
You Still Buy A Car Made in Japan?


On January 2, the middle of the days of new year vacation in Japan, the accident as the article below had occurred.

The Bus stopping at the Kushiro airport got a fire - Testimonies of Explosion Sound
Friday, 4 Jan 2019 09:41(JST)

Investigators looking into the rear part of the burned bus
* red and yellow lines are added by Miroku

Around 9:05 am on the 2nd, at the Kushiro Airport in Kushiro city, Hokkaido, the fire broke out from the bus stopping in front of the entrance of the terminal building. No passengers and the driver was also away from the car, so no person injured. The fire was extinguished after about 50 minutes.

According to the Kushiro police office and the fire department, it seems that the fire broke out near the engine, the rear of the bus which connects the airport and the center of Kushiro city. There was also information that the explosion sounded, and the officials are investigating the cause of the fire.

According to the "Akan Bus" which operates the bus, the bus arrived at the airport around 9 AM and the fire occurred after the passengers got off. A male driver in his 50s said: "a strange smell drifted after stopping."

cited from livedoor news (Japanese)

From the article and photograph above and other articles concerning this accident, the facts can be listed as follows.
(1)The bus was stopping and neither the passenger nor the driver was absent.
(2)An explosion sounded
(3)An odor drifted
(4)White smoke was seen (from other articles)
(5)The photo shows a big fire from the rear tire house

#Situation: The load of the power section was very small
It was in front of the entrance of the terminal building that the bus had been stopping. Although the driver was away from the bus, I do not think that he stopped the bus completely for a long time in front of the airport doorway. Probably, in order to depart immediately from here, the engine was on idling. If the bus was powered by a hybrid system, it must have been in startable mode.

Whichever engine system was used, the load on the power section should have been minimal.

#The burned place is far from the engine room
As you can see immediately in the photo, it burned intensely at the top of the tire house of the rear tire. It is about 2 m away from the engine installed at the end of the car. Although the engine is covered with soot, rubber belts etc. are still hung and they do not seem to burn violently.

#Maybe battery exploded
From the facts up to the above, the section exploded do not seem to be a power section like an engine. Even if the fuel got a fire, the place of the ignition could not be in the engine part. I guess the cause of this explosion and fire can be explained as

An Explosion of Battery.

And I think that the occurrence process of the accident is as follows.

Phase 1. Increasing the temperature of the battery
Phase 2. The surrounding material of the battery ignited (cause of the fire and offensive odor)
Phase 3. The pressure in the battery rose further due to the high temperature by fire
Phase 4. The battery exploded

#Maybe the cause of the explosion is a programming mistake
On the above process, the most likely cause of Phase 1. is overcharging. Normally, an embedded control program works to prevent overcharging, but in this case, a programming mistake, or some troubles that prevented the functioning of the control program might be the cause of the overcharging.

It is still vivid in our memory that a similar problem was broadcasted in the media several years ago. It is the news that the delivery of Bowling 787 planes to ANA (All Nippon Airways) was delayed due to the failure of Yuasa's battery.

(left) Bowing 787 of ANA / (right) The logo of GS Yuasa

#Maybe the cause that made the accident larger is nuclear fuel battery
A car battery has been in use for over 100 years, why such the control problems, accidents like fire and explosion happen frequently in this era?

I do not think the companies concerning will publish all the information they have, but I suspect that the cause of those similar accidents come from their secretly using

Nuclear Fuel Battery

including a large amount of radioactive materials to supply high electric power.

If so, the people looking like police officers in the photo above who are looking into the tire house are in danger of radiation exposure.

What I would like the reader to care is that if these accidents happen close to you, you should never get near the site. In addition, many of the vehicles recently made are possibly equipped with nuclear fuel batteries, so the risk of radiation exposure is increasing more and more. Also, I was reported that nuclear fuel battery is getting used for vending machines.

Day by day, it is revealed that

Japan is a superpower of Nuclear.

In medical statistics report, 1 of 2 Japanese has the chance to get cancer. Most likely the reason for the high morbidity of cancer comes from misleads of the nuclear policy of the Japanese government and greedy industrial federations such as
- METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
- KEIDANREN (Federation of Economic Organizations)
- Denki-Jigyo-Rengoukai (Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan)
and affiliated companies like TOYOTA.

If you aren't scared of being killed by explosion, fire, and radiation, Japan-made can be one of your choices for buying a car.

I feel very sad to hear that my mother country is polluting the world with shipping nuclear garbages and lies.

See related article:
The Secret how TGV hit the 574km/h Very High Speed

And Delilah said to him: “Behold, you have mocked me, and you have spoken a falsehood. But at least now, tell me with what you may be bound.”
(The Book of Judges Chapter 16 verse 10)

The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
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