

欧米強奪のウクライナを通し腐敗したバイデンを見る、ユダヤ支援のFEMEN/We see corrupt Biden & Jew through Ukraine who West took over

2020-10-10 00:00:01 | ユダヤ支配下アメリカ2020
   True posted date & time:2020/10/22 14:15>

    I changed posted date and time for my convenience.)

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 右出典:2016/05/15付・Tammy Bruce「Does Joe Biden Know That Gay Marriage Is Now Legal?」

Infowars: Dementia Joe Biden Is Now The Democrat Frontrunner For POTUS Nomination

Infowars: Creepy Joe Is So Strange!
#JoeBidenHasDementia #BidenHasDementia #CreepyJoe #DropOutJoe #IDoNotLikeJoeBiden

 We watch corrupt criminal Joe Biden through Ukraine which Europe and US took over
  Fake Jewish oligarchy mafia, Odessa massacre, FEMEN



 Historical ethnic and national composition

  Russians: 198,233 people (49.09%)
  Jews: 124,511 people (30.83%)
  Ukrainians: 37,925 people (9.39%)

  Russians: 162,789 people (39.97%)
  Jews: 153,243 people (36.69%)
  Ukrainians: 73,453 people (17.59%)

  Jews: 200,961 people (33.26%)
  Russians: 186,610 people (30.88%)
  Ukrainians: 178,878 people (29.60%)

  Ukrainians: 622,900 people (61.6%)
  Russians: 292,000 people (29.0%)
  Bulgarians: 13,300 people (1.3%)
  Jews: 12,400 people (1.2%)

YouTube: Odessa Ukraine Experiences Jewish Renaissance

 2014年7月11日、ウクライナのユダヤ教ラビ、ヤアコブ・ブライヒ(Yaakov Dov Bleich)は、キエフ市長のビタリ・クリチコ(Vitaly Klitschko)と、シナゴーグ委員会のメンバーであるジェド・サンデン(Jed Sunden)に、セキュリティについての会合を持った。

 そのアメリカのユダヤ人ビジネスマンであるジェド・サンデンが、「FEMEN」の重要な資金提供者となっている。ジェド・サンデンは1995年9月に「KP Media」を設立し、その最初の出版物がウクライナで最も古い英字新聞「キエフ・ポスト(Kyiv Post)」であった。

 以下、2014/12/07付・vulture of critique「Israel, Pussy Riot, and Femen」より
  「Il Foglio identified an American Jewish businessman called Jed Sunden as a key funder of Femen. Sunden is an enigma himself because of his puzzling business success. After majoring in history at Macalester College in Minnesota, Sunden ended up working in 1993, “sort of by chance,” on a privately funded research project compiling a register of Jewish cemeteries in Ukraine.

 Jed Sunden

  Less than two years later, he decided to set up his own English-language newspaper, the Kiev Post. “I was just a poor kid from Brooklyn with a dime and a dream,” he says of himself at the time. Knowing nothing about the publishing business and having a limited knowledge of journalism, Sunden relied heavily on two experienced Jewish journalists, Igor Greenwald and Brian Bonner.
  The dream of an English language newspaper in an emerging former Soviet satellite, has brought many experienced publishers to disaster. But Sunden’s paper not only survived, it thrived. He seemed able to effortlessly summon up advertising from airlines and huge corporations such as Coca Cola and Phillip Morris that eluded much bigger independent English-language circulation papers in Poland, Czech Republic and elsewhere.
  His magic touch aside, he has been described in his own paper thus: “”He is a libertarian who believes in low taxes and minimal government regulation, in free speech and in free markets. He also takes a critical view of Kremlin political leaders and the threats they pose for Ukraine’s newfound independence.”
  Said Femen founder Anne Hutsol: “Jed was the very first influential person who noticed us, helped us with all the resources he had, gave use some useful advice, generously donated and said we were special. Jed was the very first person who helped us in promoting the organization and creating our website.”
  Sunden has always refused to say how much he gave to Femen or give precise details why he is doing it. “I confirm that I do give money to Femen,” Sunden said. “I will not state the amount. After meeting with Anna Hutsol, I was impressed with her ideas and have been a supporter. I believe Anna is a young, independent voice in Ukraine. While I do not agree with all of her positions, I believe it is important to give her, and groups like hers, support.” However he appears to have dropped his support since 2011 when Femen switched its focus from the Catholic Church and began protesting against sexism at the soccer’s Euro cup.」
 (以上、2014/12/07付・vulture of critique「Israel, Pussy Riot, and Femen」より)

YouTube: Femen: Exposed (RT Documentary)
YouTube: Femen EXPOSED: Zionist Tools Funded by George Soros

  ・2020/02/11付:『トランプへの茶番「ウクライナゲート」で却ってバイデン腐敗暴露の逆効果/By farce "Ukraine-gate", rather Backfire Biden corruption reveal 』
  ・2020/03/09付:『米民主党予備選残る候補者は「3人」、保守中道ギャバード、サンダース、腐敗犯罪者の左翼バイデン/Center Gabbard, Sanders, Corrupt offender left Biden』
  ・2020/03/09付:『米国の危機、「犯罪者」もうろくバイデンはイルミナティのビッチ↑↑:米民主党予備選/Creepy Dementia Joe Biden grows up more as Illuminati Bitch』
  ・2020/10/08付:「ウクライナ・タイムライン、米国の犯罪者バイデン、ロシア五輪パージ陰謀1/2/Ukraine Timeline, Criminal Biden, Plot of Olympic Russia Purge」
  ・2020/10/08付:「ウクライナ・タイムライン、米国の犯罪者バイデン、ロシア五輪パージ陰謀2/2/Ukraine Timeline, Criminal Biden, Plot of Olympic Russia Purge」
  ・2020/10/09付:「ウクライナの偽ユダヤマフィアのコロモイスキーとバイデンとケリーの繋がり/Ukraine Connection of Jewish mafia Kolomoyskyi & Biden & Kerry」

  ・2020/02/27付:「2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ 」 ・・・または、本ページ右サイド「ブックマーク」

2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


  ・2014/12/07付・vulture of critique:「Israel, Pussy Riot, and Femen」

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