

光を入れようLet the Light In

2024-08-28 06:51:36 | 日記
黙示録 3:20 NIV [20] わたしはここにおります。わたしは戸口に立ってたたいています。だれでもわたしの声を聞いて戸をあけるなら、わたしは中に入ってその人と食事をし、彼らもわたしと食事をするでしょう。
Revelation 3:20 NIV [20] Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.



数年前、ピアノの前に座って礼拝し、曲を書いているときに、この曲のアイデアに出会いました。そのとき、私の心と他の人々の心の窓がイエスの偉大な光に開かれるというビジョンがありました (マタイ 4:1 6) - カーテンを開けると家に差し込む新鮮な朝の光のように。


ヨハネ 2 章 (ESV) で、イエスはこう言われました。「私は世の光です。私に従う者は、暗闇の中を歩むことがなく、命の光を持つでしょう。」

そして、黙示録 3 章 20 節 (NLT) で、イエスはこう言われました。「見よ、私は戸口に立ってたたいている。私の声を聞いて戸をあけるなら、私は入って行く。」

この 2 つの節が示していること、つまり、イエスが私たちの生活の一部になりたいと望んでいること、毎日のあらゆる瞬間にイエスがそこにいて、私たちが招き入れるのを待っていることが大好きです。そして、私たちが招き入れるとき、私たちがさらけ出すのを恐れている暗い場所にイエスが入り込むことを許すとき、素晴らしいことが起こります。


暗闇の中を歩いた人々は、偉大な光を見ました。深い暗闇の地に住んでいた人々には、光が輝きました。 イザヤ書 9:2、ESV






「開けよ、古き門よ! 開けよ、古き扉よ、栄光の王をお入れください。栄光の王とはだれですか? 強くて力強い主、戦いに負けない主。開けよ、古き門よ! 開けよ、古き扉よ、栄光の王をお入れください。栄光の王とはだれですか? 天の軍勢の主、栄光の王です。」詩篇 24:7-10、NLT

Let the Light In

It's time for the sleeper to wake
It's time for the old winds to change
I hear the Spirit say it's time It's time for the dead man to rise
It's time for the Great Light to shine
I hear the Spirit say it's time
Fling wide you heavenly gates
Let the King of Glory in
Let the King of Glory in
Come ride in on Your people's praise
Let the King of Glory in
Let the King of Glory in
Open up the windows
Let the Light in

I came across this song idea a few years ago while I was sitting at the piano worshipping and writing. At that moment, I had a vision of the windows of my heart and the hearts of other people opening up to the Great Light of Jesus (Matt 4:1 6) - like the fresh morning light that pours into my house when I open the curtains.

The light of God illuminates our hearts and brings fresh life and hope when we open up and invite Him in.

In John 2 (ESV), Jesus said, "l am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Then, in Revelation 3:20 (NLT), He says, "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in..."

I love what those two verses show us; how Jesus wants to be a part of our lives. How every moment of every day, He is present, waiting for us to invite Him in. And when we do, when we give Him access to the dark places we're afraid to expose, something amazing happens.

The sleeper awakes. Old winds begin to change. What was dead is brought to life. And the Great Light shines.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. Isaiah 9:2, ESV

Take a moment and ask yourself: In what areas of my life do I need God's light to shine?Where do I feel overwhelmed by darkness, held hostage by fear, broken by shame?

Today, you have the opportunity to let the light in. You can answer Jesus' knock, open the door, and experience real relationship with Him.

With all of my heart, I believe a movement of God is happening upon the earth today. I believe He's bringing people from a place of religion to relationship. It's the cry of my heart. I want it for you. And I want it for the people and family in my life who don't yet know Him.

But it starts with you and me, it starts with us letting the light in, so the King of glory can shine through us.

And I hear the Spirit saying it's time.

"Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the

King of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle. Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of Heaven's Armies— he is the King of glory." Psalm 24:7-10, NLT

A Prayer for Restarting

God, thank You for pursuing me and wanting to intimately know me. Free me from distractions and selfish desires. I let go of my personal comforts and control. Renew my passion and heart for You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

成功の妨げ Success Blockers

2024-08-28 00:53:09 | 日記
Success Blockers

Ask God to help you live freely and purposefully.

