

動画編集を再開、しかし ・・ / I have resumed video editing, but...

2024-07-08 23:10:55 | GRAのお仕事


I've been slowly recovering from my extreme illness, so I've recently started editing videos again, but things aren't going as well as I'd hoped.


記録を確認すると、2022年、約2年前で動画の作成は止まっていました。それ以前からかなりハードな作業を自分自身に課し続けて、徐々に息切れを感じ始めていた頃です。2023年になり、事務局(住居)移転計画に注力していた頃、心不全で入院する程になり、7月に引越しはしたものの、定期的に発作は続くため、完全に療養モードに切り替えざるを得ず、最近になり、少しずつ PC作業を増やしていく中、動画編集再開に挑戦したのですが ...失敗だらけです。
屋外での路面清掃活動は身体にとってはストレスで、体調不良や発作の原因になりますが、PC作業も 意外に大きなストレスになっている事を発見しました。特に、記事や解説図作成など、創造的作業が連日続くと、耐える「耐力」が不足していて、身体の症状に表われるのに手を焼いています。 でも、回復させる楽しみは覚えてきたので、身長に、ストレスにならない様に、少しずつ作業量を増やして、やっと動画編集まで辿り着いたのです。 が、やってしまいました。 失敗してしまいました。2本の動画編集を同時に進めていたのですが、片方の動画を保存の際、誤って残りの片方に “上書き” 保存してしまったのです。 はい!、苦心して進めた編集作業の成果が消えてしまいました。



In 2023, when I was focusing on planning the relocation of the office, I was in such a bad condition that I was hospitalized with heart failure. Although I moved in July, I continued to have regular attacks, so I switched to a complete recuperation mode. Recently, as I gradually increased my PC work, I tried to resume video editing, but I failed a lot.

Outdoor street cleaning activities are stressful for the body and cause poor health and attacks, but I discovered that PC work is also a surprisingly big stress. In particular, when creative work such as writing articles and explanatory diagrams continues day after day, I lack the "endurance" to endure, and I am having trouble with the physical symptoms. However, I have learned the fun of recovering, so I gradually increased the amount of work so as not to stress myself, and finally made it to video editing. But I did it. I failed. I was editing two videos at the same time, and when saving one video, I accidentally "overwrote" the other one. Yes! The results of my painstaking editing work have disappeared.

This is also a lesson to be learned. When working at the edge of your capabilities, you need to be mindful of the risks. Now, without regretting the lost edited video, I am working on it when I'm feeling better, aiming to make an even better video than the last time.
Please look forward to it.

私は、路面清掃をします / I will Cleanup the Road

2024-05-04 19:00:36 | GRAのお仕事

来る 5月 8日(水)13時から15時、赤穂市の交通公園の路面清掃をします。



On the coming Wednesday, May 8, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., I will be cleaning the streets of Traffic Park in Ako. Spectators are welcome. However, the event may be canceled without notice due to weather or other circumstances at the facility.

The traffic park is a public facility. We want to keep it in a safe and pleasant condition for many people to use.


Q&A『 ハンドルの振れ、止めるには? / To Stop Steering Viblation 』

2024-04-24 21:58:46 | GRAのお仕事

CB1300SB(スーパーボルドール)に乗っている人から、「タイヤ交換直後からハンドルの “振れ” が出るようになった」と、問い合わせが入りましたので、あらゆる可能性を考えつつ、先ずは簡潔なアドバイスを回答しました。

とは言っても、タイヤに関係するトラブルは深刻ですから、考えられる可能性を詳しく網羅した「詳細編」、そして「YOKAI 編」まで回答して、誰でも何か一つは参考になる様に目指した記事です。どうぞ、一度、ご覧ください。


We received an inquiry from a rider of a CB1300SB (Superbordor) who said that he started to experience "vibrations" in the steeringbars immediately after changing tires.  So, while considering all possibilities, I responded with a brief advice first.

However, since problems related to tires are serious, we have included a "detailed section" that covers all the possibilities in detail, as well as a "YOKAI section," so that everyone can find something useful in this article.
Please take a look.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


改めて、楽しみます / I'll Enjoy it, Again.

2024-04-09 13:19:42 | GRAのお仕事




The other day (3/29), I talked about how I was looking forward to submitting some documents that are essential for an NPO to the prefectural office and the Legal Affairs Bureau, and once again, I am looking forward to it. There were errors in some of the documents I submitted, and both the prefectural office and the Legal Affairs Bureau asked me to make corrections.

