

1月の帰省 / January Homecoming

2025-01-29 22:22:54 | 日記


My sister-in-law passed away a month ago. In other words, my brother has not lost his wife of decades, and I am worried that he will definitely have a big hole in his heart, so I went home the other day.

                                  *   *   *   *   *


I checked the weather forecast every day and chose a date where there was a high possibility that it would not rain or snow, and that the high-altitude mountain pass would not freeze. Thanks to this, the climb to the pass was only wet from the rain of the night before, and we managed to climb smoothly while trampling on the anti-icing agent sprinkled on the road surface. Then, after running through the sidewalk of the tunnel of the prefectural border, it was finally time for a pleasant downhill! Just when I thought about it, there was snow on the road. The tires are almost slick. This is the moment when you suddenly want studless tires.

この時期、気を付けるべき場所は日陰になり易い路面や橋の上。一見、濡れているだけの路面に見えても、実際には凍結している事も珍しくありません。無事に峠道を下り切り、自転車を走らせ続け、一か月振りに会った兄は、電話した時に較べて回復している様にも見えましたが、この時期の路面と同じで安心できません。「大丈夫さ! 生きているから」と言ってきたので、「違うよ、生きているから心配なんだ。そうじゃあなかったら心配しないからね」と言い返しました。人の心は簡単には回復しないもの。2月も帰省する予定です。

 At this time of year, you should be careful on roads and bridges that are easily shaded. At first glance, it is not uncommon for the road surface to look only wet, but in fact it is frozen. I made it down the mountain pass safely, continued to ride my bicycle, and saw my brother for the first time in a month, and although he seemed to be recovering compared to when I called, I was not relieved because the road surface was the same as at this time of year. He said, "It's okay, I'm alive," and I said, "No, I'm worried because I'm alive. If not, I wouldn't be worried." The human mind does not recover easily. I plan to return to my hometown in February.


This image is a cemetery of memories that was one of my playgrounds behind my birthplace. However, many of the graves were closed, and together with the large trees that have become more magnificent than before, the passage of time of more than 60 years was engraved.


後悔の日 / The Day of Regret

2025-01-17 18:41:55 | 日記

あまり思い出したくない事なのに、何故か思い出さずにはいられない、1995年1月17日は、 きっと、人生で一番大きな後悔を残した日だったかも知れないと、気づきました。

I realized that January 17, 1995, which I don't want to remember too much, may have been the day I left the biggest regret of my life.

『 静かな夜明け / Silent Dawn 』

1月17日、夜明け前、何故か目が覚めてしまい、うつろに時を過ごして、時計を見れば 5時45分。あの日と同じ様に、30年経っても、記憶は消し切れていません。



On January 17th, before dawn, I woke up for some reason, and I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:45. Just like that day, even after 30 years, the memory has not been erased.

Not knowing what had happened that day, I waited patiently for the dawn, scraping through piles of fallen furniture and books, stepping outside and looking around. What I remember is that there was no sign of people or birds, let alone human voices, and even one ant was quietly hiding.

In the meantime, I was preparing to go to work at my place of work in Umeda, Osaka. I went from my home in Kobe, which was completely destroyed, to check the damage situation at my place of work, to check the status of the warehouse where the products were stored, and to be ready to respond to orders from customers. Naturally, I knew that it would be difficult to use public transportation, so I decided to go there using a motorcycle and yellow broth that I had finished for competition at the time.