イザヤ書 41:10-11 NIV [10] だから恐れるな、わたしはあなたと共にいる。落胆するな、わたしはあなたの神である。わたしはあなたを強くし、あなたを助け、わたしの正しい右の手であなたを支える。[11] 「あなたに向かって激怒する者はみな、必ず恥をかき、辱めを受ける。あなたに逆らう者はみな無に帰し、滅びる。」
Isaiah 41:10-11 NIV [10] So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. [11] “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.

創世記 3:12 NIV [12] 男は言った。「あなたが私と一緒にここに置かれたあの女が、あの木の実を私にくれたので、私はそれを食べました。」
Genesis 3:12 NIV [12] The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

As we saw yesterday, God wants us to reach His goals for our life, but we also have an enemy who would like to prevent that. If we know what the roadblocks are, it is easier to recognize and overcome them.

Scripture identifies potential obstacles to watch for:

• 恐れは、私たちの焦点をイエスから、私たちが避けたいものへと移します。その対策は、神に再び焦点を合わせることです。
• Fear causes our focus to shift from Jesus to the very thing we want to avoid. The antidote is to refocus on God.

• 疑いとは、主が私たちの成功を助けてくださるという確信の欠如です。過去の失敗、否定的な影響、神の言葉に対する無知などはすべて、この障害につながる可能性があります。
• Doubt is a lack of assurance that the Lord will help us to succeed. Past failures, negative influences, and ignorance of His Word can all lead to this obstacle.

• 言い訳は不従順を楽にするための努力です。アダムが自分の悪い決断の責任はイブにあると不平を言ったような偽りの正当化を避けるように注意しなければなりません(創世記 3:12)。神は常に、私たちが神に従うために必要なものを与えてくださいます。
• Excuses are an effort to make disobedience more comfortable. We must be careful to avoid false justifications like Adam’s complaint that Eve was to blame for his bad decision (Genesis 3:12). God always gives what we need in order to obey Him.

• 怠惰と先延ばしは成功を妨げます。これらの関連する行動は、神の目的を達成することを妨げる可能性があります。
• Laziness and procrastination inhibit success. These related behaviors can prevent our achieving God’s purpose.

Wise people check their conduct to identify anything that might hinder following Christ fully. Ask God for strength to make changes that will help you live freely and purposefully in the way He has planned.

都市に奉仕する:あなたが住む都市 Serve the City: The City in which you Live

2024-08-27 23:27:30 | 日記
Serve the City: The City in which you Live

As with any major city in the United States, economically depressed areas exist in Phoenix and outside the protective gates of Grand Canyon University. Even the smallest of things mean the world to these communities that we consider our own.

セラノ ビレッジの難民用アパートやチャーター スクールから、フェニックスのシングルマザー向けアウトリーチ プロジェクトである Young Lives ホームまで、何百人もの GCU 学生が、GCU 周辺の地域を再活性化するための半年ごとのイベントである Serve the City Day にフェニックス市を訪れました。
From a refugee apartment complex in Serrano Village and a charter school to the Young Lives home – a Phoenix outreach project for single mothers – hundreds of GCU students took to the city of Phoenix on Serve the City Day, a semi-annual event to revitalize the neighborhoods that surround GCU.

Pulling weeds or painting a wall doesn’t seem like much, but the immense gratitude from the people of Serrano, Young Lives and Imagine Schools is incomparable.

「これは、GCU にとって、地域社会に関与するための多くのリソースと素晴らしい機会があり、それを大規模に行うことができるということを思い出させてくれます」と、GCU の精神生活ディレクターのダニエル・リニエ氏は、Serve the City Day で述べました。
“It is a reminder to GCU that we have so many resources and a great opportunity to get involved in the local community; and we get to do that on a mass scale,” said Danielle Rinnier, GCU’s Director of Spiritual Life, during Serve the City Day.

Swarms of purple clad students filled the registration tables ready to serve a community in need. At the Young Lives home later that morning, they painted baseboards, cleaned up the house and pulled weeds.

