A design for Fukuoka Futaba (Grade 6) Part 4

2012年10月01日 11時30分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class C.

We have prepared out paper design in the laminate film.People have their own material for their design.

As I expect from the 6th grade their ideas are interesting.There are lots of different types of material.

This material has a nice effect.

We can use patterns on coloured paper effectively too.

 The materials being used is important, but so is the skill and originality of how they are used.

。How to best use things is a case of trial and error, learning what works well in a design.

We have to be careful with the laminating machine. The rollers need to work properly, trying not to crush our design, checking the temperature is ok, there are lots of things to think about and unfortunately sometimes things go wrong.

After talking about this people were very careful.

There are smiles of relief and joy when the work comes out of the machine safely.

There is sometimes some surprise seeing what the work looks like when it comes out.