『 後悔の光景 / The Spectacle of Regret 』


途中、崩壊した高架道路から転落したトラックの荷台から、搭載していた果物を盗んでいる 50歳ぐらいの女性を間近で見ましたが、注意すらできませんでした。そして、それ以上に悔いが残っているのは、数多くの民家が建ち並んでいた地域の路地を走っている時の事でした。夜明けから数えて僅か 2人目の男性が、一階が崩れ落ちた 民家の 2階の屋根に立ち、大きな声で叫んでいる光景を観たのです。通り過ぎてから考えてみれば、きっと、1階に取り残された人を救助する為に、2階の屋根瓦を壊して、救助ルートを作っている最中だったのに違いありません。でも、その時の僕は、ただ、出勤する事しか頭になかったのです。

Normally, I continued to drive alone on the road where many cars were running. The road was blocked by fallen houses in many places, and there were large steps at the joints, but I took advantage of the mobility unique to motorcycles to ride over the block wall that had fallen on the road and just kept running to my place of work.

On the way, I saw a woman of about 50 years old stealing the fruit she was carrying from the bed of a truck that had fallen from a collapsed overpass, but I couldn't even pay attention. And what I regret even more than that was when I was running through the alleys in the area where many private houses were lined up. Only a second man counted from dawn saw a man standing on the roof of the second floor of a private house whose first floor had collapsed, shouting loudly. If you think about it after passing by, you must have been in the process of destroying the roof tiles on the second floor and creating a rescue route in order to rescue the people who were stranded on the first floor. But at that time, all I could think about was going to work.

『 言い訳 / Excuses 』



毎日の食糧を手に入れるためだとか、1995年からの開催を予定していた、全国各地を転戦して年間ポイントを競うシリーズ戦・『ジムカーナ グランプリ』を始めとするイベントを開催するには、全壊した神戸では出来ないという「言い訳」もありましたが、どちらにしても、大きな後悔が残り続けている事に違いはありません。

The more I remember it, the more I regret it. For several months after that day, I rode my motorcycle to work every day, and although I had easy access to a lot of food and water, I don't think I did anything to help my neighbors and those who were struggling with their daily lives.

If necessary, I could have used the mobility of my motorcycle to rush to people seeking help, and I could have taken time off from my place of work, where there was no damage, to help people who could not wait for the government's support activities that had been delayed, but I rode my motorcycle to work full-time every day.

There were "excuses" that it would not be possible to hold events such as the "Gymkhana Grand Prix," a series of races that were scheduled to be held in 1995 and that were scheduled to be held in 1995, but either way, there is no doubt that there is still a great deal of regret.

『 あの日があったからこそ / Because of THat Day


If I were to encounter the same disaster now, I would definitely not act in the same way as I did that day. Even if a disaster does not occur, we will never overlook people in similar circumstances in the same scene. There is no doubt that it is because of such regrets that I am where I am today. From now on, as long as this body moves, I will continue to live every day, facing people head-on.

赤穂での 1年半 / One and a Half years in Ako

2025-01-05 18:49:29 | 日記


It's 2025, and it's been a year and a half since I moved to Ako. And I am expanding the possibilities of my life more than Kobe Era.

『 神戸時代  / Kobe Era. 』

移住するまでの 40年以上、神戸に住み、大阪・梅田の小さな商社の業務を任されていました。また、それと同時期に、33年以上に亘ってオートバイに関わる NPO法人活動を主宰し、近畿を中心に沖縄から北海道までの全国各地でイベント開催を行ない、多い時には 年間 40イベント以上を開催していました。その関係もあり、平日はほぼ最終電車で帰宅し、休日には、イベント開催やオートバイ整備など、主にNPO法人関連の業務を行なってきました。

For more than 40 years before moving to Japan, I lived in Kobe, a city of 1.5 million people, and was in charge of a small trading company in Umeda, the center of Osaka, the second largest city in Japan. At the same time, for more than 33 years, he presided over the activities of a non-profit organization related to motorcycles, holding events all over the country from Okinawa to Hokkaido, mainly in, and at times held more than 40 events a year. Because of this, I almost always take the last train home on weekdays, and on my days off, I have been mainly engaged in work related to NPOs, such as holding events and maintaining motorcycles.

