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国際ニュース 189(戦闘開始から211日目2023/10/7~2024/5/04)イスラエル・ハマス (2024年5月04日) 【追記予定】

2024年05月04日 21時26分21秒 | 中東
BREAKING:  Hamas on the verge of accepting the Israeli proposal, after Hamas has reportedly received assurances from the U.S. that the “stable calm” in the agreement proposed by Israel will transition into a permanent ceasefire. Over the past few hours, intense negotiations have taken place between mediators, Hamas, and Israel to finalize details regarding Palestinian prisoners that would be released should the deal go ahead. Hamas is expected to agree to the deal in the next few hours.
速報: ハマスはイスラエルの提案を受け入れる寸前、 報道によると、ハマスは、イスラエルが提案した合意における「安定した平穏」が恒久的な停戦へと移行するという保証を米国から受け取ったという。 過去数時間にわたり、調停者、ハマス、イスラエルの間で、合意が成立した場合に釈放されるパレスチナ人囚人に関する詳細を確定するための激しい交渉が行われた。 ハマスは数時間以内に合意に同意すると予想される。

Palestine Talks | Chris Hedges on the moral corruption of Israel and the “savagery” of violence

パレスチナ会談 |クリス・ヘッジズがイスラエルの道徳的堕落と暴力の「野蛮さ」について語る

2024/05/04  TRT はトルコの公共放送です

In this episode of Palestine Talks, we speak to writer and activist Chris Hedges as he discusses the philosophical nature of the evil underlying Israel’s violence against the Palestinian people, and the radical dehumanisation of Palestinians based on his own troubling experience covering stories in war zones. He also discusses how American media, paralleling the propaganda of the Israeli lobby, deliberately trivialises such violence and misleads the public.

As Hedges points out, this reflects how such media including outlets that enjoy a “liberal” or “progressive” reputation like The New York Times “embraces American militarism”, contemptuous of both human life and the possibility of peace grounded in actual principles of justice.



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