と結び付けるべきでしょうか。決してそうではありません。[16] 遊女と結び付く者は、その体において彼女と一体になることを、知らないのですか。「両者は一体となる」と書いてあるからです。[17] しかし、主と結び付く者は、その霊において主と一体です。[18] 不品行を避けなさい。人が犯すその他の罪は、すべて肉体の外のものですが、不品行によって罪を犯す者は、自分の体に対して罪を犯すのです。[19] あなたがたの体は、あなたがたのうちにおられる、神から受けた聖霊の宮であることを、知らないのですか。あなたがたは、自分自身のものではありません。[20] あなたがたは代価を払って買い取られたのです。ですから、自分の体をもって神を敬いなさい。
1 Corinthians 6:1-20 NIV [1] If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? [2] Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? [3] Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! [4] Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? [5] I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? [6] But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers! [7] The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? [8] Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. [9] Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men [10] nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. [12] “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. [13] You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. [14] By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. [15] Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! [16] Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” [17] But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. [18] Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. [19] Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; [20] you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Judges in the church

The general rule in the New Testament is that Christians should never take each other to court.

使徒パウロは、コリントの信者たちが互いに法廷に訴えていることに衝撃を受けました (1a 節)。彼はこう書いています。「あなたたちは、よくも互いに法廷に訴えるものだ!」 (1a 節、MSG)。これは教会にとって恐ろしい証言です。信者たちは「不信心者」の前で互いに争っていました (1 節)。「神の道を何も知らない法廷に訴える方が、クリスチャンの家族に訴えるより理にかなっているでしょうか。」 (1b 節、MSG)。
The apostle Paul was shocked that the believers in Corinth were taking one another to court (v.1a). He writes, ‘How dare you take each other to court!’ (v.1a, MSG). This is a terrible witness for the church. Believers were fighting each other in front of the ‘ungodly’ (v.1): ‘Does it make any sense to go before a court that knows nothing of God’s ways instead of a family of Christians?’ (v.1b, MSG).

It is better to be wronged or cheated than to get involved in lawsuits (vv.7–8). However, Paul appeals to them that if they do get involved in disputes, they should settle the matter between themselves (vv.4–6).

If it really is necessary to settle a dispute, then they should appoint judges from the church. Paul points out that one day the ‘saints will judge the world’ (v.2): ‘The day is coming when the world is going to stand before a jury made up of followers of Jesus’ (v.2, MSG). This judgment, Paul suggests, will include the judgment of fallen angels (v.3).

Paul’s argument is that if one day we are to be involved in this great day of judgment, surely we are capable of judging relatively trivial cases now (vv.2–3). Do anything to avoid ‘going to law’ against each other in front of ‘unbelievers’ (v.6).

There will be a final judgment: ‘The wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God’ (v.9). Paul lists various types of sinners: ‘Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don’t qualify as citizens in God’s kingdom’ (vv.9–10, MSG).

A number of those to whom Paul was writing would have been involved in these kinds of lifestyles in the recent past and would have been on Paul’s list. But he writes, ‘Since then, you’ve been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit’ (v.11, MSG).

All of us deserve to be condemned at the final judgment. We have no cause for self-righteousness or boasting. Through the death of Jesus for you, you were washed, sanctified and justified. To be justified means to be acquitted before the great court of God. The judgment is brought forward and you receive this verdict now.

You can have great confidence about the future. Death is not the end: ‘By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also’ (v.14). Not only can you be sure that one day you will be raised to eternal life, but through Jesus you can also be assured that you can appear with confidence before the judge of all the earth ‘sanctified’ and ‘justified’ (v.11).

This does not mean that you can go off and do anything you like. Rather, the reverse. Your body is now a temple of the Holy Spirit (v.19). You were ‘bought at a price’ (v.20). Therefore, ‘flee from sexual immorality’ (v.18). ‘We must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy leaving us more lonely than ever’ (v.16, MSG). ‘Your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit’ (v.19, MSG).

Do ‘not be mastered by anything’ (v.12). Your body belongs to God. Use it to honour him (v.20).

Lord, thank you that through the blood of Jesus, I am washed and cleansed. Thank you that I have already been acquitted. Help me to live as someone who has been set free and to honour you in everything I do.

