An image of the Madonna and child (Grade 4)part 2

2012年10月02日 17時30分47秒 | Grade 4

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.

The Sister talked to us about 3 different designs of Mary.

Some people were deeply nodding with understanding as they listened to the history of Mary.

Understanding the circumstances of Mary and child helps to make an image of her.


Rain started to fall heavily so we couldn’t draw Mary from the same places as Class A.I regret starting outside now as we had to change room.

But it turned out not to be a problem at all as we understood the meaning of the images of Mary from the Sister.

Everyone is serious.

As we were drawing we saw Mr.N which was a fun thing.

He was a 3rd grade teacher last year so remembered the students.

Even after changing grades the teachers want to see what the students are doing.

Ms. K is another homeroom teacher.

Everyone is impressed at how hard we are concentrating.

Even with teachers coming past everyone keeps looking at Mary.

In break-time we saw more teachers, Ms. T the Religion teacher and Mr. T the Science teacher.

 “Oh, we were taught by you last year too”

 “Eh?! This year too?”

People have fun regardless of grade or class.

Everyone had been working really hard and seriously, but there was a sudden change.

Please do your best to show the expression.



