Healing Power of Jesus④
ヘブル人への手紙 13:8 NIV
[8] イエス・キリストは、昨日も今日も、また永遠に同じです。
Hebrews 13:8 NIV
[8] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
詩篇 121:7-8 NIV
[7] 主はあなたをすべての災いから守り、あなたの命を守ってくださる。[8] 主はあなたの出入りを、今も、また永遠にも守ってくださります。
Psalms 121:7-8 NIV
[7] The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; [8] the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
使徒行伝 10:38 NIV
[38] 神がナザレのイエスに聖霊と力を注がれたこと、そしてイエスが巡回して善を行い、悪魔に支配されているすべての人を癒されたこと。神がイエスと共におられたからです。
Acts 10:38 NIV
[38] how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
イエスの癒しの力は、福音書に書かれている話だけに限りません。それは、今日でも人々に希望、慰め、回復をもたらし続ける、生きた活動的な力です。ヘブル人への手紙 13 章 8 節を黙想しながら、イエスの癒しの力は時を超え、現在の状況でも私たちに与えられているという真実を受け入れましょう。
The healing power of Jesus is not limited to the stories we read in the Gospels. It is a living, active force that continues to bring people hope, comfort, and restoration today. As we meditate on Hebrews 13:8, let us embrace the truth that Jesus' healing touch transcends time and remains available to us in our present circumstances.
詩篇は、神の不変の性質と揺るぎない愛を私たちに思い起こさせます。詩篇 121 章 7 節から 8 節では、主が私たちをあらゆる危害から守り、私たちの生活を見守ってくれると確信しています。主は私たちの守護者であり、常に力を与えてくれる存在です。主が古代に民を見守ったように、今日も私たちを見守り続け、困っている人々に癒しの手を差し伸べてくださっています。
The Psalms remind us of God's unchanging nature and His steadfast love. In Psalm 121:7-8, we are assured that the Lord keeps us from all harm and watches over our lives. He is our protector and our constant source of strength. Just as the Lord watched over His people in ancient times, He continues to watch over us today, extending His healing touch to those in need.
使徒行伝 10:38 はイエスの宣教について述べており、イエスがどのようにして善を行ない、悪魔に苦しめられていたすべての人々を癒したかを説明しています。この節は、イエスの治癒力が特定の時間や場所に限定されなかったことを私たちに思い出させます。イエスは今も、さまざまな苦しみに苦しめられている人々に自由と回復をもたらす、同じ慈悲深い治癒者であり続けています。イエスの治癒の宣教は歴史の制約に縛られることなく、イエスを求めるすべての人にとって関連性があり、アクセス可能なものとなっています。
Acts 10:38 recounts the ministry of Jesus, describing how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. This verse reminds us that Jesus' healing power was not limited to a specific time or place. He continues to be the same compassionate Healer who brings freedom and restoration to those oppressed by various forms of affliction. His ministry of healing is not bound by the constraints of history but remains relevant and accessible to all who seek Him.
Jesus' healing touch is experienced through various means. Prayer becomes a channel through which we connect with Him, pouring out our hearts and seeking His healing touch. Meditation on His Word allows us to dwell on His promises and find comfort in His truth. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience the presence of Jesus, bringing us peace, comfort, and healing.
The healing power of Jesus is not confined to physical ailments. It extends to emotional wounds, broken relationships, and the soul's struggles. Whether we face illness, grief, anxiety, or suffering, Jesus invites us to turn to Him for healing. He understands our pain, and His compassion knows no bounds.
In conclusion, let us hold fast to the truth that the healing power of Jesus transcends time and remains as potent today as it was in the days of His earthly ministry. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His love, compassion, and desire to heal the broken and wounded remain constant. May we open our hearts to His healing touch, placing our trust in Him and finding comfort, hope, and restoration in His presence.
Father, we thank You for Your unfailing love and the continuing power of Your healing touch. We acknowledge that You remain the same yesterday, today, and forever. In our times of need, we turn to You, seeking Your healing in every aspect of our lives. Pour Your healing grace upon us, Lord, and restore our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. May we be vessels of Your healing power, extending Your love and compassion to others. In Your precious name, we pray. Amen.