Happy Tree 150×135mm ED 120 2008年制作
画像は試刷り段階のものですが 21色31回刷り
娘夫婦はもちろん 参列された多くの人も幸せな気持ちになれるようにとの
皆さん 喜んでくれるといいのですが.....
引き出物の版画制作は今までに 4-5回しましたが
その経緯を想うと ちょっと複雑です.....
I made this for the party favor of my daughter’s wedding.
The posted images is one that was printed a trial.
Printing 31times for 21 colors, I exerted myself to make not only
the couple but also the attendance feel happy.
I hope every one will be pleased.
I’ve made the party favor like this 4 to 5 times.
The oldest one I did was etching for someone’s golden wedding anniversary
three decades ago.
I heard that it was put on sale at a Hanga shop in Kanda Tokyo lately.
“ How has it come all the way there?” I have a little mixed feeling.
淡緑 黄緑 萌黄 五月晴れ
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