歴代誌下 1:1-17
2 Chronicles 1:1-17

Judgment of Solomon

自分がやるべきことに圧倒されるような気持ちになったことはありませんか? 私は確かにそう感じます。ソロモンは「途方もない課題」に直面しました (9 節、MSG)。
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by something you are supposed to be doing? I certainly do. Solomon was faced with a ‘staggering task’ (v.9, MSG).

Solomon’s kingdom was firmly established (v.1). He spoke to all Israel including the ‘judges’ (v.2).

彼自身も裁判官として行動することになっていた。実際、歴史を通じてソロモンは優れた判断力で知られていた。人々は「彼が正義を執行する神からの知恵を持っているのを見て、畏敬の念を抱いた」(列王記上 3:28)。
He himself was also to act as a judge. In fact, throughout history Solomon has been known for his good judgment. The people held him ‘in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice’ (1 Kings 3:28).

この知恵はどこから来たのでしょうか。それは彼の祈りへの答えでした。神は彼にこう言われました。「あなたが私に与えたいものを何でも求めなさい」(歴代誌下 1:7)。彼は私がよくするようにこう祈りました。「私がこの民の間を行き来するときに、私に知恵と知識を与えてください。あなたの栄光ある民を一人で導くことのできる人は誰でしょうか」(10節、MSG)。
Where did this wisdom come from? It was an answer to his prayer. God said to him, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give to you’ (2 Chronicles 1:7). He prayed as I often do, ‘Give me wisdom and knowledge as I come and go among this people – for who on his own is capable of leading these, your glorious people?’ (v.10, MSG).

‘God answered Solomon, “This is what has come out of your heart: You didn’t grasp for money, wealth, fame, and the doom of your enemies; you didn’t even ask for a long life. You asked for wisdom and knowledge so you could govern well my people over whom I’ve made you king. Because of this, you get what you asked for – wisdom and knowledge. And I’m presenting you the rest as a bonus – money, wealth, and fame beyond anything the kings before or after you had or will have”’ (vv.11–12, MSG).

As Jesus said, ‘Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33). And as the apostle James said, ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you’ (James 1:5).

Lord, I pray for good judgment, wisdom and knowledge for myself and for all those who are required to lead and govern. I pray also that you would raise up good judges and that there would be a transformation in the justice systems around the world.

歴代誌下 1:10 にはこうあります


私は常に知恵を必要としています。たった 1 日で、状況に応じて何をするか、誰かに何を言うか、特定のイベントに行くか、特定のイベントに参加するかしないかなど、決めなければならないことが山ほどあります… 主よ、どうか今日、私に知恵を与えてください。
Pippa Adds
2 Chronicles 1:10 says,

‘Give me wisdom and knowledge…’

I am constantly in need of wisdom. There are so many decisions to make just in one day – what to do in a situation, what to say to somebody, whether to go to a certain event or do a certain event or not… Please, Lord, give me wisdom today.

あなたは自分を愛するのと同じように、常に隣人を愛するでしょう You Will Always Love Your Neighbor The Way You Love Yourself

2024-08-07 18:31:30 | 日記
マタイ 22:37-39 NIV [37] イエスは答えた。「『心を尽くし、精神を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。』[38] これが最も重要な第一の戒めです。[39] 第二もこれと同様です。『隣人をあなた自身のように愛しなさい。』
Matthew 22:37-39 NIV [37] Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ [38] This is the first and greatest commandment. [39] And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

You Will Always Love Your Neighbor The Way You Love Yourself

If you’re anything like me, at some point you’ve wondered, “Where’s the line between sacrificial love and being a doormat?” Or, “If we are called to forgive over and over again, at what point am I just enabling them?” How do we resolve these apparent tensions?

イエスは、最大の戒めを思い出すように求められたとき、こう答えました。「心を尽くし、魂を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。」(マタイ 22:37 CSB)
When Jesus is challenged to recall the greatest commandment, he responds, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37 CSB)

イエスの時代の宗教指導者たちは、イエスが救世主であるという主張を信用できないものにするために、イエスを試し、イエスの誤りを暴こうとあらゆる機会をうかがっていました。イエスは、イエスの信頼性を失わせようとする彼らの隠された試みを見抜き、この機会を利用して、もう一つの重要な戒律を彼らに思い出させました。それは、「隣人を自分のように愛しなさい」(レビ記 19:18、マタイ 22:39)です。
The religious authorities of Jesus' day sought every opportunity to test him and to catch him in error so as to discredit his claim as the Messiah. Jesus saw through their veiled attempt to dismantle his credibility and seized this opportunity to remind them of another crucial commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39).