The person in charge at the prefectural office has been in charge of the matter for many years, and they receive detailed feedback via email, so it seems like it would be a relatively simple fix, but the Legal Affairs Bureau is different. Masu. First of all, we do not respond to emails at all.
But it's okay. The person who pointed this out to me this time was more thorough and explained in an easy-to-understand manner than the person at the counter when I submitted the documents the other day.

All five documents submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau must be submitted by creating a document called a "letter of withdrawal," and then once they are returned, submit new documents with no errors on the spot. I'm still low on energy right now, but I'm looking forward to meeting each of you and my energy level will rise.
Well, I'll report again.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

第3回・路面清掃の報告です / Report on the 3rd Park Road Cleaning

2024-04-06 23:32:20 | GRAのお仕事

先日、公表していた通り、4月5日(金)に、赤穂交通公園の路面清掃をしましたので、その様子を画像と一緒に報告します。そして、今回の作業で学んだ事は “比例の法則” でした。

As we had announced earlier, on Friday, April 5, we cleaned the road surface of Ako Traffic Park, and here is a report with images of the cleanup. And what we learned from this work was the "law of proportionality."

今回の清掃箇所は、上の画像の赤いラインで示した箇所。今回も、路面へと侵略を試みている、いや、既に侵略してしまっている芝や草の撤去が一番のテーマです。というのも、路面の小石や砂もオートバイを転倒へと誘う “やっかい者” ですが、芝や草の方がはるかに深刻だからです。なぜなら、掃いてもどいてくれないからです。
さあ、今回こそ要領よく、縁石沿いに 約 12mほど、短時間で済ませたいものです。

The area to be cleaned this time is indicated by the red line in the image above. Again, the main theme was to remove the grass and weeds that had invaded the road surface. The area is about 12 meters along the curb, and this time we hope to do the job in a timely manner and in a short time.


長年、充分な路面保全がされていないという事は、利用頻度が下がるにつれて路面清掃の頻度が下がり、使用したい人がいても、良好な路面ではないから使用を控えて、更に路面清掃がされないという悪循環があったと思うので、それを変えたいのです。そして、利用する市民が増えれば、利用した人にメリットがあるだけでなく、保全の為に一定の費用を割いている市の行政側にもメリットがあるのは間違いありません。そして、例え路面全面改修などがされなくても、市の施設として存続の対象になる可能性は大きくなり、それは、公園を活用したいと考えている僕にとってもメリットになります。だから、今は、まるで ラピュタの様な状態ですが、可能な限り磨きあげたいのです。

At the entrance of the park, we set up a banner so that drivers passing by the park can see it, and we decided to make an appeal that people are using the park and cleaning it up. The reason for this is that the park has not been adequately maintained for many years, and few people use it, and it has become a forgotten place. If the number of users increases, it will be a great benefit to me because it will be an insurance policy for the city to continue to operate the facility.



The place I chose for this project is also a high pool of dirt and sand, with plants taking root in it, attracting more dirt and sand, and just the thought of riding a motorcycle on such a surface is nothing but a horror. And it is the same with the grass that has its roots in the soil that has accumulated in the cracks in the road surface. Their roots are so powerful that we have no choice but to remove them, as they will definitely make the cracks bigger if we do not remove them.


下の画像では、路面を走る “黒い筋” が見えると思いますが、それが、芝や草たちが退去して(させられて)できた溝です。そんな溝でも、ミニシャベルを使って器用(?)に除去するテクニックは身に付きましたが、手間が掛かりました。

Now, finally, we have removed the turf and grass that had invaded beyond the curb to the road surface. And what took a surprisingly long time was the removal of the turf and grass growing in the cracks of the road surface. In the image, you can see the "black streaks" running along the road surface, which are the ditches where the turf and grass were growing densely.

そして、作業を終えて、時計を見て学んだ事が “比例の法則” です。
第1回目が 縁石沿いに 約 3mで 約 1.5時間、そして、今回が 4時間。 多少効率良くなっていますが、作業範囲の広さと所要時間はほぼ比例するという事を学びました。

After finishing the work, I looked at the clock and learned the "law of proportionality. The first time, it took about 1.5 hours for about 3 meters along the curb, and this time it took 4 hours. We have learned that the time required is almost proportional to the size of the area to be worked on.
But we will not lose to the weeds. Please look forward to the next results.
