とおいひのうた いまというひのうた


ドイツ・メルケル首相訪日   2019/02/05

2019年02月05日 18時49分21秒 | 地理・歴史・外国(時事問題も含む)

Merkel in Japan: Bekenntnis zum Multilateralismus


Merkel and Abe Seek to Avoid Chaos From No-Deal Brexit

Feb.05 -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe say they want to head off a no-deal Brexit that could rattle their respective economies. The two leaders who are amongst the most outspoken defenders of the international order were meeting in Tokyo as both of their nations brace against the U.K.’s increasingly chaotic course towards an exit from the EU. Bloomberg’s Isabel Reynolds reports on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East.”


独メルケル首相 きょう3年ぶり訪日 NHKニュース


日独首脳会談 経済面での関係強化で合意


日独首脳会談 自由貿易を推進する方針で一致(19/02/05)


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