「日本的事象英文説明 300 選」<鉄板厳選 128 題>
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「 300 選」<CDの音声サンプル>
●UNIT(1):Geography and History(地理・歴史)
「300 選」 <鉄板厳選 128 題>
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Japan has four clear-cut seasons with a rainy season between spring and summer. The Japanese climate is influenced by geographical location, summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents, and topography.
梅雨は、6月中旬頃に始まり約 1 ヶ月続く初夏の雨季である。梅雨による降水は、田植期の農家にとって欠かせないものである。
Tsuyu is the early summer rainy season which begins about the middle of June and lasts about a month. This rain is needed by the farmers at rice-planting time.
Taifu, or typhoons, are violent tropical storms which often strike Japan from early summer through autumn.
古墳は、4 世紀から 7 世紀の間に支配者階級の人たちのために築かれた埋葬用の塚である。古墳の内部には宝飾品や金属製の鏡や埴輪など多くの副葬品が納められている。
Kofun is a burial mound which was built for the people of the ruling class during the 4th to 7th centuries. It contains numerous funerary objects such as jewels, metal mirrors, and clay figures.
Haniwa are clay figures in the shape of men, women, or animals, especially horses. They were made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funerary objects during the ancient Tumulus period.
Chotei was the Imperial Court where the emperor administered the government. It held an important position in Japanese history until the shogunate government came to power.
Shogun is usually translated as generalissimo. It was originally a temporary title given by the emperor to the commander-in-chief of an expeditionary army. Later, it developed into the official title given by the emperor to the administrative head of the country. This shogunate system lasted until the mid-19th century.
Bakufu was the feudal government under the dictatorship of the shogun. It had the absolute power of administration and ruled over the feudal lords of the provinces.
Daimyo means a feudal lord. In the feudal ages, Japan was divided into fiefs, each governed directly by a daimyo. However, the absolute power of administration in the country was held by the shogun and his government.
Samurai were originally the servants of government officials who were dispatched from the capital to rural communities during the Heian period. They later became warriors specializing in the martial arts, and eventually some went on to become influential in politics.
Sakoku was Japan's policy of isolation from the 17th to the mid-19th centuries. Adopted by the Edo government for security from European countries, the policy also ensured control over regional lords by depriving them of their ability to conduct foreign trade.
The Shinkansen is the super-express train nicknamed “The Bullet Train.” It first began operating in 1964, the year of the Tokyo Olympics, and now has lines extending from Tokyo to the southern island of Kyushu and northern Honshu.
Ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn with the interior designed in the traditional Japanese style. The rates usually include breakfast and supper.
Geisha is a kimono-clad female entertainer who is trained in the traditional arts, singing, dancing, and conversation and who serves as a party companion and hostess.
Nikko is a popular tourist site characterized by the elaborately constructed Toshogu Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In Nikko the harmony between nature and man-made beauty is such that there is a famous expression, “Never say kekko (wonderful) until you see Nikko.
Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction.
With a height of 3,776 meters, Mt. Fuji is Japan's highest mountain. Though classified as an active volcano, Mt. Fuji last erupted about 300 years ago. Its almost perfect cone shape is world-famous for its beauty and the mountain is a symbol of Japan.
Kamakura is about 50 km southwest of Tokyo. From the end of the 12th century through the early 14th century, Kamakura was the seat of the bakufu or feudal military government. The city has many historical and cultural sites and, along with Kyoto and Nara, draws visitors from all over the world.
Kyoto was the capital of Japan and home of the Imperial Court for over 1,000 years. Located in central Honshu, the city is rich in historical sites and relics. Kyoto attracts tens of millions of visitors every year.
Nara was an ancient capital of Japan. It has many places of historical interest including Nara Park and Todaiji Temple, in which a large statue of Buddha is located. The city retains a serene traditional atmosphere.
Matsushima is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan. Matsushima, which means “Pine Islands,” is distinguished by its many small pine-covered islands. The harmony between islands and sea creates breathtaking beauty which is outstanding in any season or weather.
Amanohashidate is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan. Amanohashidate, which means “Heavenly Bridge,” is a long sandbar lined with pine trees. To see the heavenly bridge, you are supposed to turn your back to the scenery, bend over, and look from between your legs.
