Copying and Finding (Grade 2) part 2

2013年01月29日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.


We are trying to do work which expresses our thoughts.

 In this activity we are free to use our imagination to think of any image we want.

After making our first print we can use the image lots of times in other places.

You might start to see something different from what it originally was.

There was a twist in the colouring tool.

What? A bird?


There are 12 colours, and you can make your own.


 I made one as the teacher.

It was in the shape of a fish and chicken combination. When I showed it…

“Teacher you can put the red under the chin on the other side. It would make it look like a beak!”

The students have a rich imagination.


 I tried to use their idea in the finished work.

What story do you imagine here?

Transfer prints (Grade 2)

2013年01月10日 08時58分26秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


We first drew a shape on white paper.

We then transferred this onto laminate paper using a pen.

 We carefully cut the shape with scissors.

We used selotape to hold the pieces we didn’t want to cut.

 We used a roller to paint over the shapes we liked.

Then moved the shape. The laminate film is strong so you can move it and use it many times.

Using this method we can make some nice prints.

After doing it a few times people started to think of new techniques.

How to use the ink left as a trail from the roller.

 Moving the ink a little.

Combining the shape to make another.

Children made their own ideas and started to put them onto paper.

Such great work!

The piece can really make you think!

 “Teacher, I like it! I feel quite confident doing this!” someone said.


Pottery challenge! (Grade 2) part 4

2012年12月12日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


1 month before the Culture Day festival!

The art room is over-flowing with work to be displayed!

After being carefully stored the work is now seeing daylight again.

Students from Grade 2 found the bowls they made.

 “Ahh, There it is!”

 “I don’t think this is mine…”

“I think I’ve forgotten!”

 Students were happy to see their work again.

A picture to tell a story (Grade 2) part 6

2012年10月29日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.

It’s finally time to finish.

Our pictures are finished with a variety of different materials.

I explained last time that you need to use a picture to re-imagine and tell the story, rather than using words.


We could finish our work in sight of the harvest moon.

 The mortar and pestle is in the Moon!

The colour difference used here really brings out the brilliance of the Moon.


Just before the lesson we watched the African concert.

It was perfect for the story with the elephants and lions we had learned about.

The stage costumes gave us something to think about.

 Before it had no clothes, but now it has some cute clothes and a crown.


A final adjustment of the pastels.

”Wow, this is a friendly colour!”

“ I used it lots of times, it’s embarrassing”

The colours have been used in new and interesting ways.


A picture to tell a story. (Grade 2) part 5

2012年10月16日 17時56分20秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.

We had an exchange activity using our pictures while the parents came to watch class. After 3rd period finished there were people who still wanted to do work so used their break-time.

 We have to use imagination to ‘tell the story’ using our picture.

We can’t rely on words so must use the picture.

You can find a lot of things when you look closely and think about these pictures.

This is the scene where tadpoles come to the hero during a break.

 Look closely.

They are also drawn like this! I didn’t know what this was before looking closely.

Let’s look at more…

‘Teacher, I’ve also drawn a caterpillar!”

the artist told me.

This wasn’t in the story but the artist has used their imagination to complete the picture.


Other students pictured how the rabbit came out of the moon.

Is the rabbit making a rice ball on the Moon? There is something (stairs?) coming down from the Moon!

 The other theme in this project was thinking about colour.

We painted background colours over the construction paper and then painted onto that.

。You can change where and what you paint from the background.

There was a lot of discovery in this!

 “Teacher, Look! I can make it look golden!”

Oh yes! It really is! I can see a gold colour!

 “Teacher, can you feel it coming out from the Moon?!”

It seems like a mist around the Moon.

 Everyone tried to create an image which would stand out by themselves.