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福島原発の汚染水の大洋放出について ロイター BBC CNN      (1)

2023年07月07日 16時37分01秒 | 福島原発事故

Exclusive-IAEA chief Grossi nods to discord among its Fukushima report experts



Asked whether there was any disagreement among the experts behind the report, which included participants from 11 countries including China, the fiercest critic of Japan’s plan, Rafael Grossi told Reuters:


“I heard that being said ... but again, what we have published is scientifically impeccable.”

In his first interview since releasing the report on Tuesday, Grossi said none of the experts had raised concerns with him directly and he did not elaborate on how he had heard of the issue.



China’s state-run Global Times newspaper on Thursday said Liu Senlin, a Chinese expert in the IAEA’s technical working group, was disappointed with the “hasty” report and had said the input from experts was limited and only used for reference.


Liu did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The taskforce established by the IAEA in 2021 to review the safety of Japan’s plan to release some 500 Olympic size swimming pools worth of water from the plant wrecked by a tsunami more than a decade ago, also include members from Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Marshall Islands, South Korea, Russia, Britain, the U.S. and Vietnam, according to the watchdog.


10年以上前に津波で破壊された工場から約500のオリンピックサイズのプールに相当する水を解放するという日本の計画の安全性をレビューするためにIAEAによって2021年に設立されたタスクフォースには、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、カナダ、フランス、マーシャル諸島、韓国、ロシア、英国、米国、ベトナムのメンバーも含まれています。 ウォッチドッグによると。



Beijing has blasted the IAEA’s report saying the body should not be endorsing a plan which poses risks to marine life and human health, despite assurances from Japan and the IAEA that it will have a negligible environmental impact.


スライドショー ( 3枚の画像 )

Grossi said the IAEA’s report did not amount to an endorsement of the plan and that Tokyo must take the final decision to release the water due to start later this summer.

“We do not endorse the plan or recommend this to be done. We say this plan is consistent with the standards,” Grossi said.



“We do not take sides. I’m not on the side of Japan or on the side of China or on the side of Korea. The standards apply to all the same way,” he added.

Some Japanese officials are worried that China, the biggest buyer of its seafood exports, may halt purchases of those items after Tokyo begins the water discharge, expected to take up to 40 years to complete.



South Korea, which has previously expressed concerns about the release, said on Friday it respected the IAEA’s review.


Before the water is released into the ocean, Japan says it will be filtered to remove most radioactive elements except for tritium, an isotope of hydrogen that is difficult to separate from water. The treated water will then be diluted to well below internationally approved levels, Japan says.


As well as varying degrees of international criticism, the plan has also met resistance at home, especially among the fishing community concerned about demand for their produce.


Grossi said he understood the concerns because “nothing identical” to this release had happened before. He added, however, there were also “certain political agendas” attached to criticisms of the plan, without elaborating.


Reporting by Sakura Murakami and John Geddie in Tokyo; Editing by Jacqueline Wong and Michael Perry


IAEA chief Grossi to visit Iran over access to 2 suspect sites - CGTN

Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi(画像はネットから)

関連記事  BBC

Fukushima nuclear disaster: UN watchdog approves plan for water release


福島第一原発の処理水、海洋放出の影響は「無視できる程度」 IAEAが報告書


IAEA chief ‘completely convinced’ it’s safe to release treated Fukushima nuclear wastewater


Updated 12:47 AM EDT, Fri July 7, 2023
TokyoCNN — 

Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water into the ocean is safe and there is no better option to deal with the massive buildup of wastewater collected since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog told CNN.


Japan will release the wastewater sometime this summer, a controversial move 12 years after the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown. Japanese authorities and the IAEA have insisted the plan follows international safety standards – the water will first be treated to remove the most harmful pollutants, and be released gradually over many years in highly diluted quantities.

日本は今年の夏に廃水を放出する予定であり、福島原子力発電所のメルトダウンから12年後に物議を醸している動きです。日本の当局とIAEAは、この計画は国際的な安全基準に従っていると主張しています - 水は最初に最も有害な汚染物質を除去するために処理され、高度に希釈された量で長年にわたって徐々に放出されます。

But public anxiety remains high, including in nearby countries like South Korea, China and the Pacific Islands, which have voiced concern about potential harm to the environment or people’s health. On Friday, Chinese customs officials announced they would ban food imports from ten Japanese prefectures including Fukushima, and strengthen inspections to monitor for “radioactive substances, to ensure the safety of Japanese food imports to China.”


“We have been looking at this basic policy for more than two years. We have been assessing it against … the most stringent standards that exist,” he said. “And we are quite certain of what we are saying, and the scheme we have proposed.”



“When one visits Fukushima, it is quite impressive, I will even say ominous, to look at all these tanks, more than a million tons of water that contains radionuclides – imagining that this is going to be discharged into the ocean. So all sorts of fears kick in, and one has to take them seriously, to address and to explain.


“This is why I’m here, to listen to all those who in good faith have questions and criticism and question marks, and to address them.”


On Tuesday, Grossi formally presented the IAEA’s safety review to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The report found the wastewater release plan will have a “negligible” impact on people and the environment, adding that it was an “independent and transparent review,” not a recommendation or endorsement.


- Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230705015725-exp-iaea-fukushima-lyman-intvw-070512aseg3-cnni-world-00035521.png?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230705015725-exp-iaea-fukushima-lyman-intvw-070512aseg3-cnni-world-00035521.png?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" } }" data-vr-video="" data-show-html="" data-check-event-based-preview="" data-network-id="" data-details="">
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