★NAME: Yasmin Yamashita SONG: Ai Wa Hana Kimi Wa Sono Tane
Message from Japan to the Volatile Middle East 激動する中東への日本からのメッセージ
Group of Japanese Citizens concerned about the Middle East Spring, 2015 中東を思う日本人グループ 2015年春
In the midst of the significant transformations occurring in the Middle East, even laying aside the terrifying activities of ISIS, this Group of Japanese Citizens sends the following heartfelt message to the people of the Middle East. It is a message of anxiety as well as hope. 「イスラム国」は世界に激震を与えているが、それでなくても大きな変貌を遂げつつある中東地域の状況を、憂いと期待を持って見ている日本人グループとして、次の通りのメッセージを中東の人々にお送りする。
1.We recognize that recent drastic changes stem from a past extending many centuries, and are not just superficial phenomena nor do they represent a sudden detour away from established norms.
2.Sources of this major change are found in such developments as resistance to military regimes, work toward implementing democratic processes and open elections, rejection of injustice and corruption, and repeated calls to review traditional values.
3.Although people in the region aspire to peace and stability and prosperous societies, like people around the world, the background there has also unique and specific aspects. Placed in such a context, the present process of seeking a new Modus Vivendi is necessarily complicated and does not allow us to imagine a quick resolution or an easy optimism.
4.Faced with monumental difficulties of a scale rare in today’s world, an enhanced level of patience and wisdom among the people of the region should be the highest priority. More specifically, to tackle the issue of improving upon traditional beliefs and practices and to find a way to transition smoothly to new realities, intensified effort by educated and intellectual leaders of those countries is essential.
5.It is certain that there exist in history no examples of values or institutions sustained indefinitely without change, since change is a part of human life. In fact, the values and institutions that accommodate change through adaptation retain their power and relevance the longest.
6.With high hopes, we call upon the people of the Middle East to take initial firm steps toward creating and establishing principles and systems that contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world, while confirming once again human dignity and its undeniable value.
I will introduce 【 The Aim of My Study 】 of Prof. Dr. Hasan Ko Nakata . Danball & Kawabata Hideo ハサン中田考博士の【学問の目標】をご紹介させて頂きます。 ダンボール&川端秀夫
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ※Name: Nakata Ko (Muslim name: Hassan) Birth: 1960/7/22, Okayama, Japan ・1986/3: M.A.(Islamic Studies), University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature ・1992/5: Ph.D.(Islamic Philosophy), Cairo University, Faculty of Literature ・1992/6: Special Researcher of Embassy of Japan in Saudi Arabia(~1994/5) ・2003/4: Professor of Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology ※氏名:中田考(ムスリム名:ハサン) 誕生日:1960年7月22日 日本国、岡山県出身 ・1986年3月 東京大学大学院人文科学研究科修士課程修了 ・1992年5月 カイロ大学大学院文学部哲学科博士課程修了(Ph.D) ・1992年6月(至1994年5月) 在サウディアラビア日本国大使館専門調査員 ・2003年4月(至現在) 同志社大学神学部教授
The Aim of My Study Hassan Ko Nakata 学問の目標ハサン中田考
(1) For my Japanese fellow countrymen.To teach them about the reality of the existence of the One and Only God without noise. (1)日本の同胞に対して「ノイズをまじえずに唯一なる神の実在を伝える」こと
(2) For the Islamic World To advocate the duty to revive the caliphate by overthrowing the rule of Leviathan ( the power the modern nation state) and Mammon ( the money the non-convertible note), the two major contemporary idols or gods. (2)イスラーム世界に対して「現代の二大偶像神たるリヴァイアサン(権力≒近代国民国家 )とマモン(富≒不兌換紙幣)の支配の打破とカリフ制の再興の義務を説く」こと
(3) For the whole human race.To appeal for their liberation from the iron cages of their nation states by abolishing their borders. (3)人類全体に対して「国境を廃絶し、国民国家の鉄の檻から自由になることを訴える」ことです。
I will introduce 【The Aim of My Study】 of Prof. Dr. Hasan Ko Nakata .
Danball & Kawabata Hideo
※Name: Nakata Ko (Muslim name: Hassan) Birth: 1960/7/22, Okayama, Japan ・1986/3: M.A.(Islamic Studies), University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature ・1992/5: Ph.D.(Islamic Philosophy), Cairo University, Faculty of Literature ・1992/6: Special Researcher of Embassy of Japan in Saudi Arabia(~1994/5) ・2003/4: Professor of Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology
The Aim of My Study Hassan Ko Nakata (1) For my Japanese fellow countrymen.To teach them about the reality of the existence of the One and Only God without noise.
(2) For the Islamic World To advocate the duty to revive the caliphate by overthrowing the rule of Leviathan ( the power the modern nation state) and Mammon ( the money the non-convertible note), the two major contemporary idols or gods.
(3) For the whole human race.To appeal for their liberation from the iron cages of their nation states by abolishing their borders.
Group of Japanese Citizens concerned about the Middle East Spring, 2015
In the midst of the significant transformations occurring in the Middle East, even laying aside the terrifying activities of ISIS, this Group of Japanese Citizens sends the following heartfelt message to the people of the Middle East. It is a message of anxiety as well as hope.
We recognize that recent drastic changes stem from a past extending many centuries, and are not just superficial phenomena nor do they represent a sudden detour away from established norms.
Sources of this major change are found in such developments as resistance to military regimes, work toward implementing democratic processes and open elections, rejection of injustice and corruption, and repeated calls to review traditional values.
Although people in the region aspire to peace and stability and prosperous societies, like people around the world, the background there has also unique and specific aspects. Placed in such a context, the present process of seeking a new Modus Vivendi is necessarily complicated and does not allow us to imagine a quick resolution or an easy optimism.
Faced with monumental difficulties of a scale rare in today’s world, an enhanced level of patience and wisdom among the people of the region should be the highest priority. More specifically, to tackle the issue of improving upon traditional beliefs and practices and to find a way to transition smoothly to new realities, intensified effort by educated and intellectual leaders of those countries is essential.
It is certain that there exist in history no examples of values or institutions sustained indefinitely without change, since change is a part of human life. In fact, the values and institutions that accommodate change through adaptation retain their power and relevance the longest.
With high hopes, we call upon the people of the Middle East to take initial firm steps toward creating and establishing principles and systems that contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world, while confirming once again human dignity and its undeniable value.