Miyajima is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan. Miyajima, which means “Shrine Island,” is famous for the magnificent Itsukushima Shrine extending over the sea on long pillars. Its large red torii is renowned for the impression it gives of floating on the sea.
Koraku-en in Okayama is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan. Constructed in the Edo period by a local lord, Koraku-en includes tea ceremony houses, ponds, and waterfalls.
Kenroku-en in Kanazawa is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan. Constructed on the site of a local lord's residence, Kenroku-en is well-known for its three landscaped hills and two ponds, and for a stone lantern that stands next to one of the ponds.
Kairaku-en in Mito is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan. Constructed by a local lord as a retreat, Kairaku-en is particularly well-known for its Plum Tree Festival held from February 20 through March 31 when the plum blossoms are at their peak.
Tempura is seafood and vegetables that are dipped in batter, deep-fried and served with a special sauce.
Sukiyaki is a dish of thinly sliced beef, onions, tofu, and shiitake mushrooms cooked in a pan at the table. Sugar, soy sauce, and sake are added for flavor.
Nigiri-zushi is a kind of sushi consisting of a slice of raw fish on a small oval-shaped ball of boiled rice. It is eaten after being dipped in soy sauce.
Shabu-shabu is a dish of thinly sliced beef and vegetables cooked in a pan. The ingredients are quickly boiled in broth, and then eaten after being dipped in a special sauce.
Osechi-ryori are special dishes for the New Year holidays. A variety of ingredients such as fish, black beans, rolled kelp, and vegetables are prepared and arranged artfully in a set of layered lacquer boxes.
Traditionally, kaiseki-ryori is the meal served prior to a tea ceremony. The ingredients are fresh, seasonal, and carefully prepared without adornment. Today, kaiseki-ryori can be enjoyed at restaurants specializing in these dishes. As a kind of Japanese haute cuisine, kaiseki-ryori is usually very expensive.
Udon are white noodles made from wheat flour, usually eaten in hot broth.
Soba are brown noodles made from buckwheat flour. The noodles can be eaten in hot broth, or cold after being dipped in a special sauce.
Sake is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from rice. It has a distinctive aroma and can be served hot or cold. The alcohol content ranges from 15 to 20 percent.
Shochu is a distilled alcoholic beverage usually made from rice or sweet potatoes. There are many local varieties of shochu, which are usually cheaper than regular sake.
Shojin-ryori is a vegetarian meal prepared for Buddhist monks. Following the Buddhist prohibition on taking any life, it contains no fish or meat.
Izakaya is a Japanese-style tavern that serves a wide range of food and drinks at relativelylow prices. It is popular with mostly office workers and young people.
Kabuki is a traditional stage drama performed exclusively by men to the accompaniment of songs and music. It is characterized by a combination of rhythmical words, dancing, elaborate costumes, and stage sets.
Noh is a classical stage art performed mostly by men to the accompaniment of recitative chants called yokyoku and an orchestra consisting of a flute and three types of drums. It is characterized by symbolic, highly stylized acting, and elaborate masks.
Kyogen is a traditional comic or mime drama which reflects everyday conditions of life. In addition to being performed between the works of a Noh program as an interlude, it is also performed in its own right.
Bunraku is a classical puppet play performed to the accompaniment of narrative ballads known as joruri. Its charm lies in the harmony of skilled puppeteers and the voices of the joruri singer.
Ikebana is the traditional Japanese art of arranging flowers. In its earlier stages of development it was closely related to the tea ceremony, being used as a special technique for decorating the tearoom.
Cha-no-yu is the art and ritual of serving special powdered tea. It originated in the monasteries of Zen Buddhism, but today it is regarded as a form of artistic discipline for the cultivation of mental composure and elegant manners.
Shodo is the Japanese art of calligraphy. Particular emphasis is placed on the shades of the ink, the movement of the writing brush, and the combination of the strokes. It is practiced to cultivate one's inner self.
Suibokuga is a style of India ink painting. Scenes from nature, animals, birds, and flowers are typical subjects. Suibokuga began among Zen Buddhist monks and was gradually adopted by professional artists.
