It’s nice to paint with our hands. (Grade 1) part 2

2013年01月24日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

When we mixed paint with liquid clay it was a little cold.

“It’s cold!”

Voices said from everywhere, but it was an interesting material and people were happy to be working with it.


People taught me different techniques.

“Teacher, you can just dab little pieces on, dab-dab-dab”.

“And then you can drag from side to side”.

Now understanding the different techniques the students wanted to draw.

“Teacher, tell me what to draw!”

As we painted we started to notice the difference between this and ordinary paint. By using liquid clay and our hands we could make ‘bumps’ in our paintings.

We started to look at the work that others had done.

We could see lots of things in the work, but it was not yet finished.

After looking at other people’s work some ideas about what different people could see were shared.


 It’s a bike.


It’s a mermaid.