「今日来たのは、今住んでいるコミュニティーに手を差し伸べる機会であり、また自分の時間を捧げる機会でもあるからです」と、GCU の 2 年生、キャスリーン・ボルノウさんは言います。「いつもお金を捧げられるわけではありません。私たちは大学生ですから、いつもお金を捧げられるわけではありませんが、時間を捧げることはできます」
“I came today because it is a way to reach out to the community that I now live in, and also to just give my time,” says Kathleen Bollnow, a sophomore at GCU. “I can’t always give my money, you know, we are college students and we can’t always give our money, but we can just give our time”

The principals at Imagine Schools, Jason Whitaker and Jose Paredes, shared their appreciation to have so many Lopes provide one-on-one tutoring sessions to their students.

“Every experience we have had with the university students has been positive. They have open hearts and are very welcoming to our kids,” said Whitaker. “They are immediately there to help and there to love them. It means the world to our kids.”


霊的なフェイスリフトをする方法 How to Have a Spiritual Facelift

2024-08-27 07:04:18 | 日記
How to Have a Spiritual Facelift

Father Raniero Cantalamessa, a Capuchin monk, preacher to the papal household, aged eighty-one, kindly came and spoke at our Leadership Conference at the Royal Albert Hall. Many people comment on how his face and eyes shine with the radiance of God’s presence.

He was on a train one time in Italy when a woman, who was a total non-believer, approached him and said, ‘*Your face compels me to believe*.’ It has been said, ‘We cannot control the beauty of our face, but we can control the expression on it.’

As this story illustrates, you can tell a lot by looking at people’s eyes and faces. We say, ‘You should have seen *the look on their face*.’ As the old Latin proverb says, ‘The face is the index of the mind.’ It is also true that ‘The eyes are the windows to the soul.’

When we really want someone to listen to and believe us, we say to that person, ‘*Look into my eyes*.’ The Bible says a lot about faces and eyes.

詩篇 104:19-30 NIV [19] 神は月を造って季節を定め、太陽は沈む時を知っています。[20] あなたが暗やみをもたらすと夜になり、森のすべての獣が徘徊します。[21] ライオンは獲物を求めてほえ、神に食物を求めます。[22] 太陽が昇ると、彼らはこっそり逃げ、戻ってきて巣穴に伏します。[23] そして人々は仕事に出かけ、夕方まで働きます。[24] 主よ、あなたの御業はなんと多いのでしょう。あなたはすべてを知恵によって造りました。地はあなたの造られたもので満ちています。[25] 海は広くて広大で、数え切れないほどの生き物、大小の生き物で満ちています。[26] 船は行き来し、あなたがそこで戯れるために造られたレビヤタンもそこにいます。[27] すべての生き物は、あなたに時宜にかなった食物を与えてくださるよう頼みます。 [28] あなたが彼らに与えると、彼らはそれを集め、あなたが手を開くと、彼らは良いもので満たされます。 [29] あなたが顔を隠すと、彼らは恐れ、彼らの息を奪うと、彼らは死んで塵に帰ります。 [30] あなたがあなたの霊を送ると、彼らは創造され、あなたは地の面を新しくします。
Psalms 104:19-30 NIV [19] He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. [20] You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl. [21] The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. [22] The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens. [23] Then people go out to their work, to their labor until evening. [24] How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. [25] There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. [26] There the ships go to and fro, and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. [27] All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time. [28] When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. [29] When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. [30] When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.

God’s face

There is a spiritual hunger in our hearts, which can only be satisfied by God. The psalms are full of a longing for relationship with God, and a desire to be in God’s presence. This is described here using the language of human relationships – ‘looking’ to God and seeking his ‘face’: ‘These all look to you… When you hide your face, they are terrified… When you send your Spirit, they are created’ (vv.27–30).

The psalmist contrasts the satisfaction that comes from looking at God’s face with the terror when he hides his face from us. Sin creates a barrier between us and God. When Adam and Eve sinned, they could no longer look God in the eye. They hid from him. They were removed from his presence. God hid his face from them. They were terrified.

When we are able to look God in the face the opposite is the case: ‘All the creatures look expectantly to you to give them their meals on time… You open your hand and they eat from it’ (v.27, MSG). This is true not only of physical food, but also of the spiritual food which God gives us.