Ukiyoe is a style of wood-block printing developed during the Edo period. It depicts the Japanese landscape, the everyday life of commoners, kabuki actors, sumo wrestlers, and beautiful women.
Jiki is glazed porcelain with a white translucent body. Notable kinds of jiki ware are Imari, Kiyomizu, and Seto.
Toki is glazed pottery with an opaque body. Notable kinds of toki ware are Hagi, Oribe, and Mashiko.
Shikki is lacquer ware. Most soup bowls and some chopsticks in Japan are lacquered. Notable kinds of lacquer ware are Wajima, Aizu, and Tsugaru-nuri.
Shippoyaki, originally from China, is a cloisonne type of ceramic ware. The enamels give a multi-colored, gem-like surface to plates and vases.
Nishijin-ori is the name of a silk fabric and brocade produced in the Nishijin district of Kyoto. The fabrics produced here are used in such items as kimono sashes, tablecloths, and neckties.
Mukei-bunkazai are intangible cultural assets. They are designated as such by the education minister and include plays, music, and artistic techniques.
Nihon-teien refers to a landscape garden composed of rocks, trees, ponds, and other natural objects. This type of garden is designed in accordance with the appearance of nature.
Karesansui is a dry landscape garden mainly composed of rocks and sand. The rocks represent mountains or islands, while the sand represents water.
“Shakkei, or ““borrowed landscape,” is the incorporation of outside or surrounding landscapes into the design of a garden.”
Bonsai is a potted tree which has been dwarfed and shaped by such methods as pruning and wiring in order to create particularly aesthetic shapes.
Haiku is a very compact but evocative verse form of 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 line pattern. The themes of haiku may be inspired by intuitive perception into nature and life.
Waka is the general term for classical Japanese verse forms. It especially refers to Tanka, a 31-syllable verse form with five lines in a 5-7-5-7-7 pattern.
Furoshiki is a wrapping cloth, often with decorative designs. When not in use, furoshiki can be folded compactly and put away.
Sensu is a folding fan made of paper on a bamboo frame, usually with a decorative picture, design, or calligraphic character on it.
Maneki-neko is a statue of a cat beckoning passers-by. The statue is often found in restaurants and shops and is displayed as a charm to attract customers.
Judo was developed as a form of unarmed self-defense, but is now a popular sport. The main concept of judo is the skillful use of balance and timing to turn an opponent's strength against him or her.
Karate is a form of unarmed self-defense which originated in China and was developed in Okinawa. It is characterized by sharp, quick blows delivered with the hands and feet.
Sumo is the time-honored Japanese style of wrestling. Two contestants are matched against one another in a ring. One contestant loses when any part of his body other than the soles of his feet touches the ground or when he is pushed out of the ring.
Shogi is a traditional chess-like game played between two people. As in chess, pieces may be captured, but unlike in chess those pieces may be used by the captor. The game ends with the checkmate of an opponent's king.
Go, or igo, is a game of strategy played between two people. Black and white stones are placed alternately on a board in an attempt to capture the other player's stones by surrounding them. The game ends when the board is filled with stones, or the possibilities for gaining territory are exhausted.
Karaoke is the act of singing through an amplifier to recorded musical accompaniment. Most bars and pubs have very sophisticated karaoke systems.
Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan. Shinto is polytheistic, and its gods are worshiped at shrines called jinja. Shinto has neither a specific founder nor any books of scripture.
Bukkyo is Buddhism, founded in India and introduced through China and Korea to Japan in the 6th century. It teaches a way to enlightenment and has exerted great influence on the spiritual and cultural life of the Japanese.
Zen Buddhism emphasizes silent meditation as a way to enlightenment. Zen concepts have greatly influenced many aspects of Japanese culture including the tea ceremony, landscape gardening, and flower arrangement.
Zazen refers to a type of religious meditation performed while seated with the legs crossed and each foot resting on the opposite thigh. Zazen is practiced in Zen Buddhism.
Jinja is a Shinto shrine where a particular kami (Shinto deity) is enshrined. People visit jinja to make wedding vows, celebrate births and the New Year, and make prayers. Most festivals in Japan are held in dedication to the kami of the local shrine.
