+1 (844) 266-4271 is a scam phone number. Do not engage with it.
This number called my mobile phone.
The +1 is the country code for international calls originating from the United States.
I do not have any acquaintances or friends in the U.S. with this phone number.
As soon as I saw this unfamiliar number on my caller ID, I instinctively realized it was a scam call and did not answer.
After the ringing stopped, a voicemail was left.
Thinking of this as an experience, I decided to listen to the voicemail.
The recording said:
"NTT Finance has an unpaid balance, so legal action will be taken.
If you want to be connected to an operator, press 1."
That’s what the automated voice stated.
Of course, I have no unpaid balances, and it’s unthinkable that a collection call for unpaid bills would come from the U.S. in the first place.
In any case, ignoring it is the only option.