

【縁側の洋風変容「サンポーチ」 旧有島武郎邸-4】

2023-10-19 05:59:13 | 日記



English version⬇

Western-style transformation of the porch "sun porch" Former Takeo Arishima's residence-4
The Japanese people have an attachment to nature and have developed a sense of "kacho-fu-getsu" (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). How did the Japanese transform their "Kacho-fu-getsu" sensibility by experiencing the cold and dry northern climate, which is far removed from the warm and humid climate of Japan? ...

I decided to analyze Takeo Arishima's residences in Sapporo as an extension of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's temporary Japanese-style house in Kujukuri, because I was interested in the "residences of writers". I began to think of it as the beginning of the history of housing design in Hokkaido.
 I, as a human being, chose the domain of housing as the most Hokkaido-like theme from the desire to "create media in Hokkaido, and rich content at that," but I feel as if I am being scolded by the great Mr. Arishima, who has gone far beyond Hokkaido, saying "Since you made such a choice, you should pursue the theme to the end" (laugh). You made that choice, so pursue the theme to the end" (laughs).
 (Laughs.) No, I think it is a great blessing to be able to think that way.
 Today, I would like to show you a "sun porch" that I have been wondering about in the drawings. 110 years ago, I wonder if Takeo Arishima, an English professor, was not aware of the general term "sunroom," or if he felt it was more appropriate as a Western house type of "en-garashi" (porch) in the Japanese sense. Or perhaps he felt that this kind of word was more appropriate as a Western house type of "en-gawa" (porch), which is a Japanese concept.
 Although the picture is not very clear, the windows in this area are not "raised windows" like the windows in the other rooms, but sliding windows and fittings are used in this room. The glass in the other rooms has a design shaped frame, but only this section is made of bare glass. The glass is quite "large" for this 110-year-old building, which gives the impression of an intention to obtain sunlight and solar radiation. The intention of a more open space can be read into the design.
 However, there is a wall under the window, and if the emphasis is only on openness, it should be "swept out" with glass doors to the floor, but this is not the case. It is clear that the sense of openness was created with a strong awareness of the "cold climate" in mind.

This sun porch is adjacent to the back family space, the living room. The living room is a Japanese-style room with tatami mats. The sun porch is separated from the living room by a sliding shoji door. It is clear that the Japanese sense of a living room and porch was the base of the house. The large glass windows of the sun porch are also consistent with the emphasis on the view.
 In Hokkaido, or perhaps in modern Japan, the only house in which the Japanese-style room is the living room is Sazae-san's house.
 Japanese people have accepted "Western-style" culture as the global standard lifestyle, but 110 years ago, Mr. Arishima seems to have been confronting the theme of blending Japanese and Western styles. Mr. Arishima spent about a year and a half in this house, and he used to watch the blizzard coming down from the kotatsu in the Japanese-style room through this sun porch.
 I wonder how the extremely sensitive Takeo Arishima, experiencing the harsh winters and dry summers that far exceeded the "Kacho Fu Fugetsu" of Japanese society up to that time, perceived the "extended Kacho Fugetsu". It will be interesting to see what kind of color patterns were created by the sensitivity of the Japanese people and the nature of Sapporo, a newly developed northern city.