Tera is a Buddhist temple where funerals, memorial services, and other events are conducted. Many tera are popular tourist attractions for their Buddhist statues, artifacts, and buildings of historical importance.
Torii is the gateway to a Shinto shrine. It consists of two upright posts connected at the top by two horizontal crosspieces. It is regarded as a barrier against evil spirits.
Daibutsu is a large statue of Buddha and is usually cast in bronze. Two of the most famous statues are found in Nara and Kamakura.
Nihon-no-toh, or a Japanese pagoda, is usually a three- or five-story wooden structure. It is located on the grounds of Buddhist temples and is said to house ashes from the Buddha.
Saisenbako is the offertory box at the front of a temple or shrine. Money is dropped into the box by visitors, the faithful, and those wishing for good luck.
Daruma is a papier-mâché figure without arms or legs which, when tipped on one side, always returns to an upright position. The figure is a symbol of determination and an object for good luck.
Omamori is a good luck charm consisting of a piece of paper, wood, or cloth in a small cloth pouch. It is kept as protection from illness, accidents, and disasters.
Ema is a picture tablet on which a wish is written. It is offered to a shrine or temple when one prays for a particular blessing or when a prayer has been answered. The tablet sometimes bears a picture of a horse because people once offered real horses.
Omikuji are fortunes written on slips of paper. People buy them at shrines and, occasionally, temples, and tie them onto the branches of nearby trees in hopes that a good fortune will come true or that a bad fortune will be kept away.
Mikoshi is a portable shrine in which the spirit of a deity temporarily reposes during a festival held in the deity's honor. It is carried on the shoulders of people wearing happi coats and shouting “wasshoi, wasshoi.”
Komainu are a pair of carved stone guardian dogs often found at the gates of Shinto shrines. They are believed to ward off evil spirits.
Shogatsu is the celebration of the New Year and is the most important holiday in Japan, comparable to Christmas in Western countries. Entrances of houses and buildings are decorated with a set of pine branches and bamboo. A sweet sake called toso, and a soup called zoni are served during the holiday.
Hatsumode is the first visit paid on the New Year holidays to a shrine or temple. People pray for a long life and happiness for the year.
Shinnenkai is a party to celebrate the New Year, usually held a few days after the New Year by company colleagues or friends.
Yuki-matsuri is the Snow Festival held in Sapporo in February. It features elaborately sculptured snow statues constructed along the main streets.
Hina-matsuri is the Doll Festival or Girls' Festival observed on March 3. Dolls dressed in beautiful Heian-era costumes and representing the Emperor, Empress, and their court are displayed to celebrate the growth of the family's girls and to express their hopes that they will become as graceful and beautiful as the Heian nobility.
Shunbun-no-hi is Vernal Equinox Day which falls on the 20th or 21st of March. During the week of the equinox, Buddhist temples hold special services and people pay their respects at their ancestors' graves.
Hanami is “Cherry Blossom Viewing.” In spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, people picnic under the trees. Sometimes the parties last late into the night and can become quite lively.
Kodomo-no-hi, or Children's Day, is celebrated on May 5. The day was traditionally celebrated as the Boys' Festival (tango-no-sekku) until immediately after World War II. Although the tradition of celebrating tango-no-sekku still remains, Children's Day is now regarded as a holiday for wishing all children, boys and girls alike, happiness and prosperity.
Koinobori are cloth streamers in the shape of a carp which are flown on a tall pole on May 5 (originally called “Boys' Day” but now called “Children's Day”). The flying of koinobori symbolizes the wish that the boys in the family will grow to be as strong and courageous as the carp.
Tanabata, or the Star Festival, is held on July 7 to celebrate the once-a-year meeting of two lovers, Kengyu, the cowherd (Altair) and Shokujo, the weaver (Vega). The rest of the year the two lovers are separated by the Milky Way.
Obon is a three-day Buddhist holiday, usually August 13, 14, and 15. During this time the spirits of the dead are said to return to their former homes and families. People light lanterns to guide the spirits and perform bon dances for their entertainment. The week of obon is considered bon-yasumi, or bon vacation, and many people return to their hometowns or take trips.