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転載:イラク最新ニュース 106-6(軍事協定: アラビア語からの非公式英訳⑤)

2008年11月25日 08時10分47秒 | 地理・歴史・外国(時事問題も含む)
Article 19

Support Activities Services

The U.S forces or those who act on behalf of the U.S forces have the right
to build and administer activities and entities inside the installations
and areas agreed upon through which they supply services to the members of
the U.S. forces and the civilian element, the contractors with the United
States and the employees of the contractors with the United States. These
entities and activities include; military mail, financial services, stores
for selling food, medication and other commodities and services, other
places for providing entertainment, wire and wireless communications,
including cable and radio broadcasting. Constructing these services does
not require a license.

The entertainment, media and radio services, which are outside of the
installations and areas agreed upon, fall under Iraqi law.

These supporting activities and services are limited to the members of the
U.S forces and the civilian element, contractors with the United States and
their employees and individuals and entities the two parties agree upon.
The authorities of the U.S. forces should take suitable measures to prevent
the misuse of the services mentioned above and to prevent the sale or
re-sale of the services mentioned above to persons who are not permitted to
reach these entities and benefit from the services they present. The U.S
forces determine the broadcasting transmissions for radio and television
program for the authorized receivers.

The entities and activities mentioned in this article enjoy the same
financial and customs exemption as do the U.S forces,includintheguaranteed exemptions in articles 15 and 16 of this agreement. Running and
administering these entities and activities that provide services according
to United States regulations will not require taxes or any other charges
for the activities related to their operation.

Mail sent through military mail services should have the verification of
the United States authorities, and this mail will be exempt fromsearching,
examination and confiscation by the Iraqi authorities with the exception ofunofficial mail that may be monitored electronically. The JointCommittee
will handle such issues that stem from the implementation of this item and
they will be settled by the agreement of the two parties. The related joint sub-committee will regularly search for the mechanisms by the U.S.
authorities to verify military mail*
Article 20

Currency and Foreign Exchange

The U.S. forces have the right to use any amount of U.S. currency or
financial assets whose values are determined by American currency for the
purposes of this agreement exclusively. The use of the U.S forces of Iraqi
currency and private banks should be according to the Iraqi laws.

The U.S forces are not permitted to export Iraqi currency from Iraq and are
to take measures to guarantee that none of the members of the U.S forces
and the civilian element, contractors with the United States and the
employees working for the contractors with the United States to export the
Iraqi currency from Iraq.

Article 21


Except for claims that stem from contracts, both parties forgo their right
to demand the other party to compensate for any damages, loss or
destruction of properties of the armed forces or the civilian element of
either party or to demand compensation for injuries or deaths that may
happen to members of the armed forces or the of civilian element that are a
result of carrying out their official duty in Iraq.

U.S. authorities should pay fair and reasonable compensation to settle
entitled claims for any third party, that may stem from actions of members
of the U.S. forces and the civilian element or as a result of their
negligence, malfeasance or during their official duty or may be related to
non-combat activities of US forces. U.S. authorities may settle entitlement
claims that do not stem from performing their official duty as quickly as
possible according to laws and regulations of the United States. When
settling the claims, the authorities of the U.S. forces take into
consideration any report regarding an investigation or opinion issued by
Iraqi authorities concerning the responsibility or volume of damages.

Both parties consult immediately through the Joint Committee or if it is
necessary through the Joint Ministerial Committee in the cases that need
revision and that have been mentioned in item 1 and 2 above, according to
the request of one of the parties.

Article 22


It is not permitted for the U.S. forces to detain or arrest any person
(except the detention or arrest of a member of the US forces or the
civilian element) unless it is in accordance with an Iraqi decision issued
under Iraqi law implementing Article Four.

If US forces detain or arrest persons as is permitted under this agreement
or under Iraqi law, they should be turned over to the specialized Iraqi
authorities within 24 hours of their detention or arrest.

Iraqi authorities can request assistance from U.S. forces for the purpose
of detaining or arresting wanted persons.

The U.S. forces shall provide the Iraqi Government with the available
information about all the detainees when this agreement is implemented. The
specialized Iraqi authorities shall issue arrest warrants for those who are
wanted. The U.S. forces will coordinate completely and effectively with the
Iraqi government for the handover of the wanted people to it, according to
valid Iraqi arrest warrants and release all other detainees in an organized
and secure way unless the Iraqi government requests otherwise under article
4 of this agreement.

U.S. forces are not permitted to search houses or other premises unless it
is in accordance with an Iraqi judicial order issued for this purpose with
complete coordination with the Iraqi government, except in cases where
there is actual combat which comes under Article 4.

Article 23


The implementation of this agreement and the settlement of resulting
disputes regarding explanations and implementation are the responsibility
of the following commissions:

Forming a Joint Ministerial Committee whose members are persons on the
ministerial level determined by both parties. This Joint Ministerial
Committee undertakes reviewing and resolving the basic necessary issues to
explain and implement this agreement.

The Joint Ministerial Committee will undertake the formation of the Joint
Military Operation Coordinating Committee (JMOCC) that is composed of
representatives of both parties. There will be a Joint Chairmanship of the
Joint Military Operation Cooperating Committee (JMOCC) from the two

The Joint Ministerial Committee also forms a joint committee composed of
representatives chosen by the two parties and jointly headed by a
representative from each party. This committee undertakes reviewing and
resolving all the issues related to this agreement that is not the
specialization of the Joint Military Operations Coordinating Committee

The joint committee forms according to item (3) of this article joint
subcommittees in various fields who undertake reviewing the issues that
stem from this agreement according to their specializations.

Article 24

Withdrawal of American Forces from Iraq

Admitting to the performance of Iraqi forces, their increased capabilities
and assuming full responsibility for security and based upon the strong
relationship between the two parties the two parties agreed to the

All U.S. forces are to withdraw from all Iraqi territory, water and
airspace no later than the 31st of December of 2011.

All U.S. combat forces are to withdraw from Iraqi cities, villages, and
towns not later than the date that Iraqi forces assume complete
responsibility of security in any Iraqi province. The withdrawal of U.S.
forces from the above-mentioned places is on a date no later than the 30
June 2009. The withdrawing U.S. forces mentioned in item (2) above are to
gather in the installations and areas agreed upon that are located outside
of cities, villages and towns that will be determined by the Joint Military
Operation Coordinating Committee (JMOCC) before the date determined in item
(2) above.

The United States admits to the sovereign right of the Iraqi government to
demand the departure of the U.S. forces from Iraq at anytime. The Iraqi
government admits to the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw
U.S. forces from Iraq at anytime.

The two parties agree to put a mechanism and preparations for reducing the
number of U.S. forces during the appointed period. And they are to agree on
the locations where the forces are to settle.

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