Lord, thank you that when I look to you, you open your hand and satisfy me with good things. Forgive my sins and do not hide your face from me.

コリント人への第二の手紙 3:7-18 NIV [7] 石に刻まれた文字で死をもたらす務めが栄光を伴って現れ、イスラエルの人々がモーセの顔をその栄光のためにじっと見ることができなかったとすれば、[8] 御霊の務めはもっと栄光に満ちたものではないでしょうか。[9] 罪に定める務めが栄光に満ちていたとすれば、義をもたらす務めは、どれほど栄光に満ちていることでしょう。[10] 栄光に満ちたものは、この上もない栄光に比べれば、今は栄光がありません。[11] 移り変わるものが栄光を伴って現れたとすれば、いつまでも残るものの栄光は、どれほど大きいことでしょう。[12] ですから、私たちはこのような希望を抱いているのですから、非常に大胆です。[13] 私たちは、消え去るものの終わりをイスラエルの人々に見せまいと、自分の顔に覆いをかけたモーセのような人ではありません。 [14] しかし、彼らの思いは鈍くなりました。なぜなら、今日に至るまで、古い契約が朗読されるとき、同じ覆いがそのまま残されているからです。それは取り除かれていません。なぜなら、キリストにおいてのみ取り除かれるからです。[15] 今日に至るまで、モーセの書が朗読されるとき、覆いが彼らの心を覆っています。[16] しかし、だれでも主に立ち返るなら、覆いは取り除かれます。[17] 主は霊です。主の霊のあるところには自由があります。[18] 私たちはみな、顔の覆いをとらずに主の栄光を見つめながら、主の似姿に変えられていきます。栄光はますます増し加わり、主の似姿に似せられます。その栄光は、霊である主から来るのです。
2 Corinthians 3:7-18 NIV [7] Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, [8] will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? [9] If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! [10] For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. [11] And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! [12] Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. [13] We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. [14] But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. [15] Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. [16] But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. [17] Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. [18] And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Our faces

Our faces are supposed to shine more brightly than the face of Moses. ‘Moses’ face as he delivered the tablets was so bright that day (even though it would fade soon enough) that the people of Israel could no more look right at him than stare at the sun’ (v.7, MSG).

The ministry of the old covenant was itself good. It came ‘engraved in letters on stone’, but it also came ‘with glory’ (v.7). Moses had looked into the face of God and as a result his face was shining (see Exodus 34:29 onwards). Moses had to ‘put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away’ (2 Corinthians 3:13).

Although the ministry of the old covenant was good, it actually ‘brought death’ (v.7). We are unable (of ourselves) to keep God’s written laws. We sin, and ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23).

パウロは、古い契約の働きと聖霊の働きを対比し続けます。古い契約の働き自体は良いものでした(コリント人への手紙第二 3:7)。しかし、聖霊の働きはさらに栄光に満ち、永続的です(9-11節)。
Paul continues to contrast the ministry of the old covenant with the ministry of the Spirit. The ministry of the old covenant in itself was good (2 Corinthians 3:7). However, the ministry of the Spirit is even more glorious and lasting (vv.9–11).

The ministry of the old covenant involved Moses wearing a veil. A veil stops people seeing. Paul says that even today people don’t really see or understand, ‘their minds were made dull’ (v.14). Only when they turn to the Lord is the veil taken away (v.16).

This certainly was my experience – I had heard the Bible being read and I had been to talks about the Christian faith, yet I did not understand what people were talking about. It made no sense to me at all. My spiritual eyes were blind. The moment that I turned to the Lord, it was as if the veil was taken away. I could see and understand.

Paul goes on to write something absolutely amazing: ‘And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognised as obsolete. We're free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him’ (vv.17–18, MSG).

The whole Trinity is involved. The glory of God (the Father) is seen in the face of Jesus our Lord. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are so closely connected that Paul can write, ‘The Lord is the Spirit… the Lord, who is the Spirit’ (vv.17–18). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7).

The Spirit of the Lord brings radical freedom to our lives; freedom from legalism, guilt, shame, condemnation, self-hatred and self-rejection; freedom from the power of sin, selfishness, manipulation and control; freedom from the fear of death and fear of what others think of us; freedom from comparing ourselves with others.

