

春、もう間近に / Spring is close

2025-02-24 17:36:29 | 日記


The plum blossoms are almost a month later than last year. Today, one red plum finally bloomed.


A little later, the white plum blossoms are also trying to get out from under the covers.
To all of you who are suffering from the cold wave and heavy snowfall, spring is just around the corner.

豊漁! ゴミ拾い顛末記 / Special Harvest from Trach Picking

2025-02-23 22:09:47 | 日記


Today (Feb 23), while picking up trash on my usual route, I had a new encounter that deepened my enjoyment of life.

『 ゴミ拾い / Trash Picking 』

僕がいつも買い物へ行く、信号の無いお気に入りの道、交通量がそこそこある道路の側溝や歩道の上に多くのゴミを発見しました。恐らく車から捨てられたと思しき 空き缶やペットボトル、たばこの空き箱が散らばっていたのです。

だから、帰り道にそのゴミたちを拾っていると、急に軽自動車が停まったのです。そして、年輩の男性(と言っても僕と同年代)が駆け寄って来て、「手伝わせてください!」と言ってきたのです。 ある意味、とても変わった人です。

一緒に拾いながらお話をすると市議会議員の方だと判り、お互いに直ぐに名刺交換をしました。そして、僕が 交通公園の路面清掃をしている事を告げると、「日時を教えてください」「僕も手伝います」と言って下さったのです。ますます 奇特な方です。


とても熱心で気持ちの良い方で、車でハザードランプを点滅させて「さようなら」の挨拶を受けて、僕の心も高揚したのでしょう。いつもの 20 リットル 1袋 だけではなく、2袋分のゴミを拾い、こんな出会いがあるから、人生は楽しいと実感しながら帰宅したのです。 

On my favorite road without traffic lights where I always go shopping, I discovered a lot of trash in the gutters and on the sidewalks of a fairly busy road. There were empty cans, plastic bottles, and cigarette boxes that seemed to have been thrown from cars scattered about.

So, while I was picking up that trash on my way back, a small car suddenly stopped. An elderly man (though he was about my age) rushed over and said, "Let me help you!" In a way, he was quite an unusual person.

As we talked while picking up trash, I found out he was a city council member, and we quickly exchanged business cards. When I mentioned that I was cleaning the roads in the traffic park, he said, "Please let me know the date and time. I will help too." He was even more remarkable.

I explained that I clean the roads according to my physical condition, so I couldn't set a specific date, and instead, I talked about the possibility of increasing opportunities to promote the use of the traffic park through the city council.

He was very enthusiastic and pleasant, and as he flashed his hazard lights to say goodbye, my spirits were lifted. I picked up not just one bag of 20 liters as usual, but two bags of trash, and I returned home feeling that life is enjoyable because of such encounters.


「キャロル」から「ナイトハルト」を学ぶ / Learning "Neidhardt" from "Carol"

2025-02-20 23:24:18 | 日記



I previously introduced the Ako Toy Museum in the town where I moved, and I'd like to introduce some of the "cars ahead of their time" that are on display there.

『 時代を先駆けた車 / A Car ahead of the era 』

きっと、60歳を大きく超えている人ならわかるでしょう。「マツダ・キャロル 360」です。 当時の会社名は東洋工業といって、他の自動車メーカーが東海や関東に集中している中、広島で独自の車作りをしていましたので、きっと、広島市民であれば、もっと多くの人が知っていると思います。
当時の軽自動車の規格は、排気量:360㏄、 車体寸法:全長 3m 全幅 1.3m と現在よりも数段小さく、同時期のスバル360 の様に、当時は 2ストローク・2気筒・空冷エンジンが一般的だったのに、このキャロルは 4ストローク・4気筒・水冷エンジン、しかも 当時の自動車としては画期的な アルミシリンダーブロック だったのです。正に、エンジンのマツダ と呼ばれるに相応しい 先進的なエンジンでした。

僕が中学生だった頃、音楽の担当の先生がこの車両に乗っていて、他の先生の スバル 360 と全く違う静かなエンジン音で煙を吐かないのを良く覚えています。しかも、大衆車でも 2ドア車が一般的だった時代、小さな車体なのに 4ドア車だったのです。実際に後席に乗せてもらった事もありましたが、なんなく座れました記憶があります。

This is the Mazda Carol 360. The company's name at the time was Toyo Kogyo, and while other car manufacturers were concentrated in the Tokai and Kanto regions, they made their own cars in Hiroshima, so I'm sure many Hiroshima residents know this car.

The specifications for light cars at the time were 360cc displacement and 3m in overall length and 1.3m in overall width, which was several steps smaller than today, and while 2-stroke, 2-cylinder, air-cooled engines were common at the time, like the Subaru 360 from the same period, this Carol had a 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, water-cooled engine, and an aluminum cylinder block, which was revolutionary for cars at the time.

『 ナイトハルト機構 / Nighthardt Mechanism 』 


「へぇ~~」と感心して、現在使われている例を調べてみると、自動車ではありませんがバイクにありました。ホンダの三輪バイク・ジャイロ シリーズの車両で、乗車部分が左右にスイングする機構になっているのですが、乗車部分を直立に保たせるスプリングとして「ナイトハルト機構」が使われているのです。なんと! 僕が 30年愛用しているバイクに使われていたなんて、知りませんでした! 今日、覚えました!


< タカラ樹脂工業株式会社   http://takara.jp.net/neidhardt.html

Furthermore, I have only just learned that rubber springs were used in the suspension instead of metal springs. This is called the "Neidhardt mechanism" and involves placing rubber inside a metal tube, passing a shaft extending from the suspension pivot axis through the center of the tube, and using the rubber to support the rotation of the shaft. Its unique feature is that it has the same performance as a metal spring, is compact, and has excellent properties such as a progressive change in spring characteristics.

"Wow," I thought, and looked into examples of its use today, and found that it is not used in cars, but in motorcycles. Honda's three-wheeled motorcycle Gyro series has a mechanism that allows the rider to swing left and right, and the "Neidhardt mechanism" is used as a spring to keep the rider upright. Wow! I had no idea it was used in the motorcycle I have been using for 30 years! I learned about it today!

春の予感 / Sense of Spring

2025-02-15 14:46:05 | 日記


I woke up this morning to the sound of birds.
Somehow, my body, which had become small due to the cold, felt more at ease.


Plum blossoms, which are later than last year, will be waking up soon.
I hope the birds will visit your place, too.

怖い夢でした / It was a Scary Dream

2025-02-01 22:52:08 | 日記

I found myself at an immigration checkpoint in the Republic of Zambia, Africa.


でも、気付くとお金がありません。現地で滞在するのに必要な通貨を一切持っていないのです。持っているのは 日本の紙幣・三千円だけです。その上、パスポートさえありません。



                                      *     *     *     *     *

The immigration sheet I needed to fill out was in English, so I filled out what I could.

However, I realized that I had no money. I did not have any currency for my stay in the country. All I have is 3,000 yen in Japanese bills. And I don't even have my passport.

It must be because I fell asleep sitting by the stove.

Now, I will wake up and have a bowl of warm soup.