


2024-04-10 05:57:20 | 日記

 「家整」と書いたけれど、これはたぶん「修身斉家」というような意味合いとも重なるようなわたしの実感的な新語であります。修身斉家とは、〜自分の行いを修め正して、家庭をととのえ治めること。 ▽「斉」はととのえ治める意。「身を修め家を斉のう」と訓読する。 儒教の基本的な政治観を表す「修身、斉家、治国、平天下」(身を修め、家庭をととのえ、国を治め、天下を平和に導く)の中の語。〜

English version⬇

To "arrange" a house to make it easy to use.
The key to renovation of existing houses is to make use of the architecture in a rational and usable way, going back and forth between "house arrangement" and "house management". This is also the key to remodeling existing houses. I am sure this is the key to remodeling existing houses as well.

More than two weeks have passed since we started to organize our house as a second home, which we had not been able to start since the death of my mother-in-law.
 During this period, we have visited a facility called "Shredding Center" in Sapporo City more than 7-8 times to bring in large household garbage, and we have also visited a facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. We have also been to a disposal facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. The initial "meeting" was fraught with confusion, and the couple had a heated fight, but things are now somewhat more peaceful (laughs).
 Well, when changing the current situation, it is absolutely necessary to have a rough "policy," and according to that policy, the purpose of space use is determined, and the point where the ease of use is reached can be shared among the household members. In any case, it is important to first set a basic goal of decluttering.
 As we make more and more progress, we realize how important it is to organize the house in such a way that it is the "key" to the "atmosphere and atmosphere of the house. To put it another way, I am reminded of the decisive influence of this "house arrangement" on house construction and design.
 I wrote "家整", but this is a new word that I have come to realize may also mean "shumin sai ke" (to train oneself and one's family). Shushin sai jia" means to correct one's own conduct and to set up and govern one's family. The "Qi" means to control and govern. The word "qi" means to control and govern. The word "qi" is used to express the basic Confucian political philosophy of "shujin, qijie, jiguo, pingtianxia" (to discipline oneself, discipline one's family, govern the nation, and bring peace to the world). ~.
 On the other hand, the well-known "domestic science" is a study that pursues the improvement of all aspects of life from a scientific perspective, focusing on clothing, food, and shelter. 〜The two are the same.
 When I actually experience it, I think I am going back and forth between these two words.
 It is my intuition, but I think that when the choice to buy an existing house, renovate it, and live in it becomes a majority choice to some extent, this new area of analytical elements for housing will have to come into the picture.
 How can we make the existing living space comfortable and easy to use? This is, of course, a very specific area.
 Of course, this is a very specific and individualized strategy, so I am not sure if it is possible to create a common language.
 It is a strange feeling, but it is interesting to see the subtle changes in the couple's relationship when they are engaged in this kind of "home organization" work. We went to a nearby supermarket to do some errands, and I said to myself, "It's like we're back in our honeymoon days.
 We shared the feeling that we were back to our honeymoon days (laugh).
 (Laughs.) After a big fight between the couple, I was freshly surprised to see such unexpected "results" when we started to work.
 Now, I wonder if we can make this kind of thing into a common language?