Today, if you compare it to a movie actor, you could eat protagonists like Steve Buscemi and William Dafoe.
Introducing the supporting role!
(But now both William Dafoe and Steve Buscemi are playing the leading role.)
主役は、未だに英国生産を続けてくれておりますBARBOURのBORDER COATになります!
やANDERSEN- ANDERSENの5ゲージなど着用しなければ寒さに耐えれないと云うお声を聞きましたので、
The protagonist will be BARBOUR's BORDER COAT, which is still in production in the UK!
I use it a lot, but many customers like it too!
It's really heavy rotation in early spring, early autumn, and during the rainy season, but in winter it's the best inner down.
And ANDERSEN- ANDERSEN 5 gauge etc. I heard a voice saying that I can not withstand the cold unless I wear it.
This time, I ordered this liner vest!
(Actually, I've always wanted it too!)
BORDER COATのジップを開けますと、内側にもう一つジップが装備されておりまして、そのジップに
When you open the zip of BORDER COAT, another zip is equipped inside, and that zip
It will be a mechanism to have you wear this liner vest.
Then, hook the best loop on the loop attached under this collar and you're done.
You can install it with a very simple operation.
We have 34 sizes available, so please purchase according to your own size!
For the time being, it will be a BARBOUR original zip.
There is also a slit on the side, so you can get on the defender as it is!
The liner vest is also equipped with a zippered pocket, so you can store valuables with confidence.
RESOLUTE 711などの着熟しにもお勧めですね!
When the liner vest is attached, it can be used as a work shirt, etc., which was custom-ordered with dead stock flannel even in winter.
It is also recommended for ripening such as RESOLUTE 711!
定番のJOHN SMEDLEYスタイルにもお勧めですね!
ボーイズ別注バンダナBDシャツにJOHN SMEDLEYのカーディガンにコーデュロィ素材のINCOTEXの
It is also recommended for the classic JOHN SMEDLEY style!
Boys bespoke bandana BD shirt, JOHN SMEDLEY cardigan, corduroy material INCOTEX
How about pants and so on!
ZANONE's turtleneck sweater, which looks like a commandos sweater, was planned with Homespan Tweed.
It is also recommended for INCOTEX trousers!
この手合いの着熟しですとRESOLUTE AA710など如何でしょう!
How about the ANDERSEN-ANDERSEN 7-gauge indigo crew neck that I bought individually?
How about RESOLUTE AA710 when this is the ripeness?
BORDER COAT御購入のお客様、これで真夏以外着用出来ますね!
Customers who have purchased BORDER COAT, you can now wear it except in midsummer!
The longer you wear it, the faster you can enjoy aging, so in winter you should wear a liner vest.
Please give me a heavy rotation!