Jesus wants to remind them that perfect obedience to the greatest commandment includes obedience to this second greatest command—to love your neighbor as yourself.

This command to love your neighbor as yourself contains a key element that we often overlook in thinking about what it means to love the manipulative people in our lives: we’re commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Jesus isn’t asking us to act unloving toward ourselves in the work of loving others. In fact, to love our neighbor well, we must understand how to love ourselves well. Loving ourselves informs how we love others.

This isn’t a "me first" manipulation of Jesus' teaching. This is a corrective to our distorted idea that loving others means disrespecting ourselves. The truth is quite the opposite: you can’t love your neighbor well if you don’t love and respect yourself well in the first place.

When I love others without respect for myself, my love for them ultimately becomes fear-based, self-serving, and manipulative. I end up asking, how can I love them in a way that gains their approval or avoids their rejection? This isn’t love. It’s codependency.

Sacrificial love isn’t something we are manipulated to give, or that we give because we fear rejection or disapproval. We offer sacrificial love as an autonomous decision of our own freewill and are free to withdraw that love without fear of retribution.

イエスは不可能を成し遂げるJesus Does the Impossible

2024-08-07 07:57:13 | 日記
マタイ19:26 NIV [26] イエスは彼らを見つめて言われた、「人にはそれはできないが、神には何でもできる。」
Matthew 19:26 NIV [26] Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


マタイ 19:26 のイエスの発言は、しばしば文脈から外されて解釈されます。多くの人は、この節を、神は不可能を可能にするので、人生で望むことは何でもできるという意味だと解釈しています。多くの場合、これは私たちが神に利己的なことをするように求めることにつながります。

イエスの言っていることを理解するには、前の節を読む必要があります。マタイ 19:16-22 では、若い男がイエスのもとに来て永遠の命を求めます。イエスは、その若者が地上の財産をすべて手放さなければならないと言いますが、若者はそれを喜んで行いません。若者はテストに失敗したため、永遠の命を受け継ぐことができませんでした。

マタイ 19:23 でイエスは、金持ちが天国に入るのは非常に難しいと言っています。要点は、イエスを愛するには私たちのすべてが必要であるということです。私たちの究極の愛は、イエスと他の何かに分割することはできません。

弟子たちは次に、「誰が救われるのですか」と尋ねます。 マタイ19:26でイエスは、人間が自分自身を救うことは不可能だが、神なら可能だと答えています。神は人間ができないことをできるのです。




Jesus Does the Impossible

Jesus’ statement in Matthew 19:26 is often taken out of context. Many people have taken this verse to mean that they can do anything they want in life because God can do the impossible. Often this can lead to us asking God to do something selfish.

In order to understand what Jesus is saying, we should read the preceding verses. In Matthew 19:16-22, a young man comes to Jesus asking for eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must give up all of his earthly possessions–something the young man is not willing to do. Because he failed the test, the young man failed to inherit eternal life.

Jesus says in Matthew 19:23 that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. The point is that loving Jesus requires everything we are. Our ultimate love cannot be split between Jesus and something else.

The disciples then ask, “Who can be saved?” Jesus responds in Matthew 19:26 that it is impossible for man to save himself—but it is possible with God. God can do the very thing that man cannot.

We cannot earn our salvation. We cannot work hard enough to attain it, and we can’t achieve it on our own. It is impossible. But with God all things are made possible for us to be saved. It is only through the work and power of Jesus that we have access to salvation. And through the empowerment of the Spirit, we are enabled to have faith in God.

What in your life is keeping you from faith in Jesus? Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe it’s material possessions. Maybe it's a wrong mindset. Whatever it might be—God has the power to remove these things from your heart so that you can have faith in Jesus.

So spend some time with God today, and ask Him to search your heart. Ask Him to reveal anything within you that is keeping you from loving Jesus better. Then, do something daring—surrender those things over to God.

A Prayer of Release

God, whatever it is that’s holding me back—I release it to You. Please deliver me as I battle against my selfish desires and thoughts. Show me how to love You above all else. I want to live my best life for You today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.