あなたには神を知り、愛し、仕える自由があります。あなたの人生とエネルギーを他人を愛するために使う自由があります。あなたは自分らしくいる自由があります。あなたは大胆に神に近づくことができます(コリント人への手紙第二 3:12)。顔を覆う必要はありません。
You are free to know, love and serve God. You are free to use your life and energy to love others. You are free to be yourself. You can approach God with boldness (2 Corinthians 3:12). You do not need to veil your face.

As you look into the face of Jesus, he changes you into his likeness. The change is gradual, little by little, ‘from one degree of glory to another’ (v.18, AMP). When you spend time with another person you tend to become more like them. People gaze at celebrities and reproduce their mannerisms and their appearance. If you are captivated by Jesus, you will be transformed into his image.

You may see a thousand faces a day, images are everywhere, but the Spirit reveals the most important face of all to us. As you spend time in the presence of the Lord you become more and more like him. You are transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory.

Lord, thank you for this immense privilege that I can approach you with freedom and boldness. Thank you that I can look into your face and reflect your glory in the world. Help me today to fix my eyes on you.

歴代誌下 35:20-36:23
2 Chronicles 35:20-36:23

God’s eyes

The eyes of the Lord see everything you do, say and think. We can escape from human eyes but we cannot escape from the eyes of the Lord.

神の民の悲しい歴史は、今日の聖句でも続いています。人間の本質は変わりません。争い、戦い、口論、攻撃、戦争がありました (35:20–21)。ヨシヤの後継者は、彼の良い模範に従わない王たちでした。エホアキム、エホヤキン (彼の息子)、ゼデキヤ (エホヤキンの叔父) は皆、「主の目に悪と映った」のです (36:5,9,12)。
The sad history of the people of God continues in today’s passage. Human nature is unchanged. There were fights, battles, quarrelling, attacks and war (35:20–21). Josiah was succeeded by kings who did not follow his good example. Jehoakim, Jehoiachin (his son) and Zedekiah (Jehoiachin’s uncle) all ‘did evil in the eyes of the Lord’ (36:5,9,12).

Zedekiah’s problem, like the others, was that he was ‘stiff-necked and hardened his heart and would not turn to the Lord’ (v.13). Being stiff-necked is a powerful illustration of pride – refusing to bow the head before God. Hardening the heart is a description of how we can resist the Holy Spirit.

「神は…繰り返し警告のメッセージを彼らに送った。神は民と神殿の両方に対する憐れみから、彼らに可能な限りのチャンスを与えようとした。しかし彼らは耳を傾けなかった」(歴代誌下 36:15、MSG)。今日の多くの人々のように、「彼らは神の使者をあざけり、メッセージ自体を軽蔑し、一般的に預言者を馬鹿のように扱った」(16節、MSG)。最終的に、神は彼らを当時の大国、バビロン(現在のイラク)とペルシャ(現在のイラン)に引き渡した(17節)。
‘God… repeatedly sent warning messages to them. Out of compassion for both his people and his Temple he wanted to give them every chance possible. But they wouldn’t listen’ (2 Chronicles 36:15, MSG). Like many people today ‘they poked fun at God’s messengers, despised the message itself, and in general treated the prophets like idiots’ (v.16, MSG). Eventually, God handed them over (v.17) to the great powers of that day – Babylon (modern day Iraq) and Persia (modern day Iran).

歴代誌は、わずかな希望の兆しで終わります。今日の箇所には、紀元前 597 年のエルサレムと神殿の破壊と流刑の記述が含まれていますが、紀元前 538 年に始まった復興と再建の希望で終わります。
The book of Chronicles ends with a slight note of hope. The passage for today includes a description of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 597 BC and the exile, but it ends with the hope of restoration and rebuilding that began in 538 BC.

