

ロシアはシリアのキリスト正教会を護る、米国の占領テロリズムで人道援助妨害―Russia protect Syrian Orthodox Church, US Terrorism in Syria

2018-04-07 23:34:45 | シリア2013~2018





Because President in Syria is chosen from
the Syrian people in the direct election.

If people see obediently at first, they
understand that IS (DAESH) was born under
the American management.

Information from the various countries of
Europe and America which Japan gets is
frivolouses and fakes for us.


President's course of action is a problem of
the Syrian people, and relate to the National
Constitution too.

Is there possible that a government kills own
citizen morally for another problem?

We signed the treaty which prohibits chemical
weapons in 2013.


Since that, we renounce chemical weapons,
and aren't possessing already.

The terrorists side uses the weapons actually.
The beginning was 2013.

We requested to dispatch investigating
commission to UN in spring of 2013.


But the United States interfered our request.

Because they understand to be able to find
the evidences that the terrorists side used
chloric gas for soldiers of the Syrian forces.

I deny indications which reflects stories on
the west side about Syria perfectly.


That's the part of the means to show
the Syrian government and the Syrian forces
to the bad guy.

People who supported terrorists through
medias, politics, weapons, funds and
physical distributions.

Themselves are why the innocent Syrian
people is killed for 6 years on the past.

 以上15画像の出典:YouTube「Assad informs Japan, the Truth about Syria (1-19-17 Rare interview) in English」

  Russia protects the Syrian Christ Orthodox Church.

 “US Terrorism in Syria”




 写真の出典:2013/09/09付・Hang The Bankers:「Exposed: Planned false flag attack on Israel to blame Syria」


YouTube: Syrian Christmas Thanks to Russia

YouTube: Russia Returns Christmas to Syria: Christians Free to Celebrate Nativity
 Safe From Islamic Terror


YouTube: Putin Vows To Protect Christians in Syria

YouTube: EXCLUSIVE: Russia Will Save The World! - Christmas Interview
   With Head of Russian Orthodox Church


YouTube: Russia accused US of occupying Syria's al-Tanf, hindering aid access

YouTube: US Terrorism in Syria

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