


2024-04-09 05:57:42 | 日記

 内容については動画本編をごらんいただきたいのですが、一応は「家づくりの知識:北海道住宅は最先端 ⁉ 知ればわかる未来の本州の家」というテーマ骨子。北海道の住宅性能向上は少なくとも30〜50年以上の経験知の蓄積の結果であり、そもそもそれを強く希求するユーザーの存在があって住宅を巡る「産・官・学」総体として実現してきた一種の「地域運動」。地域住宅メディアとしては、そういった地域総体の運動と「協働」すると言う立場で、その息吹を伝えてきたと思っています。

English version⬇

[First appearance in a YouTuve video... I'm so embarrassed (laughs).
What's the point of being embarrassed now (laughs)? I am the one in the video and I am the one who observes, so there are many things I can notice. ... .

At a recent housing event in Tokyo, Mr. Sagami, the president of Organic Studio Niigata, an old acquaintance of mine, asked me to "appear on YouTuve, Mr. Miki," and was filmed near the venue. The content of the video was left entirely up to Mr. Sagami, as it was all about his own interests. Here is the video that was filmed.
Organic Studio Niigata is a member of Shinjyukyo, and I have had the opportunity to interact with them on various occasions, and I have also visited them at their office, and they have visited our company several times. In short, I know them well, and I am not sure how a person like me can be of any help to them with this kind of video expression, but I respectfully (and with a sense of resignation) accept their offer.
 However, due to changes in my position and other factors, I have been interested in YouTuve videos, but I have not had the opportunity or inclination to actively use them. In that sense, I was invited by Organic Studio Niigata, which has made considerable achievements in the field of video, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to observe their advanced utilization "how to do it".
 The video is entitled "Knowledge of House Building: Hokkaido Housing is Cutting-Edge⁉ The Future of Honshu Houses". The improvement of housing performance in Hokkaido is the result of at least 30 to 50 years of accumulated experience and knowledge, and it is a kind of "regional movement" that has been realized through the collective efforts of "industry, government, and academia" surrounding housing due to the existence of users who strongly desire it. As a regional housing media outlet, we have been "collaborating" with such a regional movement and have been conveying the spirit of the movement to the public.
 On the other hand, in the Honshu region, at the moment, leading regional builders and some housebuilders are beginning to "lead" the industry as a whole.
 For these leading builders, I believe they are in the process of exploring the direction of NEXT, which goes beyond housing performance. The main topics in the video are the aspirations of Hokkaido's leading builders, and how users will move in a market where housing performance has become a "standard".
 In my opinion, one point of view is the contrast between Scandinavia and Germany.
 I think that Hokkaido is not aiming for numerical "improvement" as Germany does, but rather, the development of housing in a more humanistic direction is desired as a "human rights" element, which is a common feeling in Scandinavia.
 First of all, I am embarrassed to say, but I would be happy if you could take a look at my video debut (laughs).