Happy English Yokohama days



2009-09-15 07:34:30 | Happy English


Oh,well, I knew he would buy an owl sometime. When he read ‘Harry Potter’ the first time, a couple years ago, his favorite story was about Hedwig. A white owl. After that he really saw a white owl in a zoo, and he chose it as the topic of his school presentation. It was a white owl at school. He saw a lot of beautiful pictures of white owls. I didn’t even know they are so beautiful. We kept looking at the photos for a long time that time.
My husband didn’t want to buy this toy owl. He said it looks too real. On the other hand, this toy’s white wings remind my son of the white owl he saw. That day I already bought my bag and T-shirts, so, I really couldn’t say ‘no’, that was an another reason he could get this owl.

He read two of the ‘Harry Potter’ books at one time this weekend. It looked like it was so exciting and fun. He was exhausted after finishing the books. He started to read Roald Dahl’s book this morning. I suppose Dahl’s book is more relaxing and calm for him.


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