この回復は、私たちの主イエス・キリストを通して起こるより大きな希望を指し示していました。旧約の働きは、イエスと聖霊の働きによってはるかに超えられるはずでした。私たちの希望は、まったく異なるレベルのものです。パウロは「この希望を持っているので、私たちは非常に大胆です」(コリント人への手紙二 3:12)と書いています。それは、主の栄光を反映し、ますます栄光を増しながら主の似姿に変えられるという希望です(18節)。
This restoration pointed towards the greater hope of what was to happen through Jesus Christ our Lord. The ministry of the old covenant was to be far exceeded by the ministry of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Our hope is of a totally different order. Paul writes ‘since we have this hope we are very bold’ (2 Corinthians 3:12). It is the hope of reflecting the Lord’s glory and being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory (v.18).

Lord, thank you for the hope that we have, which is so much greater than anyone had even thought or imagined. Thank you that I can gaze at the face of Jesus. Thank you that I can reflect the Lord’s glory and be transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory.



Pippa Adds
In 2 Corinthians 3:18 it says:

‘And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’

Without change, there is no growth.

真の隣人A True Neighbor

2024-08-27 06:18:18 | 日記
ガラテヤ人への手紙 5:14 NIV [14] 律法全体は、この一つの戒めを守ることによって全うされるからです。「隣人をあなた自身のように愛しなさい。」
Galatians 5:14 NIV [14] For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”




ガラテヤ人への手紙 5:14 NLT

パウロの言葉は、イエスが最も重要な戒めは何かと尋ねられたときに与えられた戒めを反映しています(マタイ 22:37-40)。どちらも本質的に言っているのは、すべてを尽くして神を愛することを超えて、隣人を自分のように愛すべきだということです。

あるユダヤ人の宗教法の専門家がかつてイエスに尋ねました。「私の隣人とは誰ですか?」(ルカ 10:29)そこでイエスは、道端で殴られて死にそうになっていた男の話を彼に話しました。 祭司もレビ人もその男を無視して通り過ぎましたが、彼の治癒を助けるために時間とお金を犠牲にしたのはサマリア人でした。


あなたはどのように自分を愛していますか? 何らかのニーズがあるときは、それを満たすために一生懸命働きます。自分をどう扱うかを考える必要はありません。それはあなたがしていることです。私たちが無意識に自分自身に示す気遣いは、他の人を気遣う方法でもあります。

自分を愛するように隣人を愛するにはどうすればいいですか? 誰かが家や仕事、子供のことで助けを必要としているなら、喜んで奉仕することができます。家族が経済的に苦しんでいるなら、惜しみなく与えることができます。 あなたの人生に、敬虔な模範となるべき人がいない人がいるなら、あなたはその隙間を埋めることができます。



A True Neighbor

Have you ever wondered: “What does God want me to do?”

If you’re looking for a verse that summarizes the commands in both the Old and New Testaments, here’s what Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia…

“For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Galatians 5:14 NLT

Paul’s words echo a command Jesus gave when He was asked what the most important commandment was (Matthew 22:37-40). What they’re both essentially saying is: beyond loving God with everything in you, you should love your neighbor as yourself.

Who is your neighbor? A Jewish expert in religious law once asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29) So Jesus told him a story about a man who was beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. Both a priest and a Levite walked by and ignored the man—but it was a Samaritan who sacrificed his time and money to help him heal.

For many reasons, Samaritans were despised by Jews. But that didn’t stop the Samaritan in this story from showing compassion. What Jesus wanted the Jewish expert (and us) to hear is that anyone, anywhere is our neighbor—and everyone is worthy of our sacrificial love.

How do you love yourself? When you have a need of any kind, you work hard to meet it. You don’t have to think about how to treat yourself; it’s just something you do. The care we unconsciously show ourselves is also how we should care for others.

How can you love your neighbor as you love yourself? If someone needs help with their home, job, or children, you can serve joyfully. If a family is struggling financially, you can give generously. If there’s someone in your life who doesn’t have a godly example to look up to, you can step into the gap.

Being a true neighbor is not always convenient and it will likely cost you, but you can still choose to love them as you love yourself. And when you serve others in this way, you are serving Jesus, too.

Today, take a moment to consider the people around you who could use your help. Then, ask God to reveal how you can love and serve them this week.

A Prayer to Love Others

Jesus, You showed me what love means when You sacrificed Yourself to save us. Please give me the boldness to love others like You have loved me. Make me aware of Your Holy Spirit, and show me what other people need. Allow me to meet the needs of others by loving them sacrificially. Amen.