イザヤ書 40:3 NIV
[3] 呼ぶ声がする。「荒野に主の道を備えよ。荒れ野にわれらの神のための大路をまっすぐにせよ。」
Isaiah 40:3 NIV
[3] A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
何世代も後、神の民の多くは自分たちが新たな捕囚にいると感じていました。彼らは故郷に帰りましたが、すべてが順調というわけではありませんでした。 そこで彼らは、この聖句とその約束を思い出しました。私たちの状況がどんなに暗く絶望的であっても、神は破滅、悲嘆、絶望から抜け出して健全な未来へと導く道を用意できるのです。
彼らは、自分たちが生きていた暗闇にさらに永続的な解決策がもたらされることを知りませんでした。イザヤ書 40 章 3 節は、捕囚民がバビロンを離れて故郷に帰ったときに成就した預言であるだけでなく、救世主の到来によっても成就しました。イエスを通して、神は人々が暗闇から抜け出して希望、強さ、平和を見つけるための永続的な道を切り開きました。神は暗闇から光へと抜け出す永続的な道を用意しました。
では、あなたは何を経験していますか? あなたの「バビロン」とは何ですか? それは、やめられない習慣、自己破壊的な決断をし続ける愛する人、または手に負えないと感じる精神的な問題かもしれません。それが何であれ、神は破滅から抜け出して命へと導く道を用意できますし、そうしてくださるでしょう。
Fulfillment of God’s Promises
Hundreds of years before Jesus, the people of God were in trouble.
They were stuck in life, unable to help themselves, and perhaps beginning to doubt that God would save them. Have you ever felt the same way? If so, you might relate to the original audience of this verse—the exiles in Babylon.
The Babylonians took their land and sent them hundreds of miles away. Maybe they thought God had abandoned them or that He couldn’t hear their cries. But God is always present and He’s always close.
Isaiah let his people know that God would provide a way out of Babylonian captivity. And God kept His promise, allowing His people to return home.
Generations later, many of God’s people saw themselves as being in a new exile. They were home, but all was not well. So they remembered this verse and its promise—that no matter how dark or desperate our situation might be, God is able to provide a path out of brokenness, heartbreak, and despair into a whole, healthy future.
Little did they know that an even more permanent solution to the darkness they lived in was coming. Isaiah 40:3 is a prophecy that was not only fulfilled when the exiles left Babylon and went home, but was also fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah. Through Jesus, God paved a permanent path for people to come out of darkness and find hope, strength, and peace. God provided a permanent way out of darkness and into light.
So what are you going through? What’s your “Babylon?” It might be a habit you can’t break, a loved one who keeps making self-destructive decisions, or a mental health challenge that feels overwhelming. No matter what it is, God can and will make a way out of brokenness and into life.
A Prayer of Resilience
God, I’m not strong enough on my own, but You are. You make a way in the desert. You give new life and new hope. Help me to rely on your strength and power today and to find my life and freedom in You. Thank You for sending a Messiah to end the darkness and make a way! In Jesus’ name, Amen.