観自在菩薩 観自在菩薩が
行深般若波羅蜜多時 般若波羅蜜多を、深く行じしとき
照見五蘊皆空 五蘊皆空なりと照見し
度一切苦厄 一切の苦厄を度したまう
舎利子 舎利子(仏陀の十大弟子の一人)よ、
色不異空 色は空に異ならず、
空不異色 空は色に異ならず
色即是空 色は即ちこれ空なり
空即是色 空は即ちこれ色なり
受想行職 受想行職も
亦復如是 またかくのごとし
舎利子 舎利子よ
是諸法空想 この諸法は空想にして
・・・(続) ・・・(続)
Kanjizai Bosatsu,
who freely perceives all things,
practicing the perfect wisdom,
cast the light of perception on the five
elements that compose all worlds
and saw that they are all emptiness,
and thus overcame all affictions
and disasters, and spoke:
O Sharishi,
form is none other than emptiness,
emptiness is none other than form.
Form-it is, in fact,emptiness.
Emptiness-it is, in fact, form.
To sense, to imagine, to will, to conceive-
they too are all like this.
Thus, Sharishi,
all these are,
in character, emptiness.
行深般若波羅蜜多時 般若波羅蜜多を、深く行じしとき
照見五蘊皆空 五蘊皆空なりと照見し
度一切苦厄 一切の苦厄を度したまう
舎利子 舎利子(仏陀の十大弟子の一人)よ、
色不異空 色は空に異ならず、
空不異色 空は色に異ならず
色即是空 色は即ちこれ空なり
空即是色 空は即ちこれ色なり
受想行職 受想行職も
亦復如是 またかくのごとし
舎利子 舎利子よ
是諸法空想 この諸法は空想にして
・・・(続) ・・・(続)
Kanjizai Bosatsu,
who freely perceives all things,
practicing the perfect wisdom,
cast the light of perception on the five
elements that compose all worlds
and saw that they are all emptiness,
and thus overcame all affictions
and disasters, and spoke:
O Sharishi,
form is none other than emptiness,
emptiness is none other than form.
Form-it is, in fact,emptiness.
Emptiness-it is, in fact, form.
To sense, to imagine, to will, to conceive-
they too are all like this.
Thus, Sharishi,
all these are,
in character, emptiness.