「トランプビッチ!」トゥルシーギャバード米大統領候補はトランプを叱る/"Trump Bitch!", US President candidate Tulsi Gabbard scolds Trump
※ I have made composition by borrowing some references and pictures in this article, but I don't receive the income at all by this article.
出典: Eventbrite「New Hampshire for Tulsi 2020」
YouTube: I love our country
出典:2020/01/15付・The IRANIAN「Must Watch: No War With Iran Discussion Hosted By Tulsi Gabbard」
YouTube: Tulsi talks IRAN with Guests Stephen Kinzer & Dennis Kucinich - Intro by Kim Iversen - Concord, NH
2020/01/14 にライブ配信
"Trump Bitch!"
The most influential person Tulsi Gabbard candidate for US president scolds present President Trump.
.@realDonaldTrump Your Iran strategy has been ill-advised and short-sighted. Change course now. Return to the Iran nuclear agreement before it’s too late. Put aside your pride and political calculations for the good of our country. Do the right thing. https://t.co/WBog6kPLE6 pic.twitter.com/030ei0tR7u
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) June 21, 2019
Trump’s decision to charge Assange under the Espionage Act will have a serious chilling effect on our freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It also undermines our democracy by keeping crucial information from the American people that they deserve to know. pic.twitter.com/D3olp2JS4J
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) June 5, 2019
Tulsi knocked Kamala Harris down roughly 12% in the polls. Imagine what she could do to Trump. She's a veteran, he's a draft dodger. He's a racist/sexist pig, she's a young woman of color. Trump bows to Saudi whims, Tulsi calls him a bitch for doing so. Tulsi would end Trump. pic.twitter.com/fsvDyPmxko
— Brian -Doc- Hall 🌺🦺#NoWarWithIran (@brianchall) August 23, 2019
Good riddance. If Trump really was for peace, he never would have hired Bolton, Pompeo, Haley, and the rest of those neocons in the first place. https://t.co/r93PizuEco
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 10, 2019
.@realDonaldTrump Despicable. Offering to place our military assets under the command of a foreign country—Saudi Arabia—is a disgrace and betrayal of my patriotic brothers and sisters in uniform and to our Constitution. We are not your prostitutes. You are not our pimp. pic.twitter.com/Cu1OewEMOC
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 16, 2019
.@realDonaldTrump Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia's bitch is not "America First." https://t.co/kJOCpqwaQS
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 16, 2019
In a spirited battle on @FoxNews, @NeilCavuto pressed @TulsiGabbard for her recent comments — which she stated that the president is turning the U.S. into “#SaudiArabia’s bitch.” Cavuto led off by asking what she meant by “you’re not our pimp” to Trump. https://t.co/ttUnrZpTh7
— Cullen Tiernan 🌺☮️ (@CullenYossarian) September 18, 2019
6/6@TulsiGabbard on President Trump's Failed Foreign PolicySaudi Arabia Cont'dSA bitch tweetWhy strong language on this issueBetrayal for troops and American PeopleTrump sending troops to guard SA oil#Tulsi2020✌✊ pic.twitter.com/AvEtCvPTwc
— Hector Rivera 🌺 (@HRivera72964164) November 10, 2019
Why is Trump acting as the spokesperson for Saudi Arabia? It is a disgrace that the office of the presidency is being used for the interests of the theocratic extremist Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the #1 exporter of the radical Islamist ideology that fuels jihadists like al-Qaeda/ISIS pic.twitter.com/6WaesMR1Sb
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) December 8, 2019
「トランプがサウジアラビアのスポークスマンを務めているのはなぜですか?大統領職が、アルカイダ/ ISISのようなジハード主義者に燃料を供給する過激なイスラム主義イデオロギーの第1の輸出国である神権的な過激派サウジアラビア王国の利益のために使用されていることは不名誉です」
“We do not seek regime change” Trump declares as he escalates his regime change war against Iran. Neocons like Graham/Bolton are cheering. To all who voted for Trump bc of his antiwar rhetoric, it’s time to realize he lied to u. Stand with me against Trump’s Iran War! #TrumpsWar
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) January 3, 2020
『「我々は政権交代を求めていません。」トランプは、イランに対する政権交代の戦争をエスカレートすると宣言しています。グラハム/ボルトンのようなネオコンは応援しています。彼の反戦のレトリックでトランプ・ビッチ(雌犬)に投票した全ての人へ、彼があなた方に嘘をついたことに気付く時です。トランプのイラン戦争に反対して一緒に立ちましょう! #TrumpsWar』
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