『 心不全 / Heart Failure 』


I've been aware of the occasional illness for more than 10 years. However, the doctor did not like it, so he continued to ignore it, saying, "I'm sure it's okay." However, in the spring of 2023, when I was looking for a new place to live, my body suddenly became uncontrollable and I could hardly walk. I was hospitalized urgently and the doctor told me that the name of the disease was "heart failure", which was caused by a heart attack, and the symptoms were a little severe.

『 移住 / Migration 』

退院は無事にできましたが、それからが少し忙しい毎日になりました。移住先を決め、契約手続きをして、荷造りをして、トラックとヘルパーの手配をして、家財道具の他に、オートバイ 3台と NPOの活動機材一式を、2トントラックで 5回に分けて自らの手で引越しを2023年の夏に完了させました。 ただ、無理をした事もあり、3~4日毎に心臓発作があり、治まるのに半日から1日、それから丸1日以上も安静に過ごす日々が続きました。

I was able to leave the hospital safely, but after that, my life became a little busy. We decided where to move, signed the contract, packed, and arranged for trucks and helpers. Then, in the summer of 2023, I completed the move of my household belongings, three motorcycles, and a set of NPO activity equipment in five batches using a 2-ton truck myself. However, due to the burden on my body, I had a heart attack every 3~4 days, and it took half a day to 1 day to subside, and then I spent more than a full day on bed rest.


『 療養 / Recuperation 』


However, the location I chose for a property with a garage (warehouse) was the perfect environment to help my damaged body recover. It's not just about being full of nature. The environmental space for one person is overwhelmingly large, the passage of time is much calmer and slower, the mental distance between people is close to the skin, homemade seasonal vegetables are available at a low price, and when the sun goes down, there is a deep silence. It was indeed the perfect place for me to recuperate.

恐らく、この発作との付き合いは一生続くとは思いますが、一病息災、これからも NPO法人活動などを通じて創り出すモノに、僕自身、大きな期待と夢を抱いています。

Thanks to these environments, I am getting enough important food and sleep, the frequency of seizures has decreased to about once a week, my activity time has gradually increased, and I have more opportunities to see many new possibilities for my future life, and my dreams are expanding.
I will probably live with this seizure for the rest of my life, but I have high hopes and dreams for the things I will continue to create through my activities as an NPO.
And I am grateful for all the encounters and events, including my time in Kobe.

新年に向けて / Wishing you a Good new year!

2024-12-27 19:32:24 | 日記



坂越は、とても風変りな地形をしています。河川が作り出した平地と海との境界線(海岸線)に沿って、標高 100m を超す山々が屏風(びょうぶ)の様に連なっているのです。そのため、朝、中国山系から河川に沿って流れてきた霧が、その山々に行く手を遮られて巨大な霧の塊になり、屏風の山々の姿さえ覆い隠してしまいます。ですから山々の麓(ふもと)にある自宅は霧の中、丁度 朝日の真下にあります。

In accordance with Japan's custom when you lose a close relative, we will not be able to send you a congratulatory message even in the New Year, but we will send you a wish for a good New Year.
I hope you will have a more fulfilling year next year than this year.

By the way, the image posted is a morning scene in Sakoshi, Ako City, where my home is located.
Sakagoe has a very peculiar topography. Along the boundary between the flatlands created by the rivers and the sea (coastline), mountains with an altitude of more than 100 meters are connected like a folding screen, and the mist that flows along the rivers from the Chugoku Mountains in the morning blocks the way to the mountains and becomes a huge mass of mist, obscuring even the appearance of the mountains on the folding screen. So my home at the foot of the mountains is in the fog, just below the sunrise.


帰路 / On the way Back

2024-12-26 20:45:38 | 日記





Yesterday (24 Dec.), I returned home to attend my sister-in-law's funeral.
Originally, I was not good at ceremonial ceremonies and avoided them.
Perhaps due to the stress of attending, my body showed a strong rejection reaction.

However, I'm glad I attended.
Surely, it will be much better than a wedding.

Now, from now on, I will live a new day
