

春陽に染まる森 / Forest in the spring sunshine

2024-02-28 21:34:40 | 日記



To the usual backwoods, same time as usual, but always, always a different look, never boring, always entertaining.

Today the sunshine was so special that I couldn't resist snapping the shutter. Was it because the deciduous trees had completely lost their leaves, so there was no obstruction and the evergreens and grasses were shining directly on the foliage? Or was it because of the still, cool, clear air? The usual paths were covered in spring-like sunshine, and the mountain paths were just before spring.


2月24日、草たちの春花壇 / Flower Bed of Spring Glasses

2024-02-25 22:24:44 | 日記



It's sunny on Saturday, February 24th, and the flowers are starting to show off in my flower bed. Last week, the bright yellow "Tachioxalis" that appeared last week retreated to the side of the stage, and all the flowers that were aiming to become the principals appeared on the stage all at once.







3月、きっと新しい主役が顔を出し、「春 来たよ~」と言ってくれるでしょう。

After I moved in last August, the purple oxalis that greeted me by spreading across the stage has disappeared, and as the seasons change, various flowers appear and greet me. It's a flower bed. My neighbor says it's full of weeds, but I really like flowerbeds full of plants.






GRAミーティング開催報告 (その2)/ GRA Meeting Report < part 2 >

2024-02-22 20:58:55 | GRAのお仕事

GRAミーティングで最初に議題に挙げたのは、やっぱり、一番大切な『 活動基本方針<案>』です。なにしろ、憲法と同じで、基本方針があるからこそ色々な活動の形が生まれるのです。この『 活動基本方針<案> 』は「活動目標」「行動原則」そして「GRAと支援」の 3本からなり、ミーティングでは順番に意見交換と決議をしました。
The three items that make up the basic policy were listed in order and reviewed again.

『 活動目標 / Activity Target 』

1991年の設立時から活動主旨は変わっていません。そして、現在の文面に落ち着いたのは 15年以上前の事で、すっかり馴染んでいる事もあって、全員一致で 2024年度も継続する事でまとまりました。
The purpose of the activities has not changed since its establishment in 1991, and it was more than 15 years ago that we settled on this text, and it was unanimously agreed to continue.

『 行動原則 』


ただ、一部の参加者の方から意見が挙がりました。「イベント参加者も主役ではないですか?」という主旨でしたので、参加者全員で意見交換を行ない、’活動を支えているのはイベントではない’ という事と、’活動を支えている人達が主役と考えるのが自然’、という考え方でまとまりました。つまり、この『行動原則』は、GRA設立以来長年続いている事で、その事を改めて認識して、支援して下さった方々の恩に報いる為にも継続している事に全員が一致したのです。

The main idea of this policy is that "those who take action are the main actors. This is the idea of the individual who founded the GRA, and it is also a way of communicating to the public that many people have voluntarily and without compensation supported the various tasks necessary for the activities, such as securing venues for events, and to encourage participation in the activities of the GRA.

However, some participants expressed their opinions. The main idea was "Aren't the event participants also the main actors?", so all the participants exchanged opinions and came to a conclusion that 'it is not the event that supports the activities' and 'it is natural to think that the people who support the activities are the main actors'. In other words, this "Principle of Action" has been in place for many years since the establishment of the GRA, and all agreed that it is being continued in order to recognize this again and to repay those who have supported us.

『 GRAと支援 』

これは、GRA が “無償で世界中の人々へ支援を行なっている” という事を示す内容であり、GRAの活動を支援して下さった方々を讃える言葉であり、新たな賛同者へ呼びかけるメッセージです。そして、この事は参加者全員一致で承認されました。

This is a message that shows that GRA is "providing support to people around the world free of charge", praises those who have supported GRA's activities, and calls for new supporters. This was approved unanimously by the participants.

In the next article, I will report on the "Summary of 2023" and the "Accounting Report" and other considerations.

NPO法人 GRA 代表 小林 裕之  
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI   GRA representative 



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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


妖怪ガレージへ、ようこそ / Well Come to YOKAI Garage

2024-02-21 18:35:06 | 妖怪ガレージ、奮戦記



As the spring season approaches and temperatures are rising, it looks like we'll be able to start sending out information from the garage again.

広さは約26 ㎡ で、天井高は 3mを超え、その中に 作業台の他、卓上型旋盤やボール盤、双頭グラインダーやエアコンプレッサーなど、簡単な加工が出来る設備を整えています。

The space is approximately 26 square meters, with a ceiling height of over 3 meters, and in addition to a workbench, it is equipped with equipment for simple processing, such as a tabletop lathe, drill press, double-head grinder, and air compressor.


このガレージを拠点にして、以前のガレージでも行なった企画、自身のオートバイの整備やセッティングをしたい人をサポートする『 妖怪ガレージ・持込み講座 』や、色々な情報を発信できると胸がワクワクしています。

I'm excited to be able to use this garage as a base to disseminate a variety of information in addition to the ``Yokai Garage Practical Course,'' a project that supports people who want to maintain and set up their own motorcycles.


海外の方との交信を始めていますが、国によって文化が違い、使用環境も違う上に、日本語での会話ではないので、中々 スリリングで、少し心臓に良くないリズムとテンポになっています。でも、とても刺激的で、発信には良い体験になっています。どうぞ、これからの発信にもご期待ください。
I've started communicating with people from overseas, and since each country has a different culture, usage environment, and language, it's quite thrilling, but it's also very stimulating, and it's a good experience for communicating. Please look forward to future information.




GRAミーティング開催報告 (その1)/ GRA Meeting Report < part 1 >

2024-02-20 14:13:07 | GRAのお仕事

GRAは、世界最小の NPO法人ながら、“世界中の人々へ無償の支援” を行ない、Webサイトで独自の記事や動画などのコンテンツを発信しています。しかし、GRAの「思想」や「哲学」は伝わっていないと私は常に感じていました。

そこで、2月18日(日)開催の『 GRAミーティング 』に向けて、効果的なアプローチの仕方について、私は集中して考え続けました。(まるで、サイボーグ009が加速スイッチを入れた様に、時間の流れが遅くなり、色々な事を考える時間が増えました) そして、ミーティングで予想以上に良い決議を残せたので、本来ならば、直ぐに第一回目の報告を行ないたかったのですが、夕方には “電池切れ” の状態になり、早く横になり、翌日の月曜日も終日休んで “充電” に努めたので、第一報が遅くなりました。後日、2~3回に分けて報告します。

Although GRA is the world's smallest NPO, it provides "free support to people around the world" and publishes original articles, videos, and other content on its website. However, I always felt that GRA's ``thoughts'' and ``philosophy'' were not being communicated.
Therefore, I continued to concentrate on thinking about an effective approach for the meeting to be held on February 18th. Since we were able to come up with a better resolution than expected, we had originally planned to make the first report right away. However, by the evening, the battery seemed to be dead, so I went to bed early and took the whole day off the following Monday to try to "recharge", so the first report was delayed. I will report on this in two or three parts at a later date.


参加人数は 合計 8名(委任状による参加含む)、参加予定者全員の到着を待ち 10時過ぎに始まり、終了予定時刻を1時間以上過ぎて、13時10分に終了しました。
また、参加者の方々から、GRA活動への「支援金」として 5,000円を受領しました。

Next time, I will report on what kind of considerations were made regarding the most important "basic activity policy."

NPO法人 GRA 代表 小林 裕之  
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI   GRA